Aleph Cataloguing/Authorities Conversion Work Group
Recognition of deleted NOTIS records
Authority records with deleted status:
If the NOTIS STAT 2nd position (leader/05) is D: the authority record is deleted. Do not migrate deleted authority records.
Bibliographic records with deleted status:
If the NOTIS STAT 2nd position (leader/05) is D, C, F, M, N (in CAPS): the bibliographic record is deleted. (Codes C, F, M, N mean that the record has, or once had, a closed order record attached to it.)
Since deleted bibliographic records may be linked to a closed order record which needs to be retained for Acquisitions, migrate them as logically deleted records in Aleph using the STA::$$aDELETED field.
Ex. AEL9023, AGF3895 in the sample base are deleted records.
Copy statements with deleted status:
A copy statement with classification type Z represents a deleted copy.
Ex. ABK8053 statements 1 and 3 are deleted
BEA6964 statement 2 is deleted
ACA9343 statement 2 is deleted
Any NOTIS MHLD records linked to them should be discarded regardless of status, any NOTIS ITEM records linked to them should be discarded regardless of status.
Ex. AAF2019 statement 2 has an MHLD attached to a Z copy statement
Since a copy statement with Z classification type may be linked to an order record (open or closed), create/migrate a HOL record for it which is suppressed in Aleph using the STA::$$aSUPPRESSED field.
(See: Acquisitions Conversion Report for ExLibris -- Jan. 11, 2000, Item #7)
MHLD records with deleted status:
An MHLD record with STAT (leader/05) d (lower case) is deleted.
If an MHLD record attached to an active copy statement is coded d, the fields in that MHLD should not be added to the HOL record for that copy statement during migration. Instead, a default HOL record should be created based on the copy statement.
ITEM records with deleted status:
If the item status (C00 item leader field, position 17) is d (deleted), o (orphaned), w (withdrawn) the item record should not be migrated. Migrate only active item records.
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