Scottish Workforce & Staff Governance Committee
Friday 26th October 2012
Conference Room 3, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh
Present:John Connaghan, Scottish Government (Chair)
John Boland, Unite
John Callaghan, Society of Chiropodists & Podiatrists
John Davidson, Scottish Government
Joyce Davison, British Medical Association
Stuart Donnelly (for Michael Brown), Royal College of Nursing
David Forbes, Unison
Gordon Jamieson, NHS Western Isles
Gordon McKay, Unison
Gerry McLaughlin, NHS Health Scotland
Jackie Mitchell, RoyalCollege of Midwives
Norman Provan, Royal College of Nursing, Chair
Shirley Rogers, Scottish Government
Claire Ronald, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Elizabeth Stow, Society of Radiographers
In Attendance:Marilyn Barrett, Scottish Government (Agenda tem 6)
Gordon Currie, Scottish Government
Debbie Donald, Scottish Government (Agenda Item 7)
Janice Lennen, Scottish Government (Minute taker)
Liz Reilly, NHS Tayside (Agenda Item 3)
Alison Taylor,Scottish Government (Agenda Item 4)
Grant Hughes, Scottish Government (Agenda Item 4)
Fiona MacKenzie, Scottish Government
Apologies: Jane Anderson, Unison
Michael Brown, Royal College of Nursing
Lynne Douglas, NHS Lothian
Gavin Fergie, Unite
Anne Gent, NHS Highland
Jane Hamilton, Scottish Government
Donald Harley, BMA
Pauline Howie, Scottish AmbulanceService
Shirley Johnston, Amicus
Sandra-Dee Mason, Unison
PamelaMcLaughlan, Scottish Ambulance Service,
Rose Anne O’Shea, Scottish Government
Ian Reid, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Kenny Small, NHS Lanarkshire
Anne Thomson, Royal College of Nursing
Rhoda Walker, NHS Orkney
Gary Wilson, Employee Directors Group
Dorothy Wright, NHS Education for Scotland
Agenda Item 1 – Welcome, introductions and apologies
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Members were informed of the list of apologies (noted above) and that the meeting today was not quorate. Members agreed that since none of the agenda items called for decisions to be made, the meeting should continue.
Action:Scottish Government to review current Quorum and attendance guidelines.
Action:Scottish Government to encourage Employers to send deputies to meetings if they are unable to attend personally.
Agenda Item 2 – Minute of meeting held on 13 July 2012
The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed, by theCommittee.
Progress on the action points was noted as follows:
Liz Reilly to ensure that the published literature review (Staff Experience Project) is issued to all NHS Boards. Complete
SWAG Committee Co-Chairs to write to NHS Boards to raise awareness of the proposal for implementation of KSF. Ongoing. Norman Provan committed to complete this action.
John Nicholls to discuss resources to support implementation of KSF with Scottish Government colleagues. Complete.
SWAG Secretariat to prepare a paper for the Cabinet Secretary outlining their proposal developing a strategy for embedding and promoting processes for staff that need to raise concerns in the workplace, including Whistleblowing. Original action point complete. Cabinet secretary asked for further advice and this is on the SWAG Secretariat agendalater today.
NES to be invited to consider Careers in Transition from the perspective of proof of concept and possible alternative means of delivery. Report back to SWAG Committee. Ongoing. Brian Durward and John Davidson are meeting to discuss and will report back to the Committee in January 2013.
Employee Directors Role, SWAG Secretariat to discuss how best to take forward and report back at the future SWAG Committee meeting. Ongoing.Ian Reid and Edwina Cameron are working together to further develop the paper.
20:20 Workforce Vision, Marilyn Barrett to prepare a progress paper for the next SWAG Committee meeting. Complete. On Agenda.
Rose Ann O’Shea to circulate the draft programme for the Regulatory Event to SWAG Committee for comment by e-mail. Complete.
Action:Liz Reilly to issue the published Staff Experience literature review and Long Term Recommendations to SWAG Committee. Completed.
Agenda Item 3 – Staff experience Project
Liz Reilly presented an update on the Staff Experience Project. During this and the subsequent discussion the following points were noted:
The aim of the project is to develop tools for monitoring staff and patient experience and may inform/replace the existing staff survey;
A Staff Experience Framework has been developed and signed off by the Staff Experience Steering Group;
A staff Experience Definition has been developed and signed off by the Staff Experience Steering Group;
The Staff Experience Framework is in the testing phase;
Two tools have been developed: -
- Bespoke staff survey, with input from workforce and poses only 20 questions to staff;
- Team Vitality and Care Questionnaire which was an existing tool, has been further developed in line with the Staff Experience Framework;
Three Boards were involved in the 1st and four Boards in the 2nd Pilot testing of products. Four Boards will be involved in the 3rdPilot;
The bespoke staff survey will be validated by a ScottishUniversityand team vitality will be validated internally;
This project has close links to the Person Centredness project and John Davidson has linked in with that work;
Need a better matrix for holding Boards to account for staff governance;
It was noted that, if this piece of work replaces the current staff survey, then SWAG Committee would need an in-depth understanding of this work.
