The Essentials of a
Writing Workshop
Exploring and Expanding the World of Writing
This three-credit course addresses the rationale and management system for the writing workshop approach to writing instruction. Participants will reflect upon best practices they used to manage the key components of community, time, choice, space, and response. They will examine the methods they used to enhance community building and the structure of the organization for their writing workshop. Teachers will deepen their understanding of the domains and the importance of a writerly life.
· Identify the key components of the writing workshop approach used in classrooms.
· Identify the advantages/benefits of using a writer’s notebook.
· Develop writing lessons from grade level appropriate children’s literature.
· Examine the most effective management strategies used for the organization of a writing workshop and for conference techniques.
· Share effective assessment tools that provide meaningful evaluation for the writers’ workshop and individual growth.
· Develop priorities appropriate for grade levels and a timeline for yearly writing cycles.
· Create home and school writing connections.
Facilitators: Chris Kehan & Angela Watters
Audience: 1st – 8th Grade Teachers & Literacy Specialists/Coaches
Location: Bucks County Intermediate Unit, Doylestown
Dates: October 8-10 and November 5-7, 2010 * Includes Fall PAWLP Day with Jeff Anderson on Nov 6, 2010
Times: Fridays 5:00 – 8:00 PM, Saturdays & Sundays 8 AM – 4:30 PM
Plus 5 independent hours
For more information, call 610-436-2202/2297 visit the
Registration Form
*PAWLP Fellows get a $200 stipend for taking a PAWLP course.
Return completed form by mail, fax, or in person to: PA Writing and Literature Project
West Chester University
FAX: 610-436-3212 West Chester, PA 19383
Course Title: The Essentials of a Writing Workshop
Course Number and Location: PWP , Bucks County IU
Name: ______
Phone: (H)______(W)______
Address: ______Town: ______State: __ Zip: ____
Have you EVER taken a WCU course? (check one) yes ___ no ____ Sex: Male ___ Female ___
WCU ID# ______
If you do not have a WCU ID# or do not know it, please provide your Social Security # ______
Birthdate: ______Residence county: ______Citizenship country: ____
Cell phone:______E-mail Address: ______
Please include a regularly accessed e-mail for purposes of confirmation and contact with instructors. Thank you.
Grade(s) levels presently taught: ______Job Title: ______
School District ______Building ______
Tuition costs determined by the University in mid-July
*PAWLP Fellows get a $200 stipend for taking a PAWLP course.
Out-of-state residents pay higher tuition and fees
Registration due by September 24, 2010
1. Check or money order #: ______Check Amount: ______
Your phone number should be on the check or money order.
Make check payable to West Chester University.
2. Credit card: The University accepts Mastercard, Discover, and American Express. Credit card payments must be made on-line at myWCU and are subject to a 2.75% fee. Please mail or fax registration form to the PAWLP Office and check here if you will pay on-line by credit card. ______. You must be registered for the course before you can pay on-line.
For more information, call 610-436-2202
Visit the PAWLP Website