Area 4 Legacy Grant Application Form

Each application must look to build capacity by improving facilities and increasing the quantity and quality of coaches & referees, more children playing the game, or encouraging players to return to the game.

Applications must reflect:

  • RFU Core Purpose – Club Centric
  • Hit at least one of the 6 key drivers
  • Reflect against 1 of the 7 Lead Up & legacy Pillars (e.g. All Schools)
  • Beyond a ‘one off event’ though it may raise the profile of the game – very hard to measure
  • Involve local club(s) for community engagement
  • Sustainability – An initiative that will leave a lasting impact in the area

Q1Group Name & Project Name (where different)

Q2Contact Details

Name: / Address:
Telephone Number:

Q3What type of organisation are you?

Please tick
Voluntary Group
Commercial Organisation
Not For Profit

Q4Please state where the project will operate

Q5Please tell us what the grant would be used for (no more than 200 words)

Q6Who will benefit from the project and how will the grant make a lasting different? (no more than 200 words)

Q7Project Achievements - In the Table below please identify the key outputs that will be achieved from the project.

Number of volunteers benefiting


Number of individuals that attended training courses

Number of new volunteers


Value of any in kind contribution / partnership funding

Number of disabled adults / young people participating in sport through the project


Number of players benefiting from this application

Q8Legacy Strands – Please identify the Legacy & Legacy Strand(s) that your project will achieve.

Strand / Identify (x) / How?
Better Facilities
Investing in People
More Schools
Returning Players
Touch Rugby
Other Nations
Cultural Engagement

Q9Project Costs & Grant Requested

Item / Description / Total Costs / Grant Requested

If the project costs are more than the grant requested then please state how the difference will be funded and whether or not the other funding is confirmed.

Funded by whom? / Amount / Confirmed – Y/N

Signed on behalf of the group as follows:

  • To the best of my knowledge and belief, all the information we have given in this application is true and correct.
  • I understand and accept that the group may be required to provide additional information about the application before a decision is reached.
  • I accept that the decision of the grants panel is final.
  • If this application is successful, in full or in part, we will be notified in writing by the Provider and the group will be legally bound by the terms and conditions set out in the offer letter.
  • I understand that this is an agreement between the group and The Area 4 Legacy Board.
  • I confirm that the group named in Q1 has authorised me to sign this application on their behalf.

This box should be signed by the main contact person named in Q2.

Signed / Dated

Signed by the Chair, Secretary or Committee member (who is not the main contact above):

Signed / Dated
Name: / Address:

Please return your completed form to:

Nicole at the NLD Office