Payroll Process notes
Timesheets have been created which have formulae in them to deduct breaks and calculate the time worked. A number of staff are however completing them by hand.
Casual staff are paid at their basic hourly rate with no holiday, overtime or evening working enhancements. Holidays are claimed by putting the holiday hours in the holiday column AND in the column for claiming pay. Casual staff are entitled to 5.6 weeks pro rata. (5.6 weeks paid at the average pay over the preceding 12 weeks). *
Contractually paid staff claim additional hours in the appropriate column, up to 37 hours would be claimed in the column additional hours with 8.3% holiday allowance. Hours exceeding 37 would be claimed in the overtime column. These should be pre-approved by line manager, BEFORE being worked. Hours worked at enhanced rate would be claimed in the appropriate column. If the evening working was in place of contractual hours a minus figure would need to be put in the column hours claimed. (In practice in Culture the evening hours are generally all additional to normal working – ghost nights, or are taken back as TOIL).
Contractual hours staff paid by timesheet (Museums Front of House) need to claim ALL of their pay by completing timesheets. They have leave cards based on their contractual hours and take holidays from their annual allocation, as per contractually paid staff. However, as they have to claim their pay by timesheet they need to claim holidays in the same way that casual staff do. Filling in TWO columns, one being holiday hours and the other being hours claimed. Staff who exceed their monthly contractual hours need to claim those additional hours by claiming in the column additional hours with 8.3% holiday allowance.
Each member of staff is held against ONE department code, staff with multiple posts therefore appear on only one monthly payroll spreadsheet and may have several rows to accommodate their various posts and hourly rates. Where a person has worked at another location their line manager will annotate the claim form with the appropriate cost centre “CODE TO NNN”.
Timesheets should all be signed by claimant and line manager.
Timesheets are delivered to HQ before, up to and including 3 working days from the month end.
Timesheets are sorted into order by Department:
- Admin
- Arts
- HoH
- Her Hub
- Libraries
- Museums
Timesheets are then keyed into the spreadsheet for the month. This can be found on the Administration ‘V’ drive>Payroll >CULTURE>appropriate folder.
The folder contains a master sheet for the service and a monthly folder.
The monthly folder is opened and the correct month’s spreadsheet is opened. The spreadsheets are password protected. Sheila, Caroline and Kathryn have a note of the passwords.
The timesheets are considered and checked before being entered onto the spreadsheet. Hours to be claimed should all be in the correct columns, but this is not always the case. Scrutiny of the timesheets is necessary to ensure that the correct hourly rate is claimed.
CONTRACTED / BASIC / Casual / ENHANCED 10pm > 6am (UNDER 37hrs) / ENHANCED 10pm > 6am (UNDER 37hrs) with holiday / ENHANCED 10pm > 6am (OVER 37 hrs) / ENHANCED 10pm > 6am (OVER 37 hrs) with holiday / (info only) / (info only)HOURS / RATE / Rate / OVERTIME / SICK / HOLIDAY
Any sick hours are recorded in the sick hours column, as are any holidays. These two green columns are info only.
Acting up arrangements should be noted in the appropriate column, as is the amount payable for First Aid.
ACTING / ExpensesUP / First Aid / £ / COMMENTS
Expenses are any subsistence, purchase reimbursement, travel, call out payments. The total £amount should be entered in the expenses column.
The hourly rates are in columns Y to AC – these hourly rates are picked up by the formulae in holiday pay, additional hours and monthly basic.
Travelexpenses – record the mileage AND the amount to be paid, the travel claim form calculates this, in the Comments column. Mileage is paid at 45p a mile for the first 8,500 miles. We have not yet devised a mileage tracker to alert when 8,500 miles has been reached.
Subsistence, out of pocket expenses etcare also claimed on the Travel claim form.
Call out – claims are made on a separate claim form. The rate is £10.43 per call out PLUS two hours (minimum) which should be claimed on a timesheet at the appropriate overtime rate. So, hours entered as any other timesheet hours, and a note of the call out and the amount due entered in the Comments column.
The figure for the total of all expenses, call outs, subsistence etc is entered in the Expenses column.
To the right of comments column thare are three columns with formulae in them, these formulae pick up the correct hourly rate, ie 1.15 hours, 1.65 hours 1.5 hours for enhanced rates, enhanced rate over 37 hours, overtime. Anything claimed in the column additional hours with holiday 8.3% automatically picks up the additional % for holiday allowance for TUPE’d staff.
Casual staff do not get any enhanced rates.
Holiday / Additional / Monthly / TOTALPay / HOURS / Basic / GROSS
8.30% / £ / Salary / PAY
Copies of paperwork
- Call out claim form
- Travel
- A worked example of a museum FoH assistant
- Monthly payroll spreadsheet
- Timesheets for various staff with formulae for calculating the hours to be claimed
- Notification of sickness from
*Some casual staff for services are to be found on the admin spreadsheet.