Rock County Public Schools

Board of Education Regular Meeting

October 8, 2012

The Rock County Public Schools Board of Education met in regular session onMonday, October 8, 2012at the high school library. Members present were Tonya Larson,Tim Shaw, Les Hall, Doug Stanton and Wade Hollenbeck. Board member Chad Peterson was absent. Superintendent David Zumbahlen, Principal Steve Camp, Activities Director Kayla Fischer andLynn Hickman were also present.Visitors in attendance were Natalie Heyden, Deborah Seberger, Jessica Bayer, Alexander McCleary and Jessica Stec.

Les Hallcalled the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Tim Shaw moved to approve the agenda. Wade Hollenbeckseconded the motion. Larson, Shaw, HallStantonand Hollenbeckvoted yes. Motion carried.

Consent Agenda consisted of:Approval of Minutes of September 10, 2012Board of Education Meeting;Approval of September, 2012 bills; Approval ofSeptember, 2012 Financial Report; Approval of Michael Clay One Acts Play Sponsor; Approval of David Zumbahlen as Federal Programs Administrator.

Tim Shaw moved to approve consent agenda. Tonya Larson seconded the motion. Larson, Shaw, Hall, Stanton and Hollenbeck voted yes. Motion carried.

Activities Director Fischer reported on last week’s leadership conference that was held in Ainsworth.

New teachers for 12-13 school year Jessica Bayer, Natalie Heyden, Alexander McCleary, Deborah Seberger and Jessica Stec introduced themselves to the board as the board welcomed them to the district.

The Restroom/Concession Building matter was discussed. Doug Stanton moved to approve restrooms/concession building plan and to authorize Superintendent David Zumbahlen to make any necessary minor adjustments to the plan before advertising for bids. Bids are to be acted upon at the December 2012 regular board meeting. Wade Hollenbeck seconded the motion. Larson, Shaw, Hall, Stanton and Hollenbeck voted yes. Motion carried.

Tim Shaw moved to approve changes to Board Policy 607.02 School Ceremonies and Observances and to waive second reading. Doug Stanton seconded the motion. Larson, Shaw, Hall, Stanton and Hollenbeck voted yes. Motion carried.

Doug Stanton moved to accept terms of Sandhills State Bank Sponsorship Agreement. Tim Shaw seconded the motion. Larson, Shaw, Hall, Stanton and Hollenbeck voted yes. Motion carried.

Tim Shaw moved to approve quote from JT Construction in the amount of $7,250.00 for Pony Lake Elementary building shingle project. Wade Hollenbeck seconded the motion. Larson, Shaw, Hall, Stanton and Hollenbeck voted yes. Motion carried.

Wade Hollenbeck moved to approve Rock County Telephone’s request to cross school property to install fiber optic line to Rock County Library. Tonya Larson seconded the motion. Larson, Shaw, Hall, Stanton and Hollenbeck voted yes. Motion carried.

Superintendent Zumbahlen reported that the annual financial auditors’ visit went well . The financial report should be available in November.

Principal Camp led a One to One Report discussion including iPad specifications and costs.

Superintendent Search topics were briefly discussed.

Principal Camp’s report: Safety Committee meeting met on the 12th of September and reviewed updates and upgrades; attended a meeting at the ESU 17 on NeSA and assessment information; district-wide in-service Friday with the agenda including cyberbullying information, school improvement survey, MAP information, iPad training provided by the ESU #17; Monday, October 15 no school(fall break); Tuesday, October 16 Parent/Teacher conferences district-wide; Wednesday, October 17 a 1:1 device meeting in Kearney at the ESU #10.

Superintendent Zumbahlen’s report: Reviewed priority list of Bldg Fund/Depreciation Fund projects.; football field lights will be looked into; cyberbullying information; review of Separation Incentive Program.

Next meeting date: November 12, 2012 at the Rock County High School Library.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:25pm.


Doug Stanton, Secretary