WRV POA Board Meetings August 10th and August 11th 2012
Friday August 10, 2012
Meeting was called to order at 9:05 AM at the office of FUR (First United Reality).
All five (5) members of the board were present.
Members are:
Jim Gavin
Estelle White
Gary Bowers
Bob Lasure
Dick Smith
Minutes of the Annual meeting were presented by Bob as he took the minutes in the absence of Dick Smith, Secretary. The minutes were reviewed and approved without changes.
Financial Report:
Gary presented the Financial Report of WVR (Woodland Valley Ranch). It was reported that the balance of Total Assets as of the end of 2011 was $93,716. Total expenses for 2011 were $124,337. Total expenses for 2012, January thru June, were $83,823. Road grading and repair totaled $77, 727 of this total. Anticipated Expenses for the remainder of the year is estimated at $45,000.
Dues income for 2011 was 133,655. Dues income for January thru June 2012 totaled $128,428. Our Dues Collection program that was started to retrieve delinquent dues has had good success. From April thru June in 2011, dues income was $9300, but the same period in 2012 brought in $19,251. The total delinquent at the end of 2011 was $92,168 but it was pointed out that as of July, 2012, the delinquent amount is $86,800.
The financial report was discussed and approved by a 5-0 vote.
Election of Officers for 2012-2013
Jim Gavin, President
Estelle White, Vice-President
Dick Smith, Secretary
Gary Bowers, Treasurer
Bob Lasure, Board member
The next election of the board will be in June of 2013.
Discussion of other business:
The lawsuit sought against WVR by Dennis Bunch was discussed. It is in the hands of the Insurance Carrier, Liberty Mutual. It is still in the investigation stage.
The topic of the current well and updates to the system were proposed. Thoughts of adding a tank and a demand pump with solar panels were talked about. It was stated that we didn’t have enough information on the well to see if the well would handle this system. If it can’t handle this system, the well could be put out of commission. Some has made unauthorized changes to the well by putting a 2inch hose on the pump instead of the ¾ inch hose that the system was intended to handle. Talks of adding a new well in the southern area of the ranch were tabled because of cost and the feeling that usable water may not be found and the cost is high and the funds aren’t available.
The water was tested in the current well and the voice response from the testing company indicated that the water was superior in quality in all areas. We are waiting for formal test results to reach the board.
It was proposed by Jim Gavin that as we consider a proposal as follows:
1. Due to the extended length of travel for Board Members, at Board Members sole expense, with no reimbursement, all meals during this meeting period will be provided to Board Members. Such expenses for meeting meals will be paid by Woodland Valley Ranch – Property Owners Association funds, as “Meeting Expenses”. All meal expenses shall be reasonable and prudent.
2. Any related vehicle expenses for Ranch Road Inspections and related activities shall be reimbursed at $.50 per related mile. Any vehicle expenses shall be documented as to purpose and detailed and dated. Such expends shall be accounted for as Travel Expenses under Administrative Expenses. Any related vehicle expenses for Ranch Road Inspection shall be reasonable and prudent.
The above proposal was discussed and seconded by Gary. The vote was 5-0 in favor of this.
At this point, a late recess was called at 1:00 PM.
We reconvened at 1:40 PM on Friday.
Bozik Lots were discussed. It was determined that they had a legal contract signed at purchase that excused them from paying dues on all but three (3) of their properties to the association.
Bronstein Family Trust lots were discussed and they also have legal contract that says until they sell the lots, they are excused from paying dues to the association. Once sold, the new owners would be required to start making yearly payments.
Jim presented the expense list for the annual meeting. It was proposed that Jim be reimbursed for these expenses. Vote was 4 – 0, with Jim abstaining.
A clean-up of the outstanding dues list be made to remove all properties that have been foreclosed on. Estelle is to work on this list.
Discussed taking legal action against any property owners with past due Association Dues but up to date on there County Property Taxes. It should be a case-by-case determination. Vote 5-0 in favor.
John Heltzel arrived at our meeting as was planned. His arrival was at 2:43 PM.
The state of the roads was discussed and several areas were determined to be in need of work.
John and Dick Smith are to work together on ROAD NAMING. They will propose the road boundaries and present it to the board for approval. Then we will set costs for naming the roads based on how many signs are needed. All signs must meet standards for material and location.
The meeting was suspended at 5:15 PM and set to reconvene on Saturday Morning at 8:30 AM for a driving tour of the ranch to view and access the roads.
Saturday, August 11th
Most of the day was spend traversing the roads within WVR. We made many stops to look at conditions and discussed possibilities.
During our drive, we stopped at several parcels to talk to owners on issues they have raised or made comments on. All five (5) board members were present and we had good discussion with the people we stopped to see.
After the day of visitation and viewing, we convened our meeting at 8:00 PM to formally discuss plans to improve serious problem areas that were discovered during the day.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 PM.