“I attended one of their meetings and Father, I felt the spirit. Aren’t all religions basically the same?”
I first felt the spirit at St. John Bosco Football rallies. We were of one mind and heart united for a common cause. If the coach had ordered us to stop our opponents by running down Bellflower Boulevard and head-butting their busses at the freeway exit… to this day I believe all 900 of us students would have proudly gone.
College Football programs generally “generate” or “express” a spirit you can experience at tailgating across the country. Military units have a spirit, a brotherhood. In historical writings well before the time a Jesus’ birth, we have descriptions of groups united in a spirit for common purpose… whether it is the 300 Spartans who sacrifice their lives to slow the “unbeatable” Persian Armies at Thermopylea or the hundreds of priests of Baal who took on Elijah at Mount Carmel. “We’ve got spirit! Yes, we do!” People united in mind and heart can and do create a spirit It could be a theater company, a band, a gang or a business but one of the outcomes of a united group is “spirit.”
Some of us may remember the Reverend Jim Jones who beginning in 1956, in Indianapolis established “The People’s Temple.” After having moved to California in 1966 his church community finally settled in the remote jungles of Guyana. Their growth was fueled by the spirit of the community led by Rev. Jim… and even as they were given the poisoned Kool-Aid to drink, some still believed.
I guess this is why the gospels focus on “the Spirit of Jesus” and HIS “Advocate” who we generally call “the Holy Spirit.” St. Paul challenges Christians to DISCERN every spirit as they are not all of the Lord. “In contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.” (Galatians 5:22-23) St. John also had to deal with people filled with a different spirit which is why he is so focused on the importance of love, service and listening to the Good Shepherd’s voice… not false teachers who seek to use a flock for their own means and power.
All religions the same?
Investigate the life of the religion’s founder. The more you learn, you will understand why their followers often hide, are misled or aren’t taught about aspects of their founders lives. Having a spirit is not identical to having TRUTH.
I respect Buddhists and believe the Buddha to be a wise man worthy of imitation… but Christians believe that Jesus is not just a wise-man, but is truly the Son of God, came into the world, to free us from fear of death and slavery to sin, inviting us to become one in Him… and modeling for us the path of life. (Do what I do. Learn from me. I have set an example.) Jesus came to bring us SALVATION and has the God given authority to offer this.
Study the life of Jesus. Study the beginnings of HIS church. Learn how His community lived in mutual love… sharing and caring for one another and ministering especially to the poor… which remains our call. Although the Acts of the Apostles isn’t my favorite book of the Bible, this theme of love, forgiveness, concern and sharing … of loving one another as Jesus has loved us… is a central theme. Note how so many of those who knew Jesus, were willing to be lambs led to the slaughter because they had seen, heard and knew the TRUTH and the lived reality of being the Body of Christ.
For those attracted by the family spirit of the Mormons, investigate the life of Joseph Smith. For those attracted by the fervor of Muslims, investigate the life of Mohamed. For those attracted by the self-actualization of Scientology, investigate the life of L. Ron Hubbard. Sadly, self-proclaimed prophets and teachers continue to build houses on sand… that might look pretty now… but when the quake comes, will be swallowed up… as they are built on deceptions.
Jesus condemns no one for ignorance that is not our own doing. We are each judged by the “cards” we are dealt. We don’t choose our families. If they unintentionally misguide us… I believe that God will not condemn individuals for striving to be the best loving person one can be. But, in good conscience I could never be a Buddhists, a Mormon, a Moslem or a Scientologist… as I know the truth that is Jesus Christ.
All religions are not the same. Having a spirit and a book do not make a group of God. Islam and the Church of Latter Day Saints distort and rebrand who Jesus was and is. Scientology ignores and dismisses Jesus. The Buddha has a valid excuse as he lived before the Son of God was made flesh and dwelt among us. Christians know that Jesus is Lord and honor His Word… not voices and spirits that “correct” what Jesus said and did.
Be careful of where you go and groups you communion (spend time) with. Discern the best use of your time. If you open yourself to false teachers, you may be putting yourself at risk of being deceived. Discern and learn more about our God and His church built on the rock of Christ… not those founded by princes and men who can only offer promises without the authority of the Word of God made flesh: Jesus.