St Albans Area Junior PHAB Club
Charity Number: 282800
- The Club shall be called the “St Albans Area Junior PHAB Club”.
- The objects of the Club shall be for the benefit of children and young people in St Albans and other surrounding areas who have disabilities, and to provide activities which can be accessed by all in a safe and friendly environment.
- The Committee may provide financial assistance to individual members of the Club that will enable them and their families to enjoy recreational and leisure activities conducive to the main objects of the Club.
- The Club shall have the power to raise funds to support the objects of the Club and to do any lawful thing that may be conducive to the attainment of those objects.
- Membership of the Club shall be open to disabled children and their friends. Carers, parents and the Committee shall also be members. The ratio of disabled to able bodied members shall not be fixed but may be regulated by the Committee if necessary. The Secretary shall maintain a register of membership.
- The management of the Club shall be vested in a committee, which shall consist of a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and as many other members as the chairperson deems suitable. All offices shall be held in an honorary capacity. All members holding office will be elected to the committee at the Annual General Meeting of the club and will hold office for one year after which they can be re-elected. Not withstanding, the committee may appoint other members to join the committee as is necessary. These members shall also hold office until the next Annual General Meeting.
- Committee meetings shall be held not less than four times each year.
- At both committee meetings and general meetings, one of the officers plus two other members, who may also be officers, shall constitute a quorum.
- The Treasurer shall maintain records of all financial transactions and present a report to each committee meeting. The annual accounts will be put before the members for approval at each Annual General Meeting in accordance with the requirements of the Charities Act 1995, or any subsequent Act.
- The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held after the winter activities are carried out each year for the purpose of electing the Officers and Committee and to approve the accounts. Other items for the agenda shall be given in writing to the Secretary prior to the meeting and any other business may be taken at the discretion of the Chairperson.
- Notice of an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting shall be distributed to all Club members and members of the Committee at least fourteen days in advance of such meeting. Each member present at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting shall have one vote. Any notice sent to a member shall be deemed to have been sent to the whole family.
- In the event of dissolution any residue remaining in Club funds shall be distributed to any other Phab club in the area or to the Phab Foundation treasurer as decided by a general meeting of the Club.
- The Constitution shall only be altered at an Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose. All members shall be given a copy of the proposed alterations in writing at least fourteen days before the date of such meeting. At least two thirds of those present and eligible to vote must approve the alterations. No amendment shall be made which would cause the Club to cease to be a charity. No amendments shall be made to the Clubs objects (2 above), the rules on dissolution (12 above), or this clause without receiving the prior consent of the Charity Commissioners.
An amendment was made to Section 10 and adopted at an Extraordinary General Meeting, held on 15th October 2009.