Workgroup Accounts
Operational Accounts
Project Accounts
Types of Expenses
Procedures for Paying Expenses
Expense Reports
Administrative Contacts
Programmatic Oversight
Workgroup Accounts
- Funds awarded to your workgroup are available in DaFIS (University of California, Davis Financial Information System), an on-line accounting system. Each workgroup has a set of its own unique DaFIS account numbers.
Operational Expenses
Operational expenses are the standard allocation that is awarded for start-up and/or ongoing operations. The allocation is based on the number of members and the number and size of events for members. These funds should be used to pay for:
- Costs of DANR workgroup members to attend workgroup events (travel, meals and lodging);
- Meeting room rental, reproduction of meeting handouts and other general meeting expenses;
- Workgroup communication expenses (e.g., newsletters, mailings costs, long distance phone charges, etc.) and other general workgroup operational expenses;
- Members attendance at a meeting of another organization only if a workgroup meeting is held in conjunction with that meeting;
- Operational funds may also be used to cover subject matter in-service training.
Operational Accounts
Each workgroup has an operational expense account.
- The account is formatted as L-WG (Five-Letter Program Area)- (Five-characters).
- Each workgroup has a Billing ID Number for operational expenses at service units on the Davis campus. Service units include:
Transportation and Parking Services
- Billing ID Numbers can be changed upon request.
Billing ID Numbers
- Billing ID Numbers for Extension or Research projects can be established upon request. Contact .
Establishing Accounts at Berkeley or Riverside
Transfer of Funds
- To have funds transferred to Berkeley or Riverside, two accounts need to be established in the following format:
Chart of Account: J or N, Fund:19961, Function/Program Code: 44 (Research)
Chart of Account: J or N, Fund:19961, Function/Program Code: 62 (Outreach)
- All expenses are to be charged equally to both accounts.
- Once the transfer is completed, the Workgroup chair will be required to send quarterly general ledger reports to Carolyn Frazier.
Types of Expenses
Direct Charge
- Common uses: Utility Payments and Reimbursements, Honorarium
Direct Charge Form
Direct Charge Form County
Direct Charge Honorarium
Entertainment Expenses
- UC Entertainment per diem (as of 9/1/01) for catered events is:
Breakfast $18
Lunch $30
Dinner $45
Light Refreshment $12
(these allotments include tax and service charge)
- The receipt must show itemized charges for the meal. If the receipt includes the total charge only, a Declaration of Lost Evidence form must accompany the receipt.
- Alcoholic beverages are not covered by workgroup funds.
- All original Entertainment Expense vouchers that are $250 or more must be sent to Oakland for approval. Send the original to Doris McCarty.
- Forms:
Entertainment Expense Voucher
Declaration of Lost Evidence
Travel Expenses
- Only ANR members are reimbursed for travel expenses within California, unless non-ANR member or foreign travel was requested in the workgroup proposal on NEWCOW and approved. The Program Leader must approve any exceptions.
- Mileage reimbursement is 40.5 cents per mile effective January 1, 2005.
- Individual traveler meal and incidental expense maximum reimbursement (based on actual expense) is:
$33 (trips more than 12 hours and less than 24 hours)
$50 (trips longer than 24 hours)
- The Regional Office’s must sign off on claims when advisor is augmenting workgroup funds with regional funds.
Summary of University Travel Policies
Is it Reimbursable?
Travel Expense Voucher2002
Hiring of Staff
Hiring of staff employees is to be initiated and coordinated by the respective departments working with the Campus Personnel Office or the Regional Office and the Workgroup Chair.
Purchase Orders
Hosting or Attending Conferences, Facility/Meeting Room Rental, Catering
Business Contracts and Consultant Agreements
- Hotel contracts and arrangements are to be handled by the Oakland office. Send hotel contracts and agreements to Doris McCarty. Please allow at least one week for processing/approval.
