
A product marketing letter may be written by companies or retailers looking to promote a new product among their customers, or even to potential customers. A well written letter will serve as a constant reminder to the customers to give your product a try. To write an effective product marketing letter, follow this example.

Product Marketing LetterTips

Here are a few tips for writing this letter:

  • Be friendly and casual in your approach
  • Focus on the benefits to the customers and mention features briefly only
  • Include a sample whenever possible
  • Make them feel important, and ask them for feedback
  • Appeal for their support

Sample Product Marketing Letter


Champak Bhumia

Champak Soaps Company

456, Chandrakanth Complex


Date ------(Date of letter)





Dear Sir/Madam,

We know how important your childrens’ hygiene is for parents like you, and that where your children are concerned, you will not compromise on quality. That is why we chose you to be among the only 1000 parents in the district to receive this letter introducing our new soap ‘Chim-Chim’, made especially for kids. We are pleased to enclose a free sample with this letter.

Chim-Chim soap is a fast acting anti-bacterial soap that will not only remove all dirt and grime immediately but will also kill disease causing germs and bacteria. The soup also comes in various cartoon shapes and mild fragrances which kids will just love. Now you can rest assured about their hygiene even if they have been rolling in the mud! Kids will simply love bath times with new Chim-Chim soap.

We would love to hear from you! Please call our toll free number 1800- C-H-I-M-C-H-I-M and record your feedback. You could also visit our website to see the different shapes and colours and to leave your feedback.

Your valuable support is very important for us to market and popularize our Chim-Chim Soap.

Hoping to hear from you soon.

Best wishes

Sincerely yours

Champak Bhumia

Product Marketing LetterTemplate





Date ------(Date of letter)





Dear Sir/Madam,

We at ------(company name) are pleased to introduce to you, our new product ------(product name). We know that you are a discerning customer who does nt compromise on quality, and that is exactly why we chose you to receive a free sample of ------(product) and this letter.

------(product) is ------(mention benefits in detail and features in brief).

We would love to know what you think of ------(product). Please leave a feedback on our website ------(site name) or call us on ------(phone number) to record a review.

We will not be able to succeed in this venture without your valuable support.

Best Wishes

Sincerely yours


Signature and name


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