- What does the phrase, “ante partum, in partu, et post partum” mean?
- What are the two sources of Revelation which comes to us from God?
- What is the primary task of the Magisterium?
- The doctrine of Mary’s Perpetual Virginity brings to light two distinct errors that are rooted in misconceptions concerning the nature of divine Revelation. Name and briefly explain these two errors.
- What did Pope Leo XIII affirm about Scripture in the encyclical, Providentissimus Deus?
- Who should a Catholic first listen to when it comes to understanding the meaning of Scripture – a learned Theologian or a member of the Magisterium?
- In treating Mary’s virginity ante partum, in partu, and post partum, which source of Revelation do we refer to?
- How long has Christianity held the belief that Mary was a virgin when she conceived Jesus?
- When did the Church begin to use the phrase, “Ever Virgin” in referring to Mary?
- Modernist attitudes have given rise to a mistaken notion about the Virginity of Mary described in Scripture. What is the mistaken notion? Explain why.
- What does the Church actually mean when she says that Mary remained a virgin during the birth of Christ? (Two part answer!)
- The meaning in #11 points to the fact that Mary was a virgin physically and interiorly. What do YOU think it means to say Mary was a virgin “interiorly?”
- How was Jesus birth “different” than ours?
- Does that makes His nature different than ours? (#13)
- What does the word continentmean in referring to Mary’s virginity after the birth of Jesus?
- Is Mary’s post-partum virginity explicitly taught in Scripture?
- How is the Greek word adelphos used in Scripture?
- What are four reasons the Church gives for us not believing that Mary had other children than Jesus?
- What does Scripture really mean when it says that Joseph and Mary did not having relations “until she bore a son?”
- Why can we say that Mary and Joseph had a true marriage?
- Why is Mary’s virginity an important part of the “New Creation” according to Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)?
- After reading this article, what does Mary’s Perpetual Virginity teach YOU about the importance of virginity itself?