Business Contracts and Consultant Agreements
Workgroup funds cannot be used for:
- Travel funds for non-ANR workgroup participants and external speakers/presenters at workgroup meetings, unless specifically approved in the award letter;
- Printing costs for ANR publications (workgroup funding may be used to create or update publication content);
- Development or maintenance costs for web sites (workgroup funds may be used to create or update content posted on web sites);
- Conducting “out-of-state” field trips, except in multi-state workgroups where meetings rotate among collaborating states;
- Support of research/extension projects that do not clearly result from a collegial, collaborative planning effort among workgroup members;
- Long term support of breeding programs (workgroup funds may be used to “seed” start-up activities for breeding projects where there is a clear strategy for long-term support;
- Activities that are normally expected of established ANR program units including Centers, RICs and SP’s.
Procedures for Paying Expenses
Submitting Expenses
- Submit claims only for workgroup activities that were approved in the July 2005 award letter.
- UC Davis forms can be downloaded from the website:
- Submit claims only on UC expense forms:
- Direct Charge Form
- Entertainment Expense Voucher
- Travel Expense Voucher 2005
All expense claims submitted must be filled out completely and include:
- Workgroup name and Workgroup account number;
- Name and phone number of the preparer of UC expense form;
- UC employee number and formal name;
- All authorizing signatures (traveler, supervisor/County Director);
Processing Expenses
With Access to DaFIS
- To increase turnaround time for payment: process expenses in DaFIS through your department or Regional Office. DaFIS transactions are automatically routed to Carolyn Frazier for approval.
- Make a copy of all original documents for your files (in case they are lost).
- Send the original, signed UC expense form and all original back-up documents to Accounts Payable, UC Davis.
- Fax a copy of the original, signed UC expense form and all original back-up documents to (510) 587-6266 Attn: Doris McCarty1111Franklin Street, 6th Floor 94607
- Give workgroup members a handout that explains the procedures for processing and submitting claims. (SampleA)
Without Access to DaFIS
- Make a copy of all original documents for your files (in case they are lost).
- Send the original, signed UC expense form and all original back-up documents to:
Doris McCarty, 1111 Franklin Street, 6th Floor, Oakland, CA94607
Approving Expenses
- Only workgroup activities that were approved in the award letter from your program leader will be approved for payment. The Program Leader must approve any exceptions.
- Workgroup Chairs send a list of workgroup meeting participants to Doris McCarty within 14 days of the meeting. (Sample B) This serves as authorization to pay all other claims.
DaFIS Decision Support
- Any workgroup account information, account balance and transactions can be accessed at any time through DaFIS Decison Support For access, contact
Quarterly Reports
- Expenditure reports for each workgroup will be distributed to workgroup chairs and program leaders on a quarterly basis (October, January, April, June).
Administrative Contacts
Doris McCarty,1111 Franklin Street, 6th Floor, Oakland, CA94607
(510) 987-0697 Fax (510) 587-6266
- Processes check requests, travel and entertainment claims for all workgroups.
- Distribution of Workgroup Account quarterly reports
Carolyn Frazier,1111 Franklin Street, 6th Floor, Oakland, CA94607
(510) 987-0034 Fax (510) 287-3345
- Review and approval of
DAFIS documents
Transfer of funds
- General questions
- Provides administrative oversight.
Administrative Oversight for Workgroups
The four ANR Program Leaders are responsible for promoting understanding, interest and involvement in ANR workgroups. Program leaders have limited funds available to use at their discretion to promote and support pre-workgroup planning throughout the year as critical needs emerge. Each workgroup is assigned to one of the following Program Leaders for administrative oversight.
Program Leaders are responsible for:
- Workgroup Call
- Overdrafts/Exceptions
Agricultural Productivity
Maxwell Norton
Agricultural Policy and Pest Management
Timothy Paine
Human Resources
Karen Varcoe
Natural Resources
Bill Frost
Top of the Document
Procedures for Processing Workgroup Travel
Workgroup members should complete a typed UC Travel Expense Voucher form and include the following information:
- UC employee number
- Formal name (do not use nicknames)
- Workgroup name & account number
- Personal car license plate number (if personal car is used)
- All original receipts (e.g., airline ticket, rental car charge slip, overnight hotel charge slip showing a zero balance)
- The workgroup account number.
- Be sure you and your supervisor/CD have signed your travel expense voucher.
Submit all claims to:
Doris McCarty
UC - DANR, Office of AVP-Programs
1111 Franklin Street, 6th Floor
Oakland, CA94607
(510) 987-0697
Fax (510) 587-6266
SHEET(Sample B)
Workgroup Name Date
Meeting Location