USTAR Governing AuthorityMeeting

Conference Room: Canyonlands Conference Room

60 E. South Temple, 3rd floor

Salt Lake City, Utah 84111

Conference Line: 1.877.820.7831Passcode: 746095#

Thursday, November 3rd, 2016

3:00 PM – 5:00 PM


3:00 p.m. / Welcome and Introductions / Greg Bell
3:05 p.m. / Approval of the Meeting Minutes/Admin Rules
  • July 7th
  • August 7th
/ Vote / Greg Bell
3:10 p.m. / Medicinal Marijuana Presentation / Information / Senator Shiazowa
3:30 p.m. / Diagnostic Imaging Team / Information / Drs. Renshaw and Yurgelin-Todd
3:50 p.m. / TAP and UTAG Update
  • Recommendations for funding made by the subcommittee after reviewing applications and judging.
/ Information/Discussion/Vote / Susan Opp
4:10 p.m. / Matching Fund Request
  • USU EPSCOR Matching Fund Approval Request
/ Vote / Ivy Estabrooke
4:15 p.m. / USTAR Relocation
  • Possible new locations.
/ Information/Vote / Ivy Estabrooke
4:25 p.m. / Proposal for Market Fit Training
  • Lean canvas training
/ Information/Vote / Ivy Estabrooke
4:35 p.m. / Annual Report Overview
  • The 2016 USTAR annual report, provides an overview of USTAR’s new direction and enhanced focus on the commercialization of science and technology ideas generated from public and private sources while reporting on key items required by the Utah legislature.
/ Information / Ivy Estabrooke
4:50 p.m. / USTAR Dashboard/Snapshots
  • Quarterly report of all the USTAR programs and offices.
/ Information / Ivy Estabrooke
5:00 p.m. / Adjourn / Greg Bell

Board Meeting of the USTAR Governing Authority

Meeting Minutes – 11/07/2016

GA Members: Val Hale (Vice Chair), Jennifer Hwu, Rich Kendell, Rich Lunsford (by phone), Susan Opp, and Will West

USTAR: Cherie Anderson, Linda Cabrales, Lincoln Clark, Ivy Estabrooke (Exec. Director), Peter Jay (by phone), Ashley King, Shirlayne Quail, and Thom Williams

Other: Noelle Cockett (USU), Chris Pieper (AG Office), Perry Renshaw (USTAR), Senator Shiozawa, Jacey Skinner (by phone) and DebbyeYurglen-Todd

Mr. Hale opened and welcomed everyone. He gave a special welcome to Senator Shiozawa. We do not have a quorum until Mr. West arrives.

Senator Shiozawa stated there have been many questions about legalizing medicinal marijuana. There is not only a use for medical marijuana in terms of pain management but as well as an appetite stimulant. Everyone knows someone who has had cancer that has lost his or her appetite. We already have synthetic THC and know there are some appetite stimulants in THC. There are better cheaper alternatives that can help with costs of medication. We do not have the robust research that says what types of THC and compounds really work. He is proposing giving funding to researchers who have the capabilities of creating studies. USTAR has already created some research in what it would cost for studies. If there is less of the psychoactive portion and would it help. If USTAR is interested in it we would like to have you as a part of it. This has the potential for immediate effects on our economy. The upside is helping thousands of patients and research.

Mr. Hale state in the cabinet meeting with Governor Herbert discussed the needs of more research on the effects of medical marijuana and if it truly helps. Senator Shiozawa stated there is a possibility of it helping the treatment of cancer tumors.

Dr. Estabrooke introduced Dr. Perry Renshaw and Dr. DebbyeYurglen-Todd as USTAR professors from the University of Utah. Dr. Yurglen-Todd stated the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) is very supportive of having research done in this area. They support any research on illicit drug abuse and marijuana is on that list. There is not enough empirical data to make good decisions on whether or not it should be legal or not. There are four or five small studies going on in the NIH and NIMH environment. A lot of those are focused on anti cancer treatment. The one budding center out there is in California and there have not been any real new studies. We would be on the forefront of studying this.

Dr. Estabrooke stated we invited Senator Shiozawa who will be presenting a bill in the legislative session on medical marijuana to discuss the direction he will be taking and to have the board be aware. Information presented will be to help the board decide the position USTAR will take. The board asked a few more questions about the direction Senator Shiozawa is planning to take. Senator Shiozawastatedwe need to be able to see if it works and what the side effects are.

Mr. Hale welcomed and congratulated Noelle Cockett as the new president of Utah State University. Dr. Cockett stated she will continue to work with USTAR and as they get a new provost we will move it.

Dr. Estabrooke gave a background of both Dr. Renshaw and Dr. Yurglen-Todd who will present to give the board more information of what they are doing. Dr. Yurglen-Todd stated we are the Diagnostic Neuro Imaging group. We both use magnetic resident imaging and were given our own magnetic enabling us to carry out research we would not normally be able to do. Dr. Renshaw stated one of the things their team is researching is mood disorder and what causes it. Many look at the effects of altitudes. Depression is one of the most disabling diseases in the country. Any medical condition cannot be treated if it is accompanied by depression that is not being treated. Utah has the highest rated problems with depression. There are a lot of prescription anti depressants taken in this state. Because of the altitude there is a higher rate in depression. Creatine, which is an energy buffer, and if there is not enough creatine in your brain you are more likely to be depressed. In a study where patients took Lexapro and some took Lexapro plus Creatine. Those who took Lexapro plus Creatine had 50% less depression. Dr. Renshaw gave several more explanations of studies he has conducted proving that Creatine and Seratonin help to improve depression and anxiety. Both are over the counter products.

