The name of this organization is the Daytona State College Chapter of the Associationof Florida Colleges.(AFC)
ThepurposesofthisChapterareto:1)promotethebestpossibleconditionsforprofessional service; 2) encourage professional growth; 3) improve communication andcooperation among the public colleges of Florida and other levels of education; 4)improve communication and cooperation among Administrators, Career Employees,Faculty, Professionals,andTrustees,and;5)advocatetheinterestsofpubliccollegesatthe local and statelevel.
Membership in this Chapter is open to all full and regular part-time employees, Faculty, Adjunct Professors and retirees of Daytona State College. The Daytona StateCollege Board of Trustees is given automatic membership and is not required to payAFC membership dues. Membership runs on an annual basis with the anniversary date beinga yearfromfirstpaymentofthemembersAFCdues.Allmembersareaccordedtheright to vote and holdoffice.
Chapter Officers
Section1.Theofficersofthechapterare:President,President-Elect,ImmediatePast President, Secretary, Treasurer, and MembershipChair
Section 2. The Immediate Past President shall appoint a Nominating Committee(see ArticleVIII)topresentaslateofcandidatesforeachchapteroffice.Theballotshall provideforawrite-invoteforeachoffice.Allcandidatesmusthavegiventheirpermission for their names to have been placed in nomination. The ballots may be sentelectronically.
Theofficersshallbeelectedbysimplemajorityofthememberswhovoted.Theballot mustbesenttothemembersatleasttwoweekspriortoacalledmeetingin September/October.Thecommitteewillcountthevotesandpublishthelistofthenew officers.
Section 3. The offices may be filled by any current member of thechapter.
Section 4. The officers will serve for one year, beginning January1.
Section 5. If the office of the President becomes vacant, the President-Elect willbecome Presidentfortheremainderoftheunexpiredterm.TheExecutiveCommitteewillfill other vacancies throughappointment.
Section 6. The newly elected officers should attend the annual statewide AFCLeadership TrainingConference.
Section 7. The office of the membership chair will be elected and will serve one-year term beginning January 1.
Section 8. Duties of theOfficers:
A.The Presidentwill:
1.Preside at chaptermeetings.
2.Represent thechapter.
3.Authorize expenditures and payment of chapterfunds.
4.Appoint Standing and Ad Hoc Committeemembers.
5.Act as liaison between the AFC Executive Committee and thechapter members.
B.The President-Electwill:
1.Assume the office of President at the end of the term ofPresident-Elect.
2.Perform the duties of the President during her/his absence ordisability.
3.Organize and deliver chapter yearbook
4.Serve as yearbook committee chair
5.Perform duties assigned by thePresident.
C.The Membership Chairwill:
1.Maintain a current chapter membershiproster.
2.Be responsible for the recruitment and retention of chaptermembers.
3.Perform duties assigned by thePresident.
1.Record the minutes of chaptermeetings.
2.Maintain the chapter historicalfile.
3.Help organize and gather chapter yearbook
4.Perform duties assigned by the President.
1.Maintain the chaptertreasury.
2.Collect and forward dues as directed by the President to the TallahasseeAFC office.
3.Safeguard and distribute chapter funds as authorized by thePresident.
4.Present a financial report at each regularmeeting
F.Immediate PastPresident
1.Chair NominatingCommittee
2.Other duties as assigned by thePresident
The Executive Committee consists of President, President-Elect, ImmediatePast President,Secretary,Treasurer,andMembershipChairandtheywillcoordinate chapteractivities.
Section 1. The President will call meetings. There shall be at least one DSC chapter members meetingper semester, one Fall, oneSpring.
Section2.ThePresidentorPresident-Electmaycallaspecialmeetingwhen needed
Section3.Allchaptermemberswillbegivenatleasttwoweekswrittennoticeof an upcoming chaptermeeting.
Section 4. At Chapter meetings a quorum consist of the chapter members present.At Executive committee meetings a quorum shall consists of a majority of thevoting members of the Executivecommittee.
Section1.The assembly of delegates tothe AFC Annual Conference will bethe Daytona State College President, the Chapter President, President-Elect, ImmediatePast President, Membership Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and an appointed number ofdelegates.
Delegates selection for the annual meeting at the state convention is based on this formula.
Representatives to the Assembly of Delegates include:
- The President of each community college (or the President’s designate)
- One delegate for every ten AFC members (or major fraction thereof) at the college.
Section 2. The delegates, with the exception of those who are selected inaccordance withSection1above,willbeappointedbytheExecutiveCommittee.Prioritywillbe given to those who hold State office, followed by those who have assisted the Chapterthe most for thatyear.
Section 3. Request for travel must be done prior to the travel. A completed AFC Travel Request will need to be submitted by the deadline. President must preapprove mileage reimbursement of personal vehicles. College vehicle will be the primary means of transportation for off-campus meeting and conferences unless preapproved.
Section1.AllvotingCommissionRepresentativeswillbeappointedbythePresident from the pool selected to attend the StateConvention.
Section2. The Commissionsare:
2.Career and ProfessionalEmployees
3.Communications &Marketing
8.Institutional Effectiveness, Planning and ProfessionalDevelopment
11.Workforce and ContinuingEducation
Section3.Allcommissionrepresentativesmustbechaptermembersandshallserveon the commissions as outlined in the bylaws of the commission to which they are electedor appointed.
Section 1. A Nominating Committee, chaired by the Immediate Past President,should be composed of at least one of each chapter member representing thefaculty, administration, professionals and career employees for the purpose ofsubmitting nominations for each chapteroffice.
Section 2. The Chapter President will appoint other committees, as themembership deems necessary to carry on the work of the chapter. The President andPresident-Elect shall be ex-officio members of allcommittees.
Section 3. Standing committees appointed by the president include the Professional Development Committee, Fund-Raising Committee, Social Committee, Scholarship committee, and the Yearbook Committee.
Section 1. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order,Newly Revised, will govern the chapter in all cases to which they are applicable, and towhich theyarenotinconsistentwiththesebylawsortheAFCBylawsandStandingRules,or any special rules or order that the chapter mayadopt.
Section2.Thesebylawsmaybeamendedatanymeetingofthechapterprovidedthe proposed amendment has been submitted in writing to the Bylaws Committee.This committee will submit the change to the members at least one week prior to themeeting in which amendments are to be introduced. Adoption will be by simplemajority.
Section 3. These bylaws should be reviewed annually by the chaptermembership.