- The Foundation is named for Steve Sinnott who was, until his tragic and premature death on 5th April 2008, General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers of England and Wales. He was passionate and committed in his support for the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, in particular Goal 2 (MDG2), the achievement, by 2015 of universal primary education, the opportunity for all children throughout the world to attend school at primary age.
- The Foundation does not presume to substitute itself for the United Nations nor for the many charities already actively engage in the pursuit of MDG2. Rather its aim is to motivate teachers and educators throughout the world to support MDG2, to encourage their active participation in its achievement and to provide a central resource of information, knowledge and experience to those many individuals and groups throughout the world who are involved in projects to bring the achievement of the goal closer.
- This is possible for the Foundation because of Steve Sinnott’s reputation and the respect he earned. He was a very active participant in the work of Education International (“EI”), the world federation of teachers’ organisations with over 400 member organisations operating in more than 170 countries and territories. In the course of his contribution to EI, Steve was in regular contact with teachers’ leaders throughout the world and it was their liking and respect he won. The mention of Steve’s name to the senior figures in education in relation to any project secures immediate interest and support.
Structure of the Foundation
- The Foundation is a company limited by guarantee with charitable objects. It is also a registered charity. Its directors are Mary Sinnott, Christine Blower (General Secretary of the NUT), Jerry Glazier (NUT Executive Member) and Graham Clayton (former NUT Senior Solicitor). Though closely associated with the NUT it is not a body directed by the NUT. It has its own independent decision making structure.
Role of the Fundraising and Administration Manager
- The role of the Fundraising and Administration Manager is to secure the Foundation’s core funding by application and bid to corporate, governmental and charitable trust funders and to manage the affairs and business of the Foundation.
- The Fundraising and Administration Manager will be directly accountable to the Foundation’s Directors. The Directors collectively or individually will be involved in steering the Foundation on a regular basis and will meet formally for strategic decision making purposes. The Fundraising and Administration Manager will be required to attend these meetings.
7Fund raising – The Fundraising and Administration Manager will take charge of the Foundation’s fund raising by application and bid to corporate, governmental and charitable trust funders.
8The Fundraising and Administration Manager will be responsible for the management of the affairs and business of the Foundation generally, working alongside the Foundation’s Projects Manager who has parallel responsibility for the management of Projects conducted and operated by the Foundation
9The Fundraising and Administration Manager will have responsibility for maintaining an office base for the Foundation in England and for advising the Directors on the recruitment of support staff as the necessary resources become available.
10The Fundraising and Administration Manager will assist in the management of and contribute to the Foundation’s social media and its online community.
11The Fundraising and Administration Manager will work to promote the identity of the Foundation amongst organisations with similar objectives and co-operate with them in developing projects for consideration by the Directors.
12The Fundraising and Administration Manager will work to cultivate and maintain strong relationships with partner organisations.
13The Fundraising and Administration Manager will have responsibility for developing good relationships with relevant press and media and will be a spokesperson for the Foundation under the authority of the Directors.
14The Fundraising and Administration Manager will raise funds to support the Foundation’s magazine, ENGAGE and will assist in editing and preparing the magazine for publication.
15The Fundraising and Administration Manager will work co-operatively with the Foundation‘s Projects Manager and substitute for the Projects Manager as necessary in the event of his or her absence from or unavailability for work
For more about the Steve Sinnott Foundation, please visit