Odessa College Education Plan

Associate in Applied Science

Instrumentation and Electrical Technology

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TASP/Texas Success Initiative Status
Students are encouraged to begin with a Level I Certificate Plan
LEVEL I – I & E Tech Level I Certificate programs are TSI Waived (college entrance exams are NOT required)
Date Completed / Grade / Date Completed / Grade
CETT 1409
DC-AC Circuits / ELPT 1455
Electronic Applications
EEIR 1409
National Electrical Code / ELMT 2433
Industrial Electronics
PTAC 1432
Process Instrumentation I / IEIR 1410
Motor Controls
ELPT 2419
Programmable Logic Controllers / PTAC 2436
Process Instrumentation II
A total of 32 semester hours and a minimum grade point average of 2.0 are required for a Level I certificate.
LEVEL II – Advanced I&E Tech The 32 semester hours specified in the Level I Certificates –AND
Date Completed / Grade / Date Completed / Grade
Select OneCETT 2388 - Internship - Comp. Engineering Tech.CETT 1391 - Special Topics in Computer / INTC 1356
Instrumentation Calibration
INMT 1417
Industrial Automation / ELMT 2339
Advanced Programmable Logic
A total of 45 semester hours and a minimum grade point average of 2.0 are required for a Level II certificate.
AAS Degree - The 45 semester hours specified in Level II Certificate AND the following 15 semester credit hours.
Select OneENGL 1301 - Composition IENGL 1302 - Composition IIENGL 2311 - Technical and Business WritingSPCH 1311 - Introduction to Speech CommunicationSPCH 1315 - Public SpeakingSPCH 1318 - Interpersonal CommunicationSPCH 1321 - Business & Professional Communication / MATH 1333
Contemporary Mathematics II
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Select OneAGRI 2317 – Introduction to Agriculture EconomicsCOMM 1307 - Introduction to Mass CommunicationsECON 2301 - Principles of Economics I (Macro)ECON 2302 - Principles of Economics II (Micro)ECON 2311 - Economic GeographyGEOG 1301 - Physical GeographyGEOG 1302 - Cultural GeographyGEOG 1303 - World Regional GeographyGEOG 2312 - Economic GeographyPSYC 2301 - Introduction to PsychologyPSYC 2306 - Human SexualityPSYC 2308 - Child PsychologyPSYC 2314 - Lifespan Growth & DevelopmentPSYC 2319 Social PsychologySOCI 1301 - Principles of SociologySOCI 1306 - Social ProblemsSOCI 2301 - Marriage and the FamilySOCI 2306 - Human SexualitySOCI 2326 - Social PsychologySOCI 2336 - CriminologySOCI 2340 - Drug Use and Abuse / BCIS 1305
Business Computer Information
Language, Philosophy, & Culture
Select OneCOMM 2300 - Media LiteracyENGL 2321 - British LiteratureENGL 2322 - British Literature IENGL 2323 - British Literature IIENGL 2326 - American LiteratureENGL 2327 - American Literature IENGL 2328 - American Literature IIENGL 2331 - World LiteratureENGL 2341 - Forms of LiteratureENGL 2351 - Mexican-American LiteratureHIST 2311 - Western Civilizations IHIST 2312 - Western Civilizations IIHIST 2321 - World Civilizations IHIST 2322 - World Civilizations II OR Select OneHUMA 1301 - Introduction to Humanities IHUMA 1302 - Introduction to Humanities IIHUMA 1305 - Intro to Mexican-American StudiesHUMA 2319 - American Minority StudiesHUMA 2323 - World CulturesPHIL 1301 - Introduction to PhilosophyPHIL 1304 - Introduction to World ReligionsPHIL 2303 - Introduction to LogicPHIL 2306 - Introduction to EthicsSPAN 2311 - Intermediate Spanish ISPAN 2312 - Intermediate Spanish IISPAN 2313 - Spanish for Native Speakers ISPAN 2315 - Spanish for Native Speakers IISPAN 1411 - Beginning Spanish ISPAN 1412 - Beginning Spanish II
OR Creative Arts
Select OneARTS 1301 - Art AppreciationARTS 1303 - Art History IARTS 1304 - Art History IIENGL: 2307 - Creative Writing IMUSI 1301 - Fundamentals of Music IMUSI 1306 - Music AppreciationMUSI 1308 - Music Literature I / The AAS I & E Technology Degree at Odessa College Requires 60 Semester Credit Hours as outlined on this degree plan.

