Head Teacher: Ms S Boulton
Telephone: 01724 842246 web:
‘Mighty oaks from little acorns grow.’
Information booklet for parents of children starting school in September 2016.
Dear Parents and Carers,
I would like to welcome you as a family to our school on behalf of all the staff and pupils.
Starting school is a milestone in your child’s life; we hope this will be the beginning of a positive partnership between home and school, where we work together to support your child to achieve their full potential.
Staff at Oakfield are committed to developing the whole child, encouraging learning through knowledge, skills and practical activities. We support each child to become tolerant, respectful and caring individuals who enjoy their work and play and are proud of their achievements.
At Oakfield we strive to help your child settle in quickly and to enjoy coming to school. As a parent or carer you are bound to have lots of questions and even some anxieties. This booklet is intended to give you some of the key information you will need. If you have any further enquiries please do not hesitate to come and talk to us.
We hope you will find our school a happy, friendly, safe and secure environment, where your child will flourish.
Yours faithfully
Ms Susan Boulton
Disclaimer: The information in this booklet is correct on the day of printing. You will be informed of any changes.
Foundation Unit Staff
Mrs Redfearn Mrs McGlynn Miss Brady
Mrs James Mrs Shipley Miss Adderley
Mrs Redfearn: Foundation Leader / Class Teacher
MrsMcGlynn: Class Teacher three days per week
Miss Brady: Class Teacher two days per week
Mrs James: Early Years Practitioner
Mrs Shipley: Early Years Practitioner
Miss Adderley: Teaching Assistant
What will my child’s day be like?
8.45:The bell will ring and your child will be met by Foundation Staff as they line up in the playground. They will be taken into the classroom where they will hang up their coats on a named peg. They will put their book bags in the book bag box and reading books / diaries in the reading box.
8.50:The register is taken and children are asked to put their personalised pebble in the correct basket to inform us if they are having a packed lunch or a school dinner. This is also a time for your child to share any important news they may have.
8.55: Dough Disco! A daily finger work out to develop muscles for writing
9.00:Read Write Inc - Your child will be taught how to read, write and spell in a small group, led by one of the Foundation staff. They will be taught to identify and name letters and sounds, read key words on sight and to spell using Fred Fingers.
9.30 – 9.45:Literacy / Communication and Language Input – This involves whole class teaching of reading, writing, speaking and listening.
9.45 – 10.45: Continuous Provision.Children will access the continuous play provision both inside the classroom and in the outdoor areas. During this time staff will make observations of what, and how your child is learning. They will play alongside and converse with your child about what he / she is doing. Children choose the areas they wish to work in (child initiated). Our areas include: reading den, funky fingers station, workshop, construction, small world, role play, mud kitchen, sand, water, physical (trikes, scooters, balancing equipment) and open ended areas (crates, wooden planks, tyres, fabrics)
10.45 – 11.00 Snack and chat
11.00 – 11.20: Maths input – children take part in a daily maths input where they are taught to count, add, subtract, double and problem solve. They will sing number songs and rhymes and use resources such as numicon, number lines, number fans.
11.20 – 11.50: Continuous provision. Children are responsible for planning their own learning and selecting their own resources, with adults to support when needed.
11.50:Tidy up time! Children are encouraged to look after classroom resources and tidy away the equipment they have been using.
11.50:End of morning review – children are encouraged to share what they have learnt over the course of the morning, and which areas of continuous provision they have visited. Toilet and hands washed ready for lunch.
12.00 – 1.15: Lunchtime. Children are taken into the hall where they select their meal. They are supervised by their class teacher and EYP’s in the first instance, then by the lunch time supervisors. When they have finished their lunch they play outside in the foundation playground,supervised by Mrs Chafer. After half term, children move to the Key Stage 1 playground - we feel this is important for transition when they move the Year 1.
1.15: Afternoon Registration followed by handwriting focus
1.30:Topic input (this could be any area of children’s interest e.g. using the interent / books to find out about dinosaurs, teaching children how to make a 999 call, colour mixing, making music) followed by continuous provision.
2.45:Story time / reflection time – what have they enjoyed about their day? Which areas of learning have they visited? How can we further our learning tomorrow?
3.15: Home time - Children are led out into the playground by their teacher and handed over to the adult responsible for collecting them.
