TROUBLING STAR by Madeline L’Engle
Choose two questions from each level. Answer each question using details and examples from the story.
Level 1
- What is Vicky’s wonderful gift from Adam’s great-aunt?
- What was Prince Otto trying to do for his country?
- Did Vicky trust Cook? How do you know?
- From where is Vicky telling her story?
Level 2
- Describe how San Sebastian changed from the time of El Zarco to the rule of Guedder.
- Summarize why all of the people are going to Antarctica.
- Tell in your own words about the economic climate in Zlatovica.
- Explain why Vicky Scotch taped her zipper.
Level 3
- Would you have shown your parents the letter and postcard? Why or why not”
- Would you have written to Adam as openly as Vicky did?
- At what point would you have understood Esteban’s role?
- Can you show that Vicky was well-warned of danger? Explain
Level 4
- How is the Argosy like a world?
- Analyze the consequences of the Spanish teacher’s connection to the Vespagian.
- Compare/contrast how Otto and Esteban change.
- Discuss Esteban as a “patriot.”
- Speculate on the importance of Adam’s “brush-off” letter to Vicky’s subsequent actions.
- How would your parents’ reaction compare to Vicky’s parents’ reaction concerning permission for the trip?
Level 5
- Draw a map of and plot Vicky’s route of travel from her home state to Le Noir Station.
- Write a 300 word essay to inform your class about penguins.
- How could the story change if Esteban knew English better?
- Write an article for the Business Section of your hometown newspaper based on the facts you learned about Antarctica in the story. The title of your article is “Antarctica: New Frontier.”
- Put together 10 to 15 interview questions to ask Guedder about his plan for the Antarctic. Be sure your questions get at the facts.
- Develop a better warning from Adam to Vicky, if one is possible.
Level 6
- Who is the villain in the story? Explain
- Do patriots make the best soldiers? Explain
- Criticize blind nationalism.
- Justify keeping Antarctica a world preserve and outline a plan.
- What do you think of Vicky’s intelligence? Explain
- Would the story have been better if Vicky did not tell it from the iceberg? Where else could she tell it from? Explain.