Evidenced Based Practices Policy Team Meeting
Minutes 7/15/04
Policy Team Mission Statement:
To provide leadership that promotes and sustains
the statewide use of Evidence Based Practices.
Present: Chris Bray, Jerry Clay, Jill Carlson, Terry Carlson, J Hancuch, Lynn Dingle, Don Ilse, Swantje Willers, Steve Paquay (for John Klavins), and Sue Stacey. Chaired by J Hancuch. Notes by Sue Stacey. Please bring your feedback and comments to the next meeting or else send them to Sue to take to the meeting.
Agenda Item / Discussion Summary / Consensus/Decisions/Next StepsDiscuss and finalize the vision draft by Chris / Group discussed the need for a vision and felt a need to finalize it quickly so as to move on to concrete goals. / Vision Statement: Evidence Based Practices is the Minnesota model.
Discuss and prioritize 2 or 3 issues that EBP team will tackle for the next year / · Reviewed diagram of Policy Team’s roles re: MACCSS, 3 systems, networks and other corrections groups.
· EBP Policy Team overlaps other groups (e.g., MACCSS) but is needed as a stable, ongoing promoter of EBP.
· Biggest challenge is how to pull in the other best practices/corrections groups to draw on their expertise without alienating them.
· We need to hear from the 5 EBP networks soon, and Team can be great support for networks.
· Policy Team needs to set up implementation structure to provide a service.
· Could put on trainings in partnership with membership orgs who might be able to contribute funding for trainers.
· Policy Team could become the NIC of MN – the “Go To People” of EBP.
· Team could develop EBP parameters or recommended standards in the future. / Drafted Twelve Month Goals:
· Establish the Policy Team – form partnerships with existing groups and increase Team’s visibility.
· Advance EBP training; tentative plan to put on 2 EBP trainings.
· Gather data/information (about EBP and actual practice implementation and barriers) from the networks, other stakeholders, and EBP user/non-user agencies.
· Make Policy Team the advocates and driving force for EBP in MN.
Next Step: Sue will contact the 5 networks to introduce Policy Team and ask them to make presentations, at Aug. or Sept. Team meetings, on:
· Brief history of network, membership, purpose
· Sharing of their products developed in past few years, e.g., ideal world practice characteristics developed for CSAC
· How would you like to see your best practice provided/ used, ideally, in MN?
· What standards would you suggest agencies adopt right now re: your practice?
Note: the Policy Team will explain its goals and interest in working with the networks, and offer to share earlier survey results.
Agenda Item / Discussion Summary / Consensus/Decisions/Next Steps
Stages of Change model as applicable to organizations / Review of Prochaska’s Stages of Change model describing an individual’s mindset phases before, during and after making behavioral changes. Discussion of John Klavins’s point at last meeting that organizations go through the same stages in making significant changes. / Policy Team will refer back to the Stages of Change model in dealing with issues of managing organizational change to fully implement EBP.
NIC consultants – next visit and agenda / We do not need their help until at least after we gather information from the networks and others. / Sue will stay in touch with the consultants and will pass on their messages to Team and meeting notes to consultants.
Group acknowledged that because MN is more grassroots oriented than other states, the Team will not be mandating agency compliance with EBP, and will develop EBP parameters in Year 2 rather than Year 1.
Legislature / Team may want to organize all 3 systems making same/joint request to Legislature next session for some EBP funding for Team events. Even if unsuccessful this time it could improve chance of success next time! / Consider at next meeting.
Next Meetings: August 19, 2004 and September 16, 2004 – both at 9:00am-12:00pm in DOC central office (St. Paul).
Agenda for 8/19:
Ø Any final feedback on the vision from those not at July meeting? (Finalize it!)
Ø Clarification of and final feedback on the Drafted 12 Month Goals. (Finalize them!)
Ø Presentations by 2 or 3 statewide best practices networks
Ø Policy Team will explain to network representatives our goals and ask them how Team and networks could work together
Ø Consideration of whether to ask Legislature for EBP funding this coming session