King’s College London and Imperial College London
CDT in Medical Imaging
Pre-application Form 2018/19
Personal detailsTitle (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr/Other):
First name:
Last name:
Email address:
Country of permanent residence:
Have you lived in the UK for more than three years? ☐Yes ☐No
Please note: The EPSRC funding available supports Home/EU students. EU students are only eligible for a full studentship if they have lived, worked or studied within the UK for 3 years prior to the funding commencing.
There will be studentships from other funding streams available to EU students who do not fulfil the residency requirement outlined above. There is also additional funding for 1 overseas student per year.
Academic record
A-level (or equivalent) results:
Name of degree programme:
Date of completion of degree:
Grades achieved to-date for each year (please include expected final degree result):
If undergraduate and postgraduate, please state both.
Please note that the standard entry requirement is a first degree of 2:1 or above (or the equivalent).
Please detail each module you have taken in your degree and the grade achieved:
Module Title / Grade Achieved
Research experience
Please tell us about any relevant research experience, including employment. (Maximum 200 words)
Research Area choice – see website for overview
Please indicate your first preference research area (check box for one research area)
☐ Image Acquisition
☐ Image Reconstruction
☐ Imaging Chemistry
☐ Imaging Biology
☐ Medical Image Computing
☐ Computational Modelling
Please indicate your second preference research area (check box for one research area)
☐ Image Acquisition
☐ Image Reconstruction
☐ Imaging Chemistry
☐ Imaging Biology
☐ Medical Image Computing
☐ Computational Modelling
Please note: This does not commit you to these research areas, but it is helps us to see which topics candidates are interested in.
Project Selection – see projects available
Please list three preferred projects (in no particular order; please indicate the number assigned to the project, the project title and lead supervisor).
Personal statement
Please tell us why you would like to apply to our Medical Imaging Centre for Doctoral Training. Why are you interested in the research areas you have chosen? What would you say makes you a good candidate?
(Maximum 500 words)
Additional details
Please let us know where you heard about these studentships (check all boxes that apply)
☐ CDT website
☐ King’s website
☐ Imperial website
☐ FindAPhD
☐ Promotional flyer via your university
☐ University recruitment website
☐ Supervisor
☐ Word of mouth
☐ Other
If “other”, please specify ______
Please email your pre-application form to Andreea Podoleanu including a covering letter, your CV and details of 2 referees (maximum 2 pages)
Deadline: 5pm on Monday 8th January 2018