Task #3 Rubric: A TV Talk Show
Exceeds Expectations4 / Meets Expectations
3 / Approaching Meeting Expectations
2 / Not yet meeting expectations
Introduction of show and guests / Seats the guests and the hosts in a polished way so that the audience can see them clearly. Introduces each guest in an engaging manner with relevant details. / Seats the guests and host so that the audience can see them. Introduces each guest clearly. Provides details about each guest. / Seats the guests and host so that the audience only has a partial view of them. Introduces guests in a very general way. / Does not consider the audience’s view of the guests and host. Does not introduce guests with any detail.
Interview / Questions are engaging. Multiple aspects of the novel are explored. Shows in-depth understanding of topic. Actively listens to guests. Questions are open-ended. Questions are designed to draw out information from the person interviewed. Questions are asked in a logical order, and are designed to build on previous questions. Your “show” flows eloquently from one part to the next enhancing the overall enjoyment of the representation. You have used engaging transitions. / Questions explore character and conflict. Questions are mostly open-ended, and many of them are designed to draw out information from the person interviewed. Listens to guests most of the time and asks questions related to the topic. Questions are mostly asked in a logical order, and are mostly designed to build on previous questions. Your representation smoothly flows from one part to the next. You have used appropriate transitions. / Continue to think about how you can ask highly engaging questions to gather information you wouldn’t otherwise know. Remember you have to balance information with entertainment and engagement with your character. You do not consistently show you are listening to guests. Does not always keep guests focused and on track. You attempt smooth movement from one part of your representation to the next. Explore other ways to connect one idea to the next. / You are having trouble with your interview. What are you trying to discover? How can you prepare yourself? How can you engage the audience? You’re having trouble creating flow from one part of your representation to the next. Plan your transitions, and view other representations to get ideas.
Role-play / You are able to stay in character and bring your character to life. You show an ability to get “into the head” of your character. You engage in complex thinking from another viewpoint. “Acting” is polished and shows practice. Speaks in an engaging manner, and can be easily heard. / You are able to stay in character and bring your literary characters to life. “Acting” is smooth. Speaks clearly and with good volume. / With some help, you can mostly stay in character and bring your character to life. How can you develop your character’s thoughts and ideas? / You are having trouble staying in character and bringing your character to life. First, identify your challenges. Are you embarrassed? Off task? Do you know enough about your character? Practice first.