During the week your child will also take part in a guided reading session with the class teacher, individual one to one reading with members of staff from the foundation unit, a P.E lesson, key worker / circle time and a French speaking lesson with Madame Cooper Delcourt.
School Uniform / Equipment
What should my child wear for school?
Our uniform gives our children a sense of pride and belonging.
The children wear a white polo shirt or shirt / blouse, blue school jumper or cardigan, with grey or black trousers / skirt / pinafore dress. Tights should be black or grey. Sensible shoes should be worn at all times and should be black. Boots can be worn to school during the winter months or in cases of bad weather, but children must change into school shoes as boots can be uncomfortable for the children when sitting on the carpet for any length of time.
Our school uniform is available to order from the school office where samples are available to try on. Please ensure that all clothing is clearly labelled with your childs name (shoes aswell), and that items of clothing are checked regularly as repeated washing often fades the label.
For our outdoor areas we provide wellies, waterproof jackets and trousers, which help protect your child’s uniform when playing in the messy areas!
What should my child wear for P.E?
Your child will take part in a weekly dance / games / gymnastics lesson where a full change is necessary. Children must have a plain white t-shirt, black shorts and plimsolls. Please tie long hair back and ensure that stud earrings are removed. We advise anyone wishing to have their ears pierced to have this done at the beginning of the summer holidays.
What should my child bring to school?
Your child needs a book bag and a water bottle which can be purchased from the office.Flavoured water can be consumed, but this must be still, not fizzy. Your child’s book bag and water bottle need to be clearly labelled with their name.
Parent Partnership
At Oakfield we believe firmly in the home – school partnership.
Like all schools, we are required to have a Home-School Agreement. This is based on a number of shared aims and expectations. Shortly before your child starts school you will receive a copy which we hope you will sign.
We create a Learning Journal of your child’s learning and observations. The Learning Journal is available for you to look at during open afternoons and parents consultations. We encourage parents to add to their child’s learning journal by informing us of any special milestones or skills your child has achieved via our ‘star moments’ slips. Blank copies will be put regularly into your child’s book bag.
We hold regular, formal parent/guardian consultations but are always happy to deal with your queries. Your child’s class teacher may be your first point of contact. They will be available to speak to you after 8.30 a.m. – please use the front entrance if you wish to speak to them before the start of the school day. It is not always possible to speak to them at length or in private in the school playground at 8.45 as they have a commitment to teaching from this time. Staff are available at the end of the school day if you wish to speak to them.
You are welcome to email or phone with your queries and the appropriate member of staff will respond as soon as possible.
We do emphasise that if you are at all anxious about any aspect of your child’s school life, please come to talk to us sooner rather than later. We are here to help – we share the same goals.
Some parents / guardians like to become involved in school life and we welcome and value your support and help. If you are interested in helping on trips, reading on a regular basis or would like to join our ‘Friends of Oakfield’ group then please contact the school office for an application form. All volunteers will need to complete a DBS.
Common Questions
Where do I bring my child first thing in the morning?
Please bring your child into the Foundation Stage playground in time for the school day to begin at 8.45 a.m. Please wait with your child until the bell has gone and the teacher has come out to greet the children. This is also your collection point at the end of the school day.
What happens if we are late?
Sometimes this happens. Please take your child to the main office and sign them in. Office staff will then take your child down to the Foundation Unit. Please try to ensure that your child is at school on time as they may miss valuable input and lose learning time.
What if my child is ill?
If your child is ill, please contact the school office as early as possible on the first day of absence on 01724 842246. If no one is available to take your call, please leave a message. School will quickly follow up any unreported absence with a phone call or letter. If no reason is given then under new regulations, the absence is classed as unauthorised / truancy. Repeated unauthorised absences will be referred to the Education Welfare Officer.
If your child has had sickness or diarrhoea please keep him or her home for 48 hours after the last set of symptoms in order to prevent other children and staff catching it.
Can the school administer prescribed medicines?
If your child needs to take medicine during the school day, e.g. antibiotics, please ask for a consent form from the school office. Medication is kept in the school fridge and given at lunchtime under the supervision of the Senior Midday Supervisor.
We are unable to administer non-prescribed medication.
If your child is asthmatic, please ensure that an inhaler is kept at school. Inhalers are stored in each child’s classroom and use will be logged by a member of staff.
What if my child has an accident / becomes ill at school?
