Dear Teammates,

The CUBS are the Chicago Urban Bicycling Society. We are a volunteer-led community of riders who join together each year to ride RAGBRAI, enjoy the hospitality of the people of Iowa, and give a little bit back to the state that welcomes the world every July.

RAGBRAI 2016 was another of the best years ever for the CUBS! Great route, wonderful hosts, and a great group of riders. Read all about it and see our photos at

As the great RAGBRAI sage Carter LeBeau would say, “There are only 248 days to RAGBRAI!” RAGBRAI XLV will be held Saturday, July 22, 2017 through Saturday, July 29, 2017, and registration is open. Here is everything veterans and rookies need to know to sign up.

Number of riders

We take registration on a first-come, first-served basis. We can accommodate 68 riders this year. The first 68 to register will be assured of a spot. After that, there will be a waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, don’t be discouraged. We have cancellations every year, and we haven’t turned anyone away from the waiting list in 10 years. Our first deposits are due January 15, 2017. If you register by then, you will ride RAGBRAI!


CUBS 2017 registration will be $875 per person; unchanged from last year! Your registration fee includes:

  • Membership in CUBS
  • Transportation to and from Iowa in a luxury bus
  • Planning and housing/camping arrangements by CUBS volunteers
  • The best support crew in Iowa!
  • 2017 CUBS bike jersey ($75 value)
  • 2017 CUBS T-shirt (priceless)
  • RAGBRAI registration fees ($175)
  • A night in a hotel midweek depending on availability (we'll pick your roommate)
  • Banquet dinner
  • Gifts for our host families
  • Continental breakfast daily
  • Snacks, pop and beer at the end of the day
  • Awards at the end of the ride
  • Much more


Registering to ride RABRAI with the CUBS happens in three parts:

  1. Registering with CUBS on
  2. Registering with RAGBRAI at
  3. Mailing your paper forms and deposit check to our treasurer: David Goodman, 1310 N. Ritchie Court, Unit 19 A, Chicago, IL 60610

You are not registered to ride with the CUBS until all three steps are complete.

PART 1: Registering with us on

Click on the Log-In tab and either create a new profile or open up your old profile and make sure all the information is correct.

PART 2: Registering with RAGBRAI at

If RAGBRAI has changed their registration process from last year, these instructions may be inaccurate. Follow the directions on the website and use common sense.

  1. Go to Click on Complete an entry form online.
  2. If you registered online in any of the previous years, there will be a profile for you, but you must enter your logon and password. If you don’t remember it, follow the prompts to have it sent to you.
  3. If you have never previously registered online, click on Create a Profile. You will receive a validating email. Then you can log in.
  4. After you log in, click on Submit an Entry.
  5. Click on Find a Group. Be careful here! If you register as an individual rather than as a member of CUBS, we cannot change that. You will wind up in the individual lottery for a wristband, and not part of our group registration.
  6. Enter our group number. It is 246.
  7. When CUBS appears, put your pointer on it and it can be activated. Click on CUBS.
  8. Click on ‘weeklong’ rider.
  9. Select any of the other optional purchases. Remember to add these costs to your $375 initial deposit, if you decide to purchase them. Then submit entry.

PART 3: Paperwork! Forms, ID and Insurance Cards, and Deposit Check

You must print and fill out the three forms that are attached as PDFs to the introductory email. You can also find the PDFs on our website. Mail all of these things to our treasurer, Dave Goodman, 1310 N. Ritchie Court, Unit 19 A, Chicago, IL 60610.

  1. RAGBRAI WAIVER FORM (must have your original signature – no copies allowed)
  4. A copy of your current driver’s license, automobile insurance card, and health insurance card, all three copied on ONE page.
  5. Your initial deposit check of $375, plus the cost of any additional items you ordered from the RAGBRAI website (RAGBRAI jersey, etc.). Make your check payable to CUBS.

This packet must be received BEFORE 1/15/17 in order to GUARANTEE your spot on RAGBRAI 2017. We appreciate you mailing in this paperwork in a digital world. Our team saves a lot of money in swipe fees every year by using checks rather than credit cards.

The second installment of the fee is $250, which will be due by March 15TH.

Your final installment of $250 is due by May 15th.

Critical Dates for RAGBRAI CUBS:

  • January 15, 2017: Initial Deposit DUE ($375 plus any extra purchases at time of online registration. You may also send the entire $875 plus any extras)
  • February 12, 2017, 11 A.M.: CUBS Kickoff Brunch at Misericordia Homes (Invitations will be sent to you around January 15th.) Bring your spouse or significant other. The brunch will run approximately $20/person including the tip. It’s quite lovely. After brunch we’ll have a meeting and talk about the ride!
  • March 15, 2017: Second Installment DUE ($250)
  • May 15, 2017: Final Installment DUE ($250)
  • June, 2017: Meet the CUBS Pizza Party (Time Date & Place TBA)
  • July 22, 2017 - Leave for RAGBRAI 2016

If you have any questions email me at . My contact information is: 2108 W. Devon Avenue, Chicago, IL 60659. My phone is 773-761-9900 (office) or 312-919-0700 (cell).

Only 248 days to RAGBRAI 2017! Wishing you and yours a very joyous holiday season,

Brad Prendergast, President, CUBS