Revised: Effective Fall 2016/August 2016

Odessa College Education Plan

Associate in Applied Science

Instrumentation and Electrical Technology

Note: / Credit for electrical courses may be awarded by passing an advanced standing examination. Students with prior training or experience who wish to apply for advanced standing should contact the department chair.
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Odessa College Catalog / (Year/Page) / / / Email:
TASP/Texas Success Initiative Status
Students are encouraged to begin with a Level I Certificate Plan
LEVEL I – Wind Technology Level I Certificate programs are TSI Waived (college entrance exams are NOT required)
Date Completed / Grade / Date Completed / Grade
CETT 1409
DC-AC Circuits / IEIR 1410
Motor Controls
ELPT 2419
Programmable Logic Controllers / ELMT 1305
Basic Fluid Power
ELMT 2433
Industrial Electronics / ELPT 1455
Electronic Applications
WIND 1300
Introduction to Wind Energy / LEAD 2200
Corporate and Community Development with Critical Thinking
POFT 1120
Job Search Skills / A total of 29 semester hours and a minimum grade point average of 2.0 are required for this Level I certificate.
In addition to the course s in the Level I certificate, students who plan to transfer into an articulated program should also take the following block of General Education Courses.
Select OneENGL 1301 - Composition IENGL 1302 - Composition IIENGL 2311 - Technical and Business WritingSPCH 1311 - Introduction to Speech CommunicationSPCH 1315 - Public SpeakingSPCH 1318 - Interpersonal CommunicationSPCH 1321 - Business & Professional Communication / MATH 1333
Contemporary Mathematics II
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Select OneAGRI 2317 – Introduction to Agriculture EconomicsCOMM 1307 - Introduction to Mass CommunicationsECON 2301 - Principles of Economics I (Macro)ECON 2302 - Principles of Economics II (Micro)ECON 2311 - Economic GeographyGEOG 1301 - Physical GeographyGEOG 1302 - Cultural GeographyGEOG 1303 - World Regional GeographyGEOG 2312 - Economic GeographyPSYC 2301 - Introduction to PsychologyPSYC 2306 - Human SexualityPSYC 2308 - Child PsychologyPSYC 2314 - Lifespan Growth & DevelopmentPSYC 2319 Social PsychologySOCI 1301 - Principles of SociologySOCI 1306 - Social ProblemsSOCI 2301 - Marriage and the FamilySOCI 2306 - Human SexualitySOCI 2326 - Social PsychologySOCI 2336 - CriminologySOCI 2340 - Drug Use and Abuse / BCIS 1305
Business Computer Information
Language, Philosophy, & Culture
Select OneCOMM 2300 - Media LiteracyENGL 2321 - British LiteratureENGL 2322 - British Literature IENGL 2323 - British Literature IIENGL 2326 - American LiteratureENGL 2327 - American Literature IENGL 2328 - American Literature IIENGL 2331 - World LiteratureENGL 2341 - Forms of LiteratureENGL 2351 - Mexican-American LiteratureHIST 2311 - Western Civilizations IHIST 2312 - Western Civilizations IIHIST 2321 - World Civilizations IHIST 2322 - World Civilizations II OR Select OneHUMA 1301 - Introduction to Humanities IHUMA 1302 - Introduction to Humanities IIHUMA 1305 - Intro to Mexican-American StudiesHUMA 2319 - American Minority StudiesHUMA 2323 - World CulturesPHIL 1301 - Introduction to PhilosophyPHIL 1304 - Introduction to World ReligionsPHIL 2303 - Introduction to LogicPHIL 2306 - Introduction to EthicsSPAN 1311 - Beginning Spanish ISPAN 1312 - Beginning Spanish IISPAN 2311 - Intermediate Spanish ISPAN 2312 - Intermediate Spanish IISPAN 2313 - Spanish for Native Speakers ISPAN 2315 - Spanish for Native Speakers II
OR Creative Arts
Select OneARTS 1301 - Art AppreciationARTS 1303 - Art History IARTS 1304 - Art History IIENGL: 2307 - Creative Writing IMUSI 1301 - Fundamentals of Music IMUSI 1306 - Music AppreciationMUSI 1308 - Music Literature I
Note: / Credit for electrical courses may be awarded by passing an advanced standing examination. Students with prior training or experience who wish to apply for advanced standing should contact the department chair.

Revised: Effective Fall 2016/August 2016