Outcome – Progress noted.
Action: Liz Reilly to provide a written reportto SWAG Committee members.
Action: Presentation of the project outputs at the January SWAG Committee.
Action: SWAG Secretariat to consider, in light of the written report, the need for an in-depth presentation at the January SWAG Committee.
Agenda Item 4 – Integration Health and Social Care
A paper outlining progress on legislation to integrate adult health and social care was circulated in advance of the meeting. Alison Taylor and Grant Hughes discussed the following points with the Committee:
Consultation now closed and work is in progress to analyse the responses. Results will be published in due course. All responses where permission has been given will be published on the Scottish Government web site;
Work to address joint accountability, terms and conditions, pay and HR integration is ongoing;
The HR Short Life Working Group (SLWG) has been established to take forward the work on workforce issuesaround integration. Terms of reference and group membership has been agreed ;
The SLWG is consideringthe tasks needed for progressing the Bill;
The Bill is expected to be introduced in Parliament in June or September 2013 with Royal Assent expected in 2014;
Staff Governance should not be diluted as a result of integration with local authorities and the private/voluntary sectors.
Outcome – Progress noted.
Agenda Item 5 – Staff Governance Standard - Monitoring
John Davidson provided an update to the Committee on the Staff Governance Monitoring arrangements. During this and the subsequent discussion the following points were noted:
The revised Staff Governance Standard was launched in June 2012;
The Staff Governance Review Group has been reconvened to work on the monitoring arrangements. This work is coming to a conclusion with guidelines and self assessment monitoring tool having been designed;
The monitoring tool will go for consultation at the end of November 2012 with a view to bring back to SWAG in January 2013;
Aim is for Boards to start to use the monitoring tool early in 2013.
Outcome – Progress noted.
Agenda Item 6 – 20:20 Workforce Vision
Marilyn Barrett circulated a paper in advance of the meeting. During this and the subsequent discussion the following key points were raised:
Overall approach has been agreed by Chief Executives and NHS Chairs and was presented at the last SWAG Committee meeting;
Delivery mechanisms and infrastructure now in place to move forward;
The Programme Board has beenestablished and the first meeting took place on 23 October. The terms of reference for this groupare in the process of being agreed.;
Consideration to be given to a staff side representative on the Modernisation and Capacity Workstream;
Key to success is to continue to engage so people feel that have been involved in the development of the Vision;
Working towards launching the 20:20 Workforce Vision in June 2013 at the NHSScotland Event;
Any major developments between meetings will be shared with SWAG;
The 2020 Workforce Vision needs to address workforce development and transformation;
Outcome: Progress noted.
Action:Marilyn to circulate an update on the 3 workstreams to the Committee.
Action:20:20 Workforce Vision will be a standing item at future SWAG Committee meetings and a substantial discussion item at the January 2013 meeting..
Action:Marilyn toconsider a staff side representative on the Modernisation and Capacity Workstream.
Agenda Item 7 – Pan Scotland Workforce Planning
Debbie Donald presented an update on the Pan Scotland Workforce Planning. During this and the subsequent discussion the following points were noted:
The National Workforce Planning Forum was established after gaps in planning intelligence was identified across Pan Scotland;
The Forum will:
- Capitalise on available workforce planning expertise, information and intelligence to develop Pan Scotland workforce planning;
- Develop and make recommendations to establish an NHSScotland workforce profile;
- Share intelligence on NHSScotland roles, team structure, deployment and current & future configuration;
- Agree models & methodologies to provide national supply and demand profiles;
- Make recommendations to capitalise on and develop NHS Workforce data to improve reporting and better inform decisions, and future modelling;
- Identify potential areas of risk;
- Make recommendations for modelling and scenario planning;
- Report information which identifies predicted future models of care;
The focus on workforce planning and the development of Pan Scotland approach is a key deliverable of the 20:20 Workforce Vision for NHSScotland;
Concerns expressed around the number of Specialists drawn from the Generalist workforce leaving them short;
Concerns expressed about workforce shortages in some disciplines that exist now;
The Family Nurse Partnership paper is a good example of specialisation having a challenging impact on workforce planning.
Outcome: Progress and concerns noted.
Action: A detailed discussion around Family Nurse Partnership to be carried forward to next SWAG Committee meeting.
Agenda Item 8 – AOB
There were no further issues raised.
Date of Next Meeting
The next SWAG Committee meeting is on Friday 11th January 2013, 10:00 to 12.30, Victoria Quay, Conference Room 2.
Health Workforce and Performance Directorate
Staff Governance and Employee Experience
T: 0131-244 3204
E: . gov.uk