If your child has a minor accident at school e.g. a grazed knee, then this will be dealt with by a staff member. A slip is placed in your child’s book bag to inform you of the incident and how it was dealt with, e.g. cleaned and a plaster applied. For more serious injuries and illnesses, parents are immediately contacted.
How will I know about events at school?
Newsletters are sent out on a termly basis to inform parents of significant dates and events. Letters will be placed into your child’s book bag so please check regularly. We do have a school text messaging service which is also used to inform / remind parents of events. Our school website is also a useful source of information
Will my child go on educational visits?
Yes! Finding out and explore the world is how we learn! We try to visit as many places as possible and have visitors into school to make our curriculum as engaging for the children as possible. Visits and visitors do cost money, but we always try to make trips as cheap as possible. We do ask for voluntary contributions for trips, and the school never makes any profit. Information and consent letters for trips are sent out in advance.
Will my child have homework?
We encourage children to read three times a week with an adult at home. Children are rewarded in school for this. We also send a yellow book home which contains letters, sounds and key words we have been learning in class, for you to practise with your child at home.
School Meals and Snacks
Your child will have a daily snack time at a time of their choosing during the morning session. Free milk is provided for children up to their 5th birthday. Water is available at all times throughout the school day. A piece of fresh fruit or vegetable is supplied free each day to every child as part of their snack. We also provide toast (on wholemeal bread) We ask for a voluntary contribution of £1 per half term.
School meals
All Foundation, Year 1 and 2 children are entitled to free school meals. Your child can choose to have a school dinner or alternatively you can provide your child with a healthy pack up. School dinner menus are sent out termly and you can decide on a daily basis whether your child will have a school dinner or a packed lunch.You will have the opportunity to sample some of the meals we provide and spend a lunchtime with your child at some point during the school year.
Useful Skills
Although not essential, when your child starts school it would be helpful if they could do these things:
share toys and take turns say please /thank you use a knife and fork
dress and undress (coat, socks, shoes, jumper, trousers, skirt)
use the toilet properly wash and dry hands use a tissue
Please do not worry if your child cannot yet do these things – each child learns new skills at their own rate and staff are always available to help them along the way.
Term Dates
Holiday / School closes (pm) / School re-open (am)Start of school year / Thursday 3 September
Autumn half term / Friday 23 October / Monday2 November
Christmas / Friday 18 December / Tuesday5 January
Spring half term / Friday 12 February / Monday 22 February
Easter / Thursday 24March / Tuesday 12 April
Summer half term / Friday 27 May / Monday6 June
Summer / Thursday 21 July
- Good Friday - 25 March 2016
- Easter Monday - 28 March 2016
- May Day -2 May 2016
Please note: schools are closed to pupils at some stage for a further two days during term time.
Rewards and sanctions
During the first few weeks of your child’s education at Oakfield, they will be introduced to our ‘Golden Rules.’ Our Golden Rules are designed to ensure that we are able to provide a safe and pleasant environment in which to work, play and learn. Our Golden Rules apply throughout the school at all times.
- Do listen
- Do work hard
- Do look after property
- Do be gentle
- Do be kind and helpful
- Do be honest
We reward good behaviour choices through praise, dojos, certificates and Biscuit Friday!Dojos can be viewed online, which informs parents of their childs behaviours at school.
We operate a ‘Good To Be Green’ behaviour system. All children start the day with a ‘good to be green’ card.An orange card is given as a warning to change the behaviour observed, and a red card is given if the behaviour is repeated. Time out is then given to reflect on the behaviour. Serious or repeated behaviours are dealt with by the Head teacher and reported to parents.Again, any amber or red cards can be viewed on the online dojo system.
Equality and Special Educational Needs
At Oakfield we are committed to equality of opportunity for all our pupils, irrespective of gender, disability socio-economic background, ethnic or religious background and learning needs. Our building is fully adapted to assist access for pupils with disabilities.
We are an inclusive school ad make every effort to identify the needs of individual children as early as possible, and commit to meeting those needs appropriately. If we consider your child may need extra support, Mrs Hodsonour Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) or your child’s class teacher will contact you. Family, or health problems however short term they may be, may affect a child’s learning and should be brought to the attention of your child’s class teacher or our school Learning Mentor (Mrs Chafer.) Confidentiality is assured.