Minutes of the last branch meeting
Warminster Royal BritishLegion
Reg charity number219279
Conservative Club 21st March 2017 7.30pm
Exhortation and Act of Remembrance
By Vice Chairman Brian Darvill BEM
Welcome to new member Mike Appleton
Members Present
R.Kingshott, V.Kingshott, D. Atkinson, R.Atkinson, A.Aiken, M.Aiken,T.Wilson, J.Wilson, K Green, Br.Darvill, Bl.Darvill, C.Wright, M.Walsh, C.Grant, P.Grant, M.Gale, G.Gale, C.Morrissey, J.Morrissey, E.Martin, G.Starling, F.Lawton, M.Lawton, W.Smith, A.Clark, L.Fudge, S. Bohanna,J.Pomeroy
R.Wright, P.Ridout, S.Royce-Rogers, S.Moss, H.Moss, B.Loveday, H.Loveday, G.Hooker, J.Bosley, C.Bosley, R.Crawford, R.Courtney, J.Cobbold, P.March, B.Adams
Minutes of meeting 21st February 2017 propose to be a true record of the meeting by Andy Clark seconded by Ted Wilson. Accepted unanimously.
Chairmans and Vice Chairmans Report
Brian Darvill welcomed Mike and Fay Lawton to the Committee, Co-opted on 14th March 2017.
Brian reminded the meeting that we would be helping man the Heytesbury water point Sunday 28th May outside the Red Lion. At the same time we will be at The Selwood Steam and Vintage Rally on the last bank holiday in May 27th,28th and 29th May, with our Marquee and hopefully help from The Riders Branch.
Brian then gave an update on his new hearing aid from the Veterans Hearing Fund. Details can be found at support.britishlegion.org.uk/app/answers/.../veterans-hearing-fund. Or just go to the RBL website and type in VHF follow the link
He then gave a short report on our attendance at the Warminster Health,Wellbeing and Social Care Forum.
John Pomeroy, who provided us with our trailer, has written a book about his adventures which will go on sale later tonight all profits from the sale will be donated to our branch.
Branch Secretary
Roger then gave a short advertisement for the Selwood Steam Rally. A poster will be added to our website and hopefully CountyWebsites
The Citizens Advice Bureau in Warminster is moving location to the Library and will cease to offer a drop in service, it will be appointment only. The Hub remains in the CABBuilding and their opening hour are:-
Monday 10-6, Tuesday 10-1, Wednesday 10-4, Thursday 10-4, Friday 10-1, and Saturday 10-1.
There will be a talk by Dr Richard Smith on 29th March2017 10am at The Civic Centre on Fibromyalgia. If you are a sufferer or carer this will be of great interest to you.
Spring/ St Georges Lunch at the George Inn Longbridge Deverell 22nd April. I have to put the numbers in to The George by 12th April so our next meeting will be too late. Please send your menus to Roger on 01985 510271, 25 Barley Close, Warminster, BA12 9LX or let me have them at the Skittles on 30th March.
Next Month we will be having a talk by Martin Randall, who is the Practice Manager at the Avenue Surgery with David Reeves, the Chairman of the patients Participation Group. They will be bringing a slide show with them and it should be a very informative talk
I have chased up our delegate to the National Conference, Richard Crawford and he assures me his forms are in.
I printed off a very informative document entitled “What We Do” if anyone would like a copy, please collect one after the meeting.
Roger reported that we would be advertising events on the county website as well as our own and in future the agenda for Branch Meeting would be published on our website.
Skittles on 30th March. Remember to put your name down for the skittles. We must do better as the Ladies from Heytesbury keep beating us.
I asked The Mayor Councillor Paul Macfarlane to come along and talk to us about his Civic Service at The Minster Church on Sunday 23rd April at 10am. We are all invited. Wearing of blazers and regalia is encouraged and we hope to have our standard there.
Paul is a branch member as is Phil Seddon who will be meeting and greeting at the door. It will be a chance to meet the new Town Clark Fiona Fox who takes over, I think in May.
Later in the day on 23rd April the Branch have been invited to The Church in Sutton Veny for the ANZAC Day service at 3pm. Our Chairman Bob Wright and usually our President Andrew Murrison will be laying wreaths at the memorial in the church yard
Once again Blazers, medals and our standard are the order of the day. There is a very nice tea in the village hall afterwards. The service will be covered by Warminster Community Radio as an outside broadcast which will be heard in Australia and New Zealand with about a 70 second delay.
PAO and Welfare
Lesley had nothing to report but did make a few suggestions about this years Poppy appeal. You will have to wait and see what they are nearer remembrance time.
Membership Secretaries Report
Andy Clark reported, 467 members, now being renewed annually on the anniversary of their joining.
TedWilsonPlain Crazy
Ted reported that there had been no volunteers to take on Plain Crazy and Ted is preparing to register for this year and is proposing that we should run an interim run across the Plain during the summer. Vice Chair appealed once again for someone to take it on. Its more admin rather than running. The present Mayor has volunteered to run this year. Now that’s an offer we cannot refuse!!
Roger Read out a letter from John Bosley’s Daughter Christina thanking members for their support during Johns period in hospital. If you have a few minutes spare please go and visit John, he would be very grateful. Contact me for his address 01985 510271.
Our newsletter and Minutes are to be published on the County Website with personal information removed. I intend to publish the minutes of our branch meetings on our website.
Our next branch meeting will be on April 18th 7 for 7.30 start.
The meeting closed at 8.15pm with The Kohima Epitaph
John Pomeroy then gave a short talk about his book. In the summer of 2012, John Pomeroy and John Poole left Warminster in a vintage Albion Lorry to drive to Poole and then turn left and follow the coast road, around the British mainland back to Poole, and then return to Warminster collecting on the way, funds for The Royal British Legion, our trailer came from this adventure.
John Pomeroy has put the adventure into book form and he has now received the first 200 copies from the printers price £14.95 per copy of which we are told after printing costs and other expenses approx 40% of the price will be donated to the Warminster Branch.
For your copy contact Warminster Branch Secretary Roger Kingshott on 01985 510271 or or Derek Atkinson on 01985 300793.
Branch Trailer donated by John after his All Around The Outside Trip
After the talk Roger continued with a War Story. One more is in the pipeline and then I have run out so someone will have to stand up and tell us what they did in the war.
Is anybody interested in a trip to the National Arboretum or BletchleyPark?
Warminster Royal British Legion will be at the
Don’t just come to see it come along and be part of it. We need lots of help manning our Marquee.
We set up on 26th May 2017 and the fair will run for 27th, 28th and 29th May then we take down. Give us some time come along and join us. Names to Roger or Brian Please.
Don’t Forget to send in your names for the Skittles on 30th March and your Menus for the St Georges Day Lunch at The George April 22nd
To Roger