SSNB Competitions Meeting ( conference Call)
Sept 6th, 2006
Attending :
Chair - Donna Bubar
Caraquet – Renaud Gionet; Codiac - Richard Roy ; Fredericton – Pierre El Khoury; Saint John – John Cummings ; St Croix - Jeff cross
Regrets - Restigouche - & Hampton
Meeting commenced – 7.05 pm
1. Approval of Minutes of the Jan 11th, 2006 Competitions meeting.
Motion , by SJ Rep, to accept Jan 11 minutes -
2nd - St. Croix Rep
Approval - unanimous
2. Business arising from Jan 11th meeting :
A. Age Class competitions in the Province - Was felt that we need at least one to give skaters a chance to get their Age Class times. Would work best to have the Age Class Competition earlier to accommodate those going to Quebec Competitions for the season. Fredericton will check with their club to see if this can be accommodated.
B. Provincial Records Certificates - Still working on the template for the certificate. SJ Rep has taken the lead on this matter. Old version will be sent to the SJ rep. Discussion on plastic wrapping or placing in cardboard holders. Committee Chair will check with a local source and get back to the committee.
C. An SSNB Provincial Ribbon : This was discussed last season but there wasn’t enough feedback from clubs to see if their was enough interest to do this. Under the proposed idea , all clubs would purchase from the SSNB pool. Ribbons would include 1st, 2nd , 3rd ; and the rest participant.
All clubs are to check and see if they want a SSNB Provincial Ribbon instead of their local Club ribbons. TD will check on the volume costs with a local supplier and get back to the committee.
D. Job Shadowing / Official recruitment ;
Committee Chair to send all committee members the current SSNB Officials list. It has to be updated by all clubs and sent back to SSNB competitions committee , since there is not Official chair at present. All clubs responsible to update list immediately.
Clubs to look at development of Officials list and select / recruit members to fill job positions at their competitions . This will need to include some job shadowing at a previous competition.
SSNB and Clubs need to be aware of SSC requirements for official recruitment and the need for remaining current for those that have acquired certain levels. SSNB & Competitions may need to look at certain competition for SSC sanction to meet SSC requirements.
Competitions Committee is looking at having an electronic timing equipment training seminar at Codiac Rink , Oct 14th or 15th , at the SSNB Provincial Camp .
E. FUNdamentals meet : There were opinions expressed on both side of the issue
None on the schedule for the 2006 – 2007 season . Competitions committee will evaluate the need for this type of competition for younger skaters at the end of the season. Good subject for SSNB Strategic plan
3. 2006 – 2007 SSNB Schedule :
Motion By SJ Rep to accept the 2006 – 2007 SSNB Competitions schedule as presented.
2nd by the Fredericton Rep
Vote – Unanimous approval
4. New Business :
A. Caraquet and Fredericton were asked to create groups of SSNB Canada Games eligible skaters to allow them to skate their appropriate CWG distances and earn their points according to the Canada Games Selection guide.
B. Caraquet was asked to also put a pursuit on their form as well to allow skaters wishing to get a time for Junior Trials
C. SSC’s MEET MANAGER and SSNB MEET MAKER were discussed. All clubs will need to train office staff to learn the new SSC program.
SSNB will continue to use the SSNB MEET MAKER program for all its competitions as well. The new SSC program does not seem to have a continuing data base. Since SSNB functions on times through out the current season to rank our skaters – we will continue to use our established program. SJ Club will look at trying to upgrade the current format of SSNB’s MEET Manager / Time Keeper – if possible. SSNB will send copies of older formats to the SJ club. It is hoped these older versions are not tampered with and might be better served for upgrading.
SSNB will also monitor the SSC program and record problems and omissions from the format and send the information to SSC . SSNB will also develop a closer relationship with some key meet coordinators in other Provinces to assess their needs for the SSC MEET MANAGER program.
D. Competition Committee approval of 2005 – 2006 awards winners as presented. There will also be a $ 200.00 budgeted item to purchase these awards.
Motion by the SJ rep
2nd – the St Croix rep
Vote - unanimous approval
Over all- Male and Female Age Class Champions are still to be determined.
