Frank Reginald Wall

29 April 2005 – USA

— Position Statement

Position Statement on Federal Revenue

It is inconceivable that we as Constitutionally-based sovereign citizens in and of the United States of America — “the land of the free and home of the brave”— have allowed our leadership to espouse and nurture a cruel, inequitable, ambiguous federal (revenue) tax system. And that those, our representatives given a position of trust, have created an income taxsystem for our federal revenue. This seemingly brilliant means of funding our government was flawed at its onset and generated agrossly counter-productive, parasitic—political culture that was once a “sleeping giant” and that has grown into a hideous monster. This economic incarceration has eroded the very character of our nation these past nine decades… The intrusive federal income tax and its little sisters, the corresponding state income taxes take away every aspect of sovereign privacy and proprietorship. A fairly recent invention, the deceptive, with-holding of income scheme (withholding tax) is robbingincubator, and start-ups in our national commerce — is denying small businesses of valuable resource.

There is everything fundamental wrong in a tax system—the income tax—that induces ordinary, hard-working, productive and basically honestAmerican citizens to allegedly “lie and cheat” in order to keep what is rightfully theirs in the first place: hard-earned wages and proprietary income — the fruits of creativity, fortune and industry.

Why is the present tax system allowed to co-exist with all the other tax schemes and diverse means created to progressively “pick the pockets” of producers? Why? Because an elite, privileged few can use such a gargantuan, economic“black cloud” to envelope the substance of many to further their own agenda and redistribute wealth in such a manner as to create a social strata to further their own ends—ways and means…

The income tax is a predatory system…

The income tax system with all of its Pandora’s Box of schemes, manipulations and injustices has caused our great nation to become a breeding ground for a host of the malcontent, the despondent and the proverbial “sluggard.” Our nation prospers in spite of the income tax — federal/states’ revenue system, not because of it. We are calling for “revenue neutral” when we should be seeking “revenue transparent” both income and disbursement. — “Observe the ant…” — “A laborer is worthy of his hire.”

It is insulting to the national intelligence to keep recycling the mantra of “the existing income tax system is unnecessarily complex, causes many headache and economic heartaches, and thus is burdening the taxpayers…” — No Kidding; what’s new? “All aspects of the income tax (IT) system andthe IT financial/political counter-culture are unfair.”— Really now… tell me something I don’t already know. The only goal the Presidential Tax Reform Panel should have is to get rid of IT — the income tax and immediately (not piecemeal) replace IT with a national retail sales tax, the Fair Tax.

Let me make it very clear lest we get politically derailed. The only true goal of the President’s tax reform commission should be to get rid of the income tax and IRS.

Cease & Desist the income tax forever…

Following are specific examples of how the income tax (IT) code and its enforcement arms, the IRS and the Justice Department, federal and corresponding state agencies, et al destroy an America citizen’s life, security, livelihood and “pursuit of happiness.”

As far as I’m concerned, everything about the income tax system is flawed, uniformly pervasive and unequivocally unfair. IT is a “cash cow” for politicians to steal from me

(Continued) —

without my avowed knowledge or even my permission. From birth my substance has been systematically undermined… My rightful heritage has been disfranchised, and my privacy has been rudely and unjustly stripped — all without my avowed permission — all over my vehement protests… verbalized by speech and in much writing.

Do I expect any good to come out of my testimony? No I do not; I only expect more stalls, more delays, more hearings and more “red herring” proposals. In other words, “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” — Mr. President, prove me wrong; please!


Itshowswhy Congress & federal employees DON’T CARE ABOUT the rest of us…

…The average Congressional pension is $53,000 compared to Social Security at $21,900 annually… 2.4 times as much! — Published in the Home News TribuneMarch 21, 2005 called“Congress members savor perk of a lifetime…” and the perks are referred to as a “Platinum Parachute” — should Congress members and federal government employees change the “status quo” – Why? — They have no incentive!


Comprehensive Reform of the federal revenue system —

Via the Presidential Tax Reform Commission — President George W. Bush, the floor of the United States Congress (vs. “buried in committee”) and the American local/national news media — the insidious federal income tax code should be forthwith “sunset” — a political stall term until it really happens — and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) should be forthwith abolished along with its charter — eliminated forever. The IRS and its counter-culture has orchestrated fear through intimidation and caused true hardship, loss of life—livelihood.

PROPOSAL (continued)

Comprehensive Reform… the Fair Tax – practical, viable —

The only immediate, practical solution is the Fair Tax Act — S/H.R.25 — a viable, studied and eminent solution. IRS agents can become Border Patrol agents not unlike the recent “Minute Men” voluntarily deployed throughout the Southwest border with Mexico. All they need (or deserve) is “guard shacks” — signal mirrors, cell phones and potable water. IRS agents would need minimal training — be spaced every half-mile — with three work shifts.

