Interactive Read Aloud Lesson Plan

Objective: TSW participate in interactive reading, using comprehension and vocabulary strategies.

Title: Where Does the Garbage Go?

Before Reading:

Connecting Activity(Question, Conversation about the topic)

Genre Set –Up & Bridging Conversation


Word / Contextualize Word
In the story.... / Definition / Example beyond story / Bridge to story
Dump / A place on top of the land where trash is dumped / Some towns still have dumps, but most use landfills. / Dumps are no longer used because the garbage attracts bugs and mice and stinks.
Landfill / ITS, you will learn about where your garbage goes now – a landfill / A safer/cleaner place to put your garbage than in dumps / We are going to get a chance to make our own landfill this week.
Incinerators / Some cities use incinerators to get rid of their trash / Big furnaces where the trash is burned / While incinerators get rid of the garbage they cause diry, polluted smoke to go into the air making the air we breath not safe.

Comprehension Strategy (Cover of Book)

Make a Connection Make Inferences Prediction Self-Monitor Prior Knowledge Questioning Identify Important Info Visualize Synthesis

Comprehension Strategy / Language
Questions/ I wonder / AAGR, I always begin the story by looking at the title, author, and illustrator. Sometimes I also do a picture walk. While I’m previewing the book, I can make I wonders about the story. I wonder…. Where does the garbage go? Why aren’t the kids just putting the trash into 1 big bag like we do?

During Reading:

Comprehension Strategy: Make a Connection Make Inferences Questioning

Identify Important Info Prior Knowledge Prediction Self- Monitor Visualize Synthesis

Page # / Comprehension or Vocab / Language
5 / Questioning/ Identify Important Info. / On the chalkboard, are two questions the author felt were important for us to think about. Read questions. Have students T and T. Share out. As we read, let see if the author answers these questions for us.
Page # / Comprehension or Vocab / Language
9 / Dump
Identify Important Info
Reread / A place where are kinds of garbage is piled up. It smells and mice and bugs are there.
Ask the 2 questions on the chalkboard again. Did the author tell us the answers? (YOU MAY HAVE TO REREAD FOR STUDENTS TO BE ABLE TO ANSWER).
10 / Inferences / AAGR, sometimes you have to take the clues the author gives you and what you already know to make an inference or a good guess. Make an inference now. Why isn’t it a good idea to dump garbage into the oceans?
12 / Landfill / A special/cleaner way of dumping our trash.
15 / Identify Important Information / Non-fiction books sometimes have special pictures that are labeled. AAGR, I know I need to look at all the pictures and read the labels to understand the story better.
17 / Connection, Identify Important Information, Prior Knowledge / Discuss items in the landfill. Determine what can be recycled. Just because you can’t see the garbage when the landfill is covered up does it mean it’s not there?
18 / Incinerators / Large furnaces used to burn trash
19 / Import Info / AAGR, I want to make sure I understand all the info the author has given me. If I’m not sure I understand I can always go back and reread. This time when I read, I want you to listen for 1 good thing about incinerators and 1 bad thing about incinerators. Reread. T and T. Share out.
21 / Connection / AAGR, I’m thinking about my own life. I know what recycling is because my husband and I recycle at home. Do you recycle? Do you know anyone that does recycle? T and T. Share
23 / Synthesis / AAGR, sometimes I have to stop and think about what the author is trying to tell me. Why is it important that some of these items (paper, bottles, cans) don’t end up in the landfills anymore?
24-27 / Identify Import. Info / Emphasize the importance of the labels on the diagrams and all the important information that it gives us.
29 / Synthesize / AAGR, sometimes I have to think about what I already know and use the information in the book to come up with an idea. What are some things we can do besides recycling to help the Earth?
32 / Inference / Why is using cloth bags better and using plastic bags?

After Reading:

Comprehension Strategy: Make a Connection Make Inferences Questioning

Self-Monitor Prior Knowledge Prediction

Identify Important Info Visualize Synthesis

Comprehension Strategy / Language
Text – Self; / What can our class do to make the Earth a better place?

To better understand the landfill you could make a mini landfill. (See Building a Landfill lesson plan)