Baylor Round Table
Executive Board meeting
April 12, 2012
Clifton Robinson Tower, room 455
Meeting called to order at 12:00 pm
Members present: Jaylie Beckenhauer, Carroll Bonner, Jennifer Borderud, Julie Covington, Paulette Edwards, Lois Ferguson, Sandra C. Lené, Corrie Logan, Lorin Matthews, Ann May, Nancy McKinney, Joyce Packard, Martha Lou Scott, Alice Starr, Chris Wilkins, Carol Schuetz.
President Julie Covington welcomed everyone and opened the meeting with a prayer.
Old business:
Website taskforce:
The Website Taskforce has been working to make updates and changes to the Baylor Round Table website:
- The header and side bar now match those on the Baylor University website.
- The registration forms are now online and can be used to register for the Style Show luncheon and other Round Table events.
- The Membership page will have an online form hopefully this month. This form will allow members to join Baylor Round Table or renew their membership.
- The meeting minutes have been updated and the newsletters for years 2004-2007 as well as the e-newsletters for 2010-2012 are available online.
- Descriptions for the interest groups will be added and this will serve as the model for the next year.
- A link for scholarship contributions has been added
Approval for February meeting minutes:
A motion for the approval of the February Executive board meeting minutes was brought by Ann May and seconded by Corrie Logan.
February Program:
The February program had a medium turnout. The program was well presented with several groups present to inform Round Table members about volunteer opportunities within the community.
Anniversary Luncheon:
There were 81 reservations for the Anniversary luncheon with 76 members in attendance. The program was very good and audio recordings were made of some of the First Ladies’ memories of Baylor. An article will be in the Lariat concerning this event. The committee came in under budget for the luncheon.
Independence trip:
A bus-full of people went on the trip to Independence. A stop was made to see the Star of the Republic museum. Once members arrived in Independence, they were treated to lunch at the Baptist church, heard the Line Camp program, went to Wind Mill Hill and had a trip to the Rose Emporium. The trip was well planned and enjoyable with a Baylor Trivia challenge on the trip down and a film about Texas coming home. The committee planning the trip was able to come in under budget.
New Business:
San Jacinto Day - This will be a fun event. Please encourage those you know to attend. Spouses are welcome. We currently have 43 people registered and 2 entries for the Salsa contest.
Style Show luncheon - Preparations are moving along for this event. Door prizes are being collected. 12 adults, 4 children and1 Baylor senior are signed up to be models. There will be a slide show of all garments made by Baylor students in the Family and Consumer Sciences department. This slide show will be running as people come in to be seated for the luncheon. Baylor students will model garments made by 3 students. The Belk manager is pulling clothes for the models to look at and choose from for the style show. Larry Dagley at Circle Hardware is helping with the Maypoles for the table decorations. Members will be asked for their May Day traditions. The online form is now up and ready for members to use to make reservations for the style show. We have a scholarship recipient for this year who will be introduced at the Style Show luncheon.
Historian Amber Adamson is working on a Shutterfly page for Round Table. People will be present to take pictures at the San Jacinto Day event and the Style Show/Scholarship luncheon. A group picture of current board members will be taken at the Style Show (one was taken at the Anniversary luncheon, but not all board members were present). Logistic for this was discussed - when the picture would be taken (before or after). If members knew when to arrive, maybe 11:00 or 11:15am, the picture could be taken before the luncheon. It was decided for board members to arrive at 11:15 to have the group picture taken.
(Vice-President)Paulette Edwards – Paulette is busy working on committee assignments and has been working with Patricia Pack on things for next year.
(Publicity)Ann May – We will have coverage for the upcoming Round Table events
(Interest Groups)Carroll Bonner – Members are still participating in Interest groups.
(Membership)Sandra Lené – No new members have been added. Since it is close to the end of the year, any now will be grandfathered in for the next year.
Julie Covington - Baylor Round Table member Katie Stokes had recently passed away. When should we do the tribute for her? Martha Lou Scott suggested that Kathy Hillman do the tribute. It was suggested that the tribute be read at the Style Show luncheon.
Julie also reminded board members that To Do Lists are due at our next board meeting, May 24. Please be sure to have these done and bring them to the last meeting of the year. These lists will be a big help to whoever has your position next.
Dates to remember:
April 24 – San Jacinto day event
May 1 - Style Show/ Scholarship luncheon
May 24 – Executive Board meeting
Meeting was adjourned at 12:40pm
Minutes respectfully submitted,
Carol Schuetz, Recording Secretary, 2011-2012