Comprehensive Reform… consumption tax transition —

Going from an income tax system to the Fair Tax would immediately free up resources for increased value-added productivity. Congress is resistant to the obvious, why? — Because it’s been said, “Give a people a glimmer of hope for freedom and they’ll want it all.” — The Berlin Wall is one perfect example… after former President Reagan’s famous “… Tear down this wall.” Congress knows this (as well as the “beltway crowd”) and their game of entitlement and power will be taken away by a consumption tax. – “He who has the gold, makes the rules.” – Control is everything: people will regain control of their government.

One doesn’t need to study the Fair Tax any longer… it’s been eminently studied to death. One doesn’t need to educate Congress either. I personally visited every each and every member of Congress and committee directors, the presidential administration and cabinet officials, the U.S. Supreme Court, the Washington, DC press corps, and made one-on-one presentations to all. In the spring and summer (ten weeks total) just before the terrorist attacks of 9/11, I made 640 presentations (core time - six minutes) and hand-carried and delivered 820 Executive folders on fundamental tax reform — the national retail sales tax and the Fair Tax proposals… in-depth with executive summaries and press releases. For each, I ensured that the time, date and contact was so noted and signed-off by the U.S. Congress, et al official… there is no question that the knowledge is out… no excuses!

PROPOSAL (continued)

Comprehensive Reform… “How long” in recent history? —

Not only has the income tax wasted time of taxpayer citizens, but since the early 1990’s, at every session of Congress and every political cycle and every administration have many thousands of people taken their own time—away from families/jobs and productive labor— visiting, calling, writing, and indirectly and directly calling for substantive, true tax reform.

Comprehensive Reform… How many proponents? —

Americans for Fair Taxation, the National Retail Sales Tax Alliance, the National Taxpayers Union, Americans for Tax Reform, We The People, and on-and-on … including U.S. citizen taxpayer activists have visited the Hill, emailed consistently, called incessantly, conducted hearings, testified at Congressional hearings, and on-and-on… much weariness, time well spent or wasted, and being “yelled at on the phone” as President Bush’s advisor Karl Rove has done with me after receiving a multiplicity of emails, then been overloaded with faxes.

Why all this effort? Because of the “black hole” of apathy on the part of our government when dealing with “the rest of the people” meaning anyone outside the DC beltway or the beltway structure such as “The Income Tax People” – H&R Block, and all the facilitators.

Why all this effort for the obvious?

Because of the communist plank, “Give me two generations of your youth…” — As a nation, we’ve been brain-washed into believing that the income tax is the only way to go, and all the deductions. Who knows what their gross wage is, most only know what their “take home” pay is, and like lemmings “play a fool’s game” of write-offs. Many in “our” Congress and “their” powerbrokers are wholly addicted to the game — “all is vanity…”

PROPOSAL (continued)

Comprehensive Reform… “revenue neutral” —

Going from an income tax system to the Fair Tax would immediately level the “playing field” (as it appears to be by Congress) by eliminating all of the power-brokering, the entitlements, the social-engineering, the constant studies to keep from going down the “slippery slope” of cause-and-effect — tampering with our economy and money system, and our tax base would become transparent, dynamic and have great ramifications:

  1. The national debt would be systematically, autonomously paid down to minimums
  2. The trade deficit(s) would be marginalized as the global “playing field” is leveled
  3. The American people would be happier, more productive and less stressed…
  4. The loss of revenue due to “underground economy” would be greatly reduced
  5. The national character would get a great moral boost — in moral principals
  6. The time wasted by government and representatives would be greatly reduced
  7. The priorities such as energy, education, security, etc. would be enhanced…

Comprehensive Reform… “revenue continuity” —

The tax base would become the tax foundation or the mainspring of stable revenue, and the exemptions, the deductions, the (tax) credits andexclusions would become a thing of the past… a “thing of the past” where they rightfully belong.

These tax engineered “loopholes” and the entitled counter-culture, and mindset, of the income tax would be a “heap on the ashes of history” — in the Twentieth Century where IT/they should be… a historical footnote of what “not to do” if future generations are foolishly (read “stupidly”) so inclined.

PROPOSAL (continued)

Comprehensive Reform… “one, uniform tax rate” —

Equal Protection: The tax rate (not, plural “rates”) would be the same for all (equal justice for all) and the system would be personally and collectively “economically driven” which to any justice-seeking or fair-minded, reasonable person is the only thing that makes sense.

