Ontario Genomics SPARK Program 2016: Microbiome Competition

Application Form

General Instructions

Applications must be submitted electronically to no later than 9.00 a.m. on Tuesday, November 1, 2016. Note: Combine all relevant documents as a single PDF file referencing SPARK 2016 in the subject line of the e-mail.

Incomplete applications or applications that do not fall within the specific microbiome and genomics focus of the program and fit within the eligibility criteria of the competition will be disqualified from moving forward.

Refer to: Ontario Genomics SPARK 2016 Microbiome Competition Program Guidelines for specifics of this funding competition.

Application forms should be single-spaced, top and bottom margins of a minimum of 1.7 cm and left and right margins of a minimum of 2.5 cm. Arial 10 point font must be used. Page limits of individual sections do not include instructions.

If you require more information, have questions or would like to discuss your project idea please contact Elaine Corbett, Senior Manager, Business Development Research at . Further information can be found at the SPARK program website at: www.ontariogenomics.ca/SPARK

Information Sharing

By submitting this application, the applicants acknowledge that the proposal will be shared with Ontario Genomics staff and a qualified panel of external experts (under NDA). Information from successful applications (i.e. name of lead applicant(s), title of project, lay summary and amount supported) will be requested from the applicants and shall be posted on the Ontario Genomics Website and shared through social media.

Meaning of Signatures

Signatures of the applicants and authorized representative(s) of the lead organization confirm that this application has been reviewed and approved for submission to Ontario Genomics. Those signing the application also agree to commonly accepted guidelines with respect to ethical, environmental and safety requirements that apply to the project outlined in this application and are hereby accepted by all parties.


I Signature Page 3

II Research Area(s) and Keywords 4

III Other Funding 4

IV Summary 5

V Research Propsosal 6

VI Applicant(s) 7

VII Future Plans 8

VIII Budget and Justification 9

I Signature Page

Project Title:
Date of Submission:
Amount requested: / $
Duration of Project:[2]
Lead Applicant[3] / Co-applicant[4]
Name / Name
Affiliation / Affiliation
Address / Address
Telephone / Telephone
E-mail / E-mail
Date / Date
Signature / Signature

Certification Requirements

Applicants proposing to perform research that requires certification (e.g. research involving animals, biohazards, radioactive materials or possible effects on the environment) must obtain the appropriate certification for the proposed project and submit them to Ontario Genomics. Please check any/all of the appropriate box(es) below:
Animals / Biohazards / Environmental Assessment / Radioactive Materials
Other / If other, please specify:

Lead Organization (CEO, President or authorized representative)


II Research Areas and Keywords

Provide a maximum of five (5) words or phrases that describe the project idea(s), proposed research, methods and technologies to be used, sector and potential application for the proposed investigations.


III Other Funding

Applicants acknowledge that at the time of application they do not have other means to fund this research, the research is independent of current funding or is incremental to funded projects. If other funds do become available prior to the start of the project, applicants must notify Ontario Genomics.
No other funding available for the proposed work. / Other funding has been applied for, but not yet awarded.

IV Summary

Maximum 0.5 page

Provide a brief summary describing the proposed research, its innovative nature, how the results of this project could enhance our knowledge of microbiomes and the anticipated long-term potential outcomes and impact for Ontario

V Research Proposal:

Maximum 3 pages, & 1 page figures and/or tables

Address all relevant criteria as described in the SPARK 2016 Microbiome Competition Program Guidelines (specifically refer to: Purpose, Program Description, Eligibility and Evaluation Criteria)

It should include:

·  Goals, expected deliverable(s) and timeline (within the 6-12 month project) of the proposed genomics research

·  How the research fits within the intent of SPARK 2016 and the specific microbiome focus of the program (see Purpose and Program Description above).

·  The idea, proposed research and methodologies

·  Expected outcomes of the research, how they will improve our knowledge and understanding of microbiomes, and could create innovative tools, solutions and resources that could eventually benefit Ontario

·  The ability to immediately commence the project once funding is provided, and how the proposed research could facilitate follow-on investment, funding, partnerships etc.

VI Applicant(s)

Maximum 0.5 page

Provide a concise description of the applicant(s) background and qualifications. List and provide links for up to three (3) publications that support the applicant’s ability to meet the objectives of this project. A link to the applicants LinkedIn profile or faculty webpage can also be provided.

Note: It is not necessary for the applicant(s) to have performed research in this area before, only that the applicants demonstrate their capability to meet their proposed goal(s) and where possible demonstrate a track record of the applicants(s) in bringing forward innovative ideas.

VII Future Plans

Maximum 0.5 page

Include a brief description of outcomes, future research, follow-on investment or funding plans, industry/end-user engagement and how this initial research program could potentially feed into future studies/activities whose outcomes could be transferred, disseminated, potentially used, and/or applied to realize the long-term impact.

VIII Budget and Justification

Provide a research budget up to a maximum of $25,000 and a brief description of how the funds will be spent. Note: due to the short duration of the project it is expected that funds should be spent primarily on salaries and consumables

Category / Amount ($) / Description/Justification
General Administrative[5]

Project Title Applicant 1

[1] Prior to submission, please update page numbers in the table of contents by right-clicking and pressing update field.

[2] Expected duration of projects is six-twelve (6-12) months.

[3] Lead Applicant must be an academic/research Principal Investigator (PI).

[4] Co-applicant: could be an academic/research PI, industry partner/scientist, post-doctoral fellow, graduate student, or other individual that will be essential to the success of the project.

[5]5, Note: PI salary and institutional overhead are not eligible expenses