Feb Vestry minutes. Feb 18, 2006
Present: Fr. Tristan, Rick McNamara, Norma Neufeldt, Marilyn May, Christine Foss, Pam Dressen, DawnaMcMillen, John Blue, Scott Danielson
The meeting opened with a prayer by Fr. Tristan.
Dawna moved to accept January minutes; Marilyn seconded. The minutes were approved.
In Buck’s absence, Fr. Tristan made the financial report. Pledges are up significantly over last year. We may not need to cut into our reserves. Over $170,000 has been pledged, and combined with plate money, it should meet our budget.
Norma moved and Scott seconded to accept the finance report. The motion passed.
There were no action items in the committee reports. Vestry members had an opportunity to view the reports prior to the meeting.
Parochial report. The ECM uses the datato determine our diocesan assessment. Our normal operating income is $234,460. This is the amount the assessment is based on. Our assessment will be lower this year, due to lower expenses for unfilled positions last year. We increased the membership by 22through new members and baptisms and lost 5 through death, showing 298 members. There were some inaccuracies in the report. Fr. Tristan will email the corrected copies to the vestry for approval by electronic vote. We will have an action item next month to ratify the vote.
We are currently interviewing candidates for the position of sexton.
Fr. Tristan's desk: He got a bid of $650 for a desk with a locking drawer. He is still looking.
Vestry retreat. Fr. Tristan contacted Shattuck and the Villa, and they are not available. Norma suggested having it at her home. It will be March 12, 11 – 2. Fr. Tristan will provide lunch.
Each month we will do Sunday and Wednesday attendance comparisons.This information will be printed in the Caller and will be called By the Numbers.
There was discussion about use of paper for announcements and whether to use the prayer book. Fr. Tristan will take it to theWorship committee.
The meeting date for March will be 17th.
Motion to adjourn by Marilyn. Christine seconded. 6:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Pat Welke, Vestry Clerk