Name / Age / Occupation / Marital Status (Circle one) / DateDescribe any health concerns:
HAVE YOU EVER HAD OR CURRENTLY HAVE: MEDICATIONS: List all medications, vitamins or supplements you are now taking
Eye disease, injury, impaired sight...... noyesincluding over the counter medications, and include amount and frequency.
Ear disease, injury, impaired hearing...... noyes
Any trouble with nose, sinuses, mouth, throat...... noyes
Loss of consciousness/ Fainting Spells...... noyes
Convulsions or seizures...... noyes
Paralysis...... noyes
Dizziness...... noyes
Frequent or severe headaches...... noyes
Depression or anxiety...... noyesFAMILY HISTORY- Has your mother, father, spouse, children or other
Memory loss...... noyesclose family member ever had:
Auditory hallucinations (hearing voices) ...... noyes- Hepatitis...... noyes
Visual hallucinations (seeing things that were not really there)..noyes- Tuberculosis...... noyes
Enrolled in an outpatient rehabilitation program for substance abusenoyes- HIV disease...... noyes
Any significant financial problems related to spending
inappropriately or gambling...... noyesSURGERIES...... noyes
Thought about committing suicide...... noyesIf so, please list: ______
Attempts to commit suicide...... noyes______
Struck or hit or hurt anyone when angry or physically or ______
emotionally incapacitated...... noyes
Easily angered or impatient...... noyesHOSPITALIZATIONS:...... noyes
Any learning disorders or difficulties...... noyesPlease list: ______
Enlarged glands or lumps...... noyes______
Enlarged thyroid or goiter...... noyes______
Skin changes or changes in moles...... noyes- Admitted to a long health care facility, nursing home or rehabilitation
Chronic or frequent cough...... noyes center...... noyes
Sputum production or any blood in sputum...... noyes- Lived in a homeless shelter, refugee camp, jail or prison...... noyes
Chest pain or chest pressure...... noyes- Admitted to the hospital for psychiatric or psychological
Night sweats...... noyesmedical problems...... noyes
Shortness of breath...... noyes
Palpitation or Fluttering heart...... noyesAlcohol Use
Swelling of hands,feet or ankles...... noyesHow many days a week do you have alcohol______
Extreme tiredness or weakness...... noyesHow many drinks per day do you have when you drink ______
Kidney diseases or stones...... noyesWhat is the most drink you have had in one day in the past five years______
Bladder disease...... noyesHave you ever tried to cut back on how much alcohol you drink....noyes
Albumin, sugar, pus, etc. in urine...... noyesHave you ever been told by others that you drink too much or have to
Frequency of or difficulty or pain with passing urine...... noyescut back on your drinking...... noyes
Abnormal thirst...... noyesHave you ever felt guilty about your drinking...... noyes
Stomach trouble or ulcer...... noyesDid you ever feel the desire or need to drink alcohol in the morning.noyes
Indigestion...... noyesHave you been accused or charged with driving while intoxicated
Liver or gall bladder disease...... noyeswith alcohol or any substance...... noyes
Jaundice or hepatitis...... noyesAny history of recreational drug use...... noyes
Colitis or other bowel disease...... noyesIf so please list recreational drugs used and when last used ______
Rectal bleeding...... noyes______
Constipation or diarrhea...... noyes
Any recent change in your appetite no yes Sexual orientation: Heterosexual Homosexual Bisexual
Any unintentional weight loss...... noyesHave you ever experienced any physical or sexual abuse...... noyes
Elevated blood pressure or hypertension...... noyesHow many sexual partners have you had in your life______
Elevated cholesterol...... noyesHave you always used a barrier form of contraception like male or
Elevated blood sugar or diabetes...... noyesfemale condoms...... noyes
Heart attacks...... noyes
Heart problems ( arrhythmias, valve disease)...... noyesHave you been intimate with prostitute or IV drug abusers...... noyes
Strokes or mini strokes...... noyesHave you had more than one sexual partner in
Pneumonia...... noyes- the last year?...... no yes
Asthma or any chronic lung disease...... noyes- in the last five years?...... noyes
Cancer...... noyesHave you or your sexual partner had any transfusions
If yes, what type:______between 1978 and 1985?...... noyes
Bone or joint disease (arthritis, osteoporosis)...... noyesHave you ever shared needles to self administer IV drugs...... noyes
Exposure to tuberculosis or positive sign test...... noyes
Any open sores or lesions in the genital area...... noyesHave you been charged with any criminal or civil act?...... noyes
Swollen glands in your groin area...... noyesHave you ever had a driver’s license revoked?...... noyes
Gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes or genital warts...... noyesHave you ever had a professional license revoked or fired from
Aching or swelling muscles or joints...... noyesa job for cause...... noyes
Concussions or head injuries...... noyesHave you ever gotten a pension or disability payment from an employer
Knocked unconscious...... noyesor governmental agency?...... noyes