MEMORANDUM August 20, 2010

TO:All Teachers

FROM:Jose Enriquez, Jr.


José Martí Middle School


The purpose of this memorandum is to summarize the opening day plan to insure that we have a smooth opening of schools with the least amount of problems as possible.


  • Teachers should plan to be here early on the first and second day of school

in order to pick up their materials that are necessary to complete all of the required homeroom activities each day.

  • I am asking all teachers to be in the hallways outside their classrooms by 8:50 a.m. and to remain in this location until all students have found their homeroom classes.
  • Remain in the hall during each class change to assist students to their classes.

Administrative Team

  • Jose Enriquez: Throughout the building
  • Sofia Buttacavoli
  • 8:00 a.m. – 8:50 a.m. Cafeteria/Spill Out
  • 8:50 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Third Floor
  • Ivette Diaz-Rubio
  • 8:00 a.m. – 8:50 a.m. Front of School/Bus Ramp
  • 8:50 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Second Floor

Registration Team

The team will provide customer service to all parents and manage all students not meeting immunization requirements.

  • Sonia Martinez, Amarilys Oria & Maria Malik:
  • Registering Students in the Main Office
  • Withdrawals of students in the Parent Resource Center
  • Pedro Garcia Ingrid Noa:
  • Meeting, greeting, sorting parents’ needs
    and answering phones
  • Thelma Rubi:
  • Attendance (In-putting No Shows)
  • Immunizations

Security Team and Other Support Staff

All security personnel should remain at their post until all students have entered the school at 8:50 a.m. At approximately 10:00 a.m. the following personnel will need to pick up the “No Show” materials from the classrooms. (The Administrative team will notify staff of the commencement to pick up the materials via two-way radio)

  • W. Stephens: All first floor classrooms including vocational
  • J. Roberson: All second floor classrooms
  • Guerra: All third floor classrooms

Department Chairs *

Each person listed below should report to their assigned area beginning at 8:50 and remain in this area until the close of homeroom. Please assist students to class and help teachers complete the opening day procedures.

Front & Vocation: D. Perez*
First Floor: D. Brown *
First Floor: M. Aleman
Second Floor: M. Thompson / Second Floor: L. Woods*
Third Floor: G. Luis
Third Floor: M. Phillips
Third Floor: T. Gray*

Students Services

All student service personnel are to have a locator in hand from 8:30 until all students have moved into the building and have located their classrooms. The team will set up a table in the breezeway area and will assist in directing students to their first period class.

  • Andrews
  • Ruff
  • Rebustillo*

The following student services personnel will remain in the office to process new student registrations.

  • Cerami
  • Shouldice

Students are to report to the following areas:

  • Students with postcards and/or listed in the locators should be directed to their homeroom class after confirming their homeroom on a locator or on the quilt.
  • If a student does not appear on the locator, he/she is to report to the Main Office

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Procedures

No Shows (students who were pre-registered, but were not in attendance on Monday) are to report to the CAFETERIA.

Students registering for the first time will report to the Main Office.