E. Campbellton Competition ( Dec 9th & 10th) :
- The Campbellton club will be asked to add divisions of SSNB eligible Canada Games Skaters only to their program.
- It is also recommended that ALL Clubs support the Competition and come to cheer on your Provincial athletes trying for a position on the Canada Games team.
F. 2006 – 2007 Competions Kit [ Changes]
Motion - ( page 10 , section 3 , item 4 ) Revert back to the top three by gender will receive medals for every division
Motion - Fredericton Rep
2nd – Codiac rep
Vote – Unanimous approval
Motion - ( page 4 , section 1 , Item 3 ) Rebates for deposit ( $100.00 ) fees in a more timely manner: Discussion on receiving rebate back more quickly. Committee decided that clubs will send in their payment on two separate cheques . One for the SSNB Sanction of $ 25.00 and another cheque for the Deposit fee of $ 100.00. If a club meets the deadline for submitting ALL the SSNB required paper work , the check will be destroyed and not deposited. If the club fails to meet the time frame , the cheques will be cashed as in the past practice.
Motion was made by the ST. Croix Rep
2nd by the SJ Rep
Vote – Unanimous approval
Entering Eastern Canadian’s Standards into the SSNB Competitions Kit :
Committee felt that this was not necessary to include it in the kit, as it will change every year. But it MUST be available and posted on the SSNB web site , on the SSNB Competitions Registration Page, prior to the start of the racing season.
Change in Allowable numbers for both 1 and two day meets. Kit needs to be changed to reflect the numbers voted on at the NOV / DEC , 2005 meeting.
( DONNA – DO you have minute with the vote on the numbers change? I don’t have any . I need the wording as well as the vote numbers )
Change - 1 Day competitions - - 150
- 2 day Competitions - - 185
G. SSNB Competitions Committee , as well as The SSNB Board to look at competition registration fees in the future. Competition item to bring to the SSNB Strategic Plan
H. Helmet Covers :
All clubs to review their stock of helmet covers. Also look at clubs system for retaining the helmet covers with skaters retiring from the sport within the club .
SSNB to assess their numbers of extra covers
I. Media attention in the Province : A request to see if SSNB can receive better media attention for the sport through all types of media outlets. Competitions committee felt that this would be a good topic for the Strategic planning session . It will also forward the concern on to SSNB Domestic Development committee.
J. Competition Registration Fee’s :
Competitions Committee has asked all clubs to go back to their clubs to discuss this subject,. Bring back club feed back to the Committee for future discussion.
K. Meet Manager - ALL clubs to send Committee Chair of all interested names
L. Electronic Timing Equipment :
Committee Chair to send Cathie Hurley and NB Athletics the approved SSNB Competitions schedule for 2006 – 2007 , Reserving the equipment for those weekends.
Each club to send names for qualified person that will be running the electronic timing equipment , at you club’s competition, to Cathie Hurley as well as CC’d to SSNB Competitions committee .
Electronic Timing Equipment will be stored at Competition Committee chairs house for the winter.
Motion : Budget item $ 600.00 : Competition committee feels it is important to purchase a used computer that is dedicated to running our competition formats only. This purchase will allow SSNB to maintain it’s data base system, at least for the current season, for skater ranking. The computer will be a little older and should most likely have windows 98 as it’s operating system ( to handle the DOS format of the program.) It will also need to be current enough to handle the SSNB printers etc that need to be attached.
A motion was made to budget up to $ 600.00 towards the purchase of a used lap top computer to be strictly for SSNB competition use for the purposes of running the SSNB Meet maker program.
Motion by the SJ Rep
2nd - Codiac rep
Vote – Unanimous approval
5. Other Business :
A. Kevlar skinsuits : Was this an issue for SSNB at this time. It was stated that it is not unless Competitions committee wants to reflect this standard into competitions. The Kevlar skunsuits are more of a Athlete development and Parent issue at present – to react to the SSC and FPVQ competitions our skaters may wish to compete in .
B. SSNB responsibility to keep the certification levels of those officials that remain interested.
Next meeting :
Two choices :
Sit down meeting Oct 14 – 15 in Dieppe - Codiac rep to see if it is possible
Alternative - Oct 11th
Meeting adjourned - 9.57 pm