The distribution of the tax burden (“burden” is key) would cease to become a burden and more of a responsibility. Distribution (read “redistribution”) is what makes taxes become a burden, not proportionate/equitable, transparent taxes such as the consumption tax… Providing relief for those needy (when needed) is incumbent in the FairTax pre-bates.

Charitable giving is a personal thing. Having the government get in between one’s desire to demonstrate charity is to create a selfish person where a generous one existed before. The government needs to get out of the way and quit disbursing politically motivated or on a global/national scale — geopolitically motivated giving — charitable or otherwise.

Comprehensive Reform… “Home ownership – haw, haw!” —

Home ownership is a joke, both on a national, state and local basis. – When armed thugs can take away your “paid-for” home because you did not pay “property tax” — meaning “rent payment” for occupancy to the county government, then there is no such a thing as home ownership, only confiscatory taxation… representative government or not. Or when the IRS or state revenue officials can go to the county one resides and/or owns property (“real property”) and get permission to place a lien on said property pursuant to court ordered judgment (federal, state, local) and place it on the auction block, this is none other than confiscation, especially when the property can be auctioned off by the countyfor property tax, but the so-called owner can’t borrow money (due to income tax lien) to pay the confiscatory property tax. – I’ve personally experienced this and it is unjust.

PROPOSAL (continued)

Comprehensive Reform… “Transparent taxation” —

Going from an income tax system to the Fair Tax would immediately simplify collection and generate fairness in the process. Business would be treated like generators of our economic strengthinstead of being relegated (in great part) to being “tax collectors” of the Internal Revenue Service and state revenue systems. They would spend more time accounting for business growth and security rather than maintaining “trust accounts” and accounting of “with-held wages” for all the various vehicles of personal tax invasion.

To restate so there is no misunderstanding: THE FEDERAL INCOME TAX CODE SHOULD BE SCRAPED IN ITS ENTIRETY. -- THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE SHOULD BE DONE AWAY WITH IN ITS ENTIRETY AS IT IS BASED ON THE INCOME TAX SYSTEM. – A fewU.S. Treasury officials can collect sales tax moneys from the existing states’ sales tax entities. — Only a handful of states would need to start up a sales tax infrastructure.

Comprehensive Reform… “True privacy” —

My “under durita” (under duress) tax returns have been/are copyrighted with proper caveats and markings— the same used by an aerospace giant when disclosing private or proprietary data (technical, marketing, financial, personal, strategic, etc.) to the DOD – Department of Defense. Does the IRS honor this, not only “no” but “hell no” as they act as if they believe they are above the law. I am of the firm conviction that IRS officials and state revenue officials are not “grandfathered” with immunity from criminal & civil prosecution… As the IRS ignores the statute of limitations, then quid pro quo prevails.

PROPOSAL (continued)

Comprehensive Reform… “tax administration, etc.” —

My background in the aerospace and defense industry is as a recognized National Resource Specialist meaning that I have demonstrated national excellence and expertise in cost-savings, mostly driven by advanced or enhanced new technology systems, plain “common sense” practicality, and mission-driven weight savings — economy of structure, materials, etc. – “If it’s too heavy it won’t get off the ground, and if it’s too light then it will break.” – The best answer lies somewhere in between, an engineering judgment.

Call for passage of the Fair Tax Act – S/H.R.25

Comprehensive Tax Reform… a word to the wise! —

Any fool, a “rocket scientist” or even a congress-member can see that immediately going to the consumption Fair Tax federal revenue system, and corresponding (rote) states’ revenue systems will dramatically and greatly improve our overall economic health:

As compared to the present income tax system, the Fair Tax would pave the way for improved tax or revenue products, reduce cost of collection/administration, provide for inherent simplicity, provide for Constitutional (equal protection/access, etc.) fairness and equity, focus on “Constitutional Rights” in-lieu-of the restrictive “civil rights” which raises the bar on equity… and would inherently, greatly enhance compliance, reducing the same in enforcement resources… Above all the United States’ pre-eminent economic posture and national/socio-economic would secure global economic growth and competitiveness.


PROPOSAL (concluded)

Comprehensive Tax Reform…

Respectfully submitted to President George W. Bush

—Presidential Tax Reform Commission —

—Panel members…

By my hand this day — April 29, 2005


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Copyright © 2005, by Frank R. Wall

-- All Rights Reserved (UCC, et al.) –

President’s Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform-- the Advisory Panel is soliciting comments regarding specific proposals to reform the tax code. Comments may include proposals to replace or comprehensively reform the existing tax system or proposals to reform particular aspects or elements of the current tax code. -- -- IMPORTANT - NOTE DEADLINE...

— Submissions with the panel's second request must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 29, 2005.

— Please be aware that all comments will be made available to the public.



"The current tax code is a daily mugging." - Ronald Reagan

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