Disclosure Statement forSecondary Math 1

Mr. Patterson, Room 107


Classroom Phone: (801) 452-4722

What are our class goals?

  1. Development and mastery of basic skills in algebra, geometry, statistics, and probability.
  2. Understand how the math we study relates to daily life.
  3. Provide opportunities for success in mathematics.
  4. Coverage of the Utah State Core Curriculum.

How are you expected to behave?

The classroom standards are as follows:

1. Be Respectful 2. Be Kind 3. Be On Time 4. Be Prepared 5. Follow Directions

What is the discipline plan?

Consequences for violating the classroom and school standards:

1stoffence – verbal warning

2ndoffense – written warning

3rd offense – behavior contract and parent contacted

4th offense – parent-teacher-student meeting. An administrator will also be contacted if necessary.

How will your work be graded?

  1. Participation/notes(5% of grade). This class will require a lot of group work and class discussion. It is essential that you participate in these activities. We will have an occasional note check to make sure you are taking notes.
  2. ALEKS Topics(5% of grade). Two topics in ALEKS will be assigned daily. This will be entered into their grades weekly.
  3. Online Mastery (homework)(25% of grade). A 5-10 question assignment will be given on ALEKS about the day’s notes/discussion. This needs to be completed at 100% and students should redo any missed problems until they achieve 100%. Anything below 100% will result in a 0. Homework will close the next day at midnight so that they can come to class for help if needed.
  4. Tests(45% of grade). A test is given at the end of each unit. The notes and review assignment must be completed in order to take the unit test.
  5. Quizzes (15% of grade). Quizzeswill be givenperiodically throughout each unit. Not all quizzes will be announced.
  6. Warmups (5% of grade). These are small assessments, typically for review, taken at the beginning of class.

How will you receive your citizenship grade?

A separate citizenship grade will be given based on compliance to school rules/policies. Being tardy and/or disrespectful affects citizenship. Writing on desks or other school property is vandalism and is noted by citizenship.

CitizenshipTardies/QuarterBehavior Marks/Quarter

H (Honorable) 0 0

S (Satisfactory) 1 – 2 1 - 2

N (Needs improvement) 3 – 4 3 – 4

U (Unsatisfactory) 5 - more 5 - more

What are the Class policies and procedures?

  1. Students (and parents) will be able to check their progress weekly. Grades will be posted each week on the internet (
  2. Work missed due to illness or extenuating circumstances will be accepted for full credit. Upon return, please remind me so I can create an extension. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what work they missed. Make up tests should be taken as soon as possible after you return. Please come before or after school to make up a test. If that is impossible, other arrangements can be made.
  3. Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated and will result in a zero grade for the work involved and an automatic "N" citizenship grade. Giving another student your paper to be copied is considered cheating.
  4. As a student, you are responsible for any equipment used in class.
  5. Students may retake tests and quizzes but this must be done in my classroom before, after school or during Titan Time.
  6. Phones are NOT allowed in any math class unless authorized by a teacher.You may NOT use your phone for a calculator.If a phone is out, it will be taken away and turned into the office where the student or student’s guardian will be able to pick it up

Message from Mr. Patterson

I am very excited to be working with you this year. I love math and I’m glad to be able to share this love of math with you. I know that we will accomplish a lot this year if we put our minds to it.


Matthew Patterson