Dr. Yurglen-Todd stated the biggest initiative NIH has had is the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study it will track 10,000 children from ages 9 to 10 on enrollment for 10 years. Looking at children before the manifest symptoms of depression, anxiety, substance abuse and other mood disorders. Discovering what the risk factors are. Utah was chosen as one of the sites for this study for an 11 million dollar grant for the first five years. The core component of this is to look at the clinical measures and cognitive and neuroimaging measures. With the magnet provided by USTAR we are able to track these changes. We were selected as 10 of 85 groups who applied for this. People in Utah tend to stick with the studies through out the process as well as having the ability of having siblings enroll in the program.

The goal of this program is to identify factors that will help prevent things and making people more resilient.

Dr. Yurglen-Todd stated another study on marijuana that she has been working on for 25 years. In the 1980’s they were asked to study the negative effects. There are over 49 types available of marijuana. The controlled studies are needed to show the correct effects of marijuana. We are looking at whether the perceived risk of adolescents that use marijuana. There are chronic long-term negative effects that could brachiacardia, chronic bronchitis, and cognitive changes. 9 – 10 % will become addicted in their lifetime for users under the age of 25. They do alter the way the connectivity of the brain. Early and chronic exposure does have a negative impact. Dr. Renshaw stated we have several patents and medicinal chemistry and neutraceuticals that we have done. We have brought in a large number of funding. Dr. Yurglen-Todd stated we came here knowing that with the help of USTAR we can push to commercialize and research.

Mr. Hale stated we have a quorum now and would like to approve the minutes.

Ms. Opp motioned to approve the meeting minutes for July 7th and August 7th. Dr. Hwu seconded the motion. Mr. Hale called for a vote and the vote passed unanimously.

Dr. Estabrooke stated we would like a vote on the admin rules post-public comment.

Dr. Kendell motioned to approve the administrative rules for TAP, UTAG, STIG, IPP, and ERT. Dr. Hwu seconded the motion. Mr. Hale called for a vote and the vote passed unanimously.

Ms. Opp stated we wrote admin rules for both TAP and UTAG. There was a call for open proposals and they went through a reviewing process with the same rubric. UTAG was opened for any non-profit university. The technology sectors aligned with GOED continuing the stimulation for economic growth. In February we would like to do a second cohort. There may need to be an adjustment in sectors. Dr. Estabrooke stated the budget subcommittee asked staff to look at the proposals we did get and look at whether we did not get the word out in these communities.

Ms. Opp stated there is a wide variable in the amount of funding. Dr. Estabrooke stated all funding is done by milestones and based on time needed. Contracts will be created and funding will only be given as milestones are met. There is an 18-month time limit. Ms. Opp stated we are also looking at using a portion of the UTAG budget to allow for a second cohort. We are asking for a board approval on awarding these contracts and creating these milestones. In no case would we exceed the fiscal year budget.

Dr. Estabrooke stated looking at where the scores are we did take a funding line. Considering a 3 as fundable from all the criteria and scoring rubric the quality of technical proposal and economic impact is high at that level. We chose to fully fund the selected projects. The budgets were staff went trough the budgets and adjusting to what is needed to develop the technical portion of it.

Dr. Estabrooke stated from a statistical analysis over time we will look at how many of our companies fail or survive. We do not have the measurements to see what is an acceptable failure rate.

Ms. Opp motioned to approve funding proposals for recommended TAP and UTAG winners. Mr. West seconded the motion. Mr. Hale called for a vote and the vote passed unanimously.

Ms. Opp stated moving forward we need to have a policy in place for funding for IP. Staggering the two programs by a month or two. Investment judges were difficult to find as reviewers. Moving forward we have discussed having the investment judges only reviewing the top half of proposals. Many of the research proposals had a weak commercialization plan. Through lean canvas training we could increase the strength of their proposals.

Dr. Cockett stated when we did the mini grants at USU we had made the market product analysis a requirement. Mike Glauser assigned 3 member teams from the MBA students had a real product to analyze. These were due prior to the first week of school. There were few proposals that needed more of a market proposal.

Dr. Estabrooke stated one of our recommendations to address in the market gap. The NSF/Icorp program has adopted the lean canvas methodology. There is some evidence that this is helping with the market fit and commercialization. We would like to propose having the USTAR directors and associate directors trained on the lean canvas program to provide 3 cohorts to put these companies through these. There is support and data of success of the lean canvas. There is money in the budget to be reallocated to funding the training to provide a more economical impact. There is an MOU being created by the NSF to help provide data from the states that are implementing the lean canvas program.

Dr. Kendell motioned to approve implementing Lean Canvas within USTAR support programs. Ms. Opp seconded the motion. Mr. Hale called for a vote and the vote passed unanimously.

Dr. Estabrooke stated USU is asking for matching funds for EPSCOR. This is a multi year commitment that USTAR made to match NSF funding totaling $100,000.

Mr. West motioned to approve EPSCOR matching funds with NSF totaling $100,000. Dr. Hwu seconded the motion. Mr. Hale called for a vote and the vote passed unanimously.

Dr. Estabrooke stated the USTAR relocation was approved to move to the South Temple building has fallen through during negotiations. We have been doing our due diligence on other locations that would fit our need. These are rates are based off letter of intents that we have received by both landlords. The square footage is different due to the architecture of the building. The staff recommendation is to approve the 111 South Main. DFCM has a good relationship with the owners of this building is being recommended by them. Given the extensive search of what is available in the valley this is the best option. The board asked some questions regarding parking and if there is a way to reduce charges there.

Mr. Lunsford motioned to approve USTAR headquarters office relocation to 111 South Main. Dr. Kendell seconded the motion. Mr. Hale called for a vote and the vote passed unanimously.

Mr. Hale asked for a motion to adjourn.

Ms. Opp motioned to adjourn. Mr. Hale called for a vote and the voted passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned.