Please note: min. font size is 11 pt, references min. 6pt, all margins min. 1,5 cm.

I. Project and Applicant Summary (max. 1 page)


Working Group title
Funds requested / max. 50.000 €
Brief Summary / max. 350 words

(2)Information on Lead Applicant/Coordinator

Affiliation, Position

(3)Lead Applicant Supporting Statement

Please supply a supporting statement justifying why the Lead Applicant is the appropriate person to co-ordinate this Working Group. For example: experience in organising similar projects, a specific area of expertise relevant to the topic, etc.

II. Scientific Rationale for the Proposed Working Group (max. 1 page)

Please state the scientific rationale for the proposed Working Group.Identifythe research need(s) that will beaddressed and the consequent benefits to the field of neurodegenerative disease research.

Please explain what other efforts there have been in this area to date. What will be the unique contribution of your planned approach and, if relevant, how will it complement what has already been done by yourselves or by others?

III. Objectives and Mode of Operation (max. 1 page)

What are the objectives and the planned mode of operation for the proposed Working Group?

Please set out the workplan/timeline for delivery of the Working Group and for dissemination of outcomes.A diagram that provides an overview of the workflow for this project should be included.

Where an Advisory Reference Group is to be employed (see Section V), please explain the composition andhow and when this will inform the Working Group.

If you might be interested in organising a common workshop for exchange of results between all working groups, please briefly outline your ideas here. Please note that organising such a workshop may be funded with additional 50.000€. However, it is not mandatory or expected to make an application here.

IV. Composition of Working Group and Contribution of Working Group Members(max. 3 pages)

In this section,list the members of the Working Group and provide a sentence to explain how each member will contribute scientifically to the proposed activities. Working Groups must be trans-national and must include members from three or more participating JPND countries. Inclusion of experts from non-JPND regions is encouraged.

Composition of the Working Group
Coordinator / Name, Affiliation, Country, nature of contribution
Contributors / Name, Affiliation, Country, nature of contribution
(minimum 3 partners from JPND member states; the coordinator must be from a participating JPND member country)

V. Composition of the Advisory Reference Group (optional; max. 1 page)

Although not mandatory, consideration should be given to establishing an external reference group to ensure objectivity is maintained in developing the Working Group’s conclusions. If an Advisory Reference Group is to be used, please ensure that section III explains how this will function within the overall work plan.

Composition of the Advisory Reference Group
Advisory Reference Group Members / Name, Affiliation, Country, expertise

VI. Outcomes and Deliverables (max. 1 page)

What are the expected outcomes and deliverables of the Working Group?Please list each outcome or deliverable in the table below and provide a short explanation as to how the outcome or deliverable will enable neurodegenerative disease research.

Outcome/Deliverable / How will this enable neurodegenerative disease research?

Dissemination Plans

What is the plan for the dissemination of guidelines/methodological frameworks/other outputsto be produced by this project?

VII. Justification of budget (max. 1 page)

Please explain the requested fundsin the following table by describing the breakdown of the budget. Please make sure that also a short justification is included for each item. Funding is expected to cover the costs of two small workshops, with further work to be undertaken through email, tele-, video- or web-conferencing.

Costs may be requested for example for:

  • Travel for the members of the Working Group
  • Hire of venues for workshops
  • Payment for tele-conferencing, web-conferencing, etc.

The funding will not provide support for:

  • Direct research activity or equipment
  • The salaries of tenured investigators, although funds to support an administrative coordinator will be permitted
  • Student stipends

Position / Amount (€) / Details and justification
e.g. PI travel / Please provide information on expected travel expenses

Attachment: Working Group members (max. 1 page per member)

Summary CV

A short CV should be included for each member. You may provide a list of up to five relevant publications within the last five years.

JPND call Working Groups on Imaging Methods for NeurodegenerationPage 1