St. Margaret’s General Meeting
November 6, 2012
Attendance- Sign up sheet was passed around by Julie Qualkinbush
- Called to Order at 10:39
Thanks to Meridian Methodist for meeting space
- Approval of Minutes
- Debbie Alexander moved for the approval of the corrected minutes. The motion was seconded by Sally Sebeckis. The motion unanimously passed.
- Fund Management
Balances of Guild and House Treasurers were read with no discussion.
- Decorators’ Show House And Gardens
- We are very close to signing a letter of intent. Terry is unwilling to share too much with the fear of jinxing the process. All she wants to say that if we were in the military, she would tell us to “put our boots on and get ready to attack.”
- Lara-General Chair
- Thanks ahead of time for all of the fast and furious work that is ahead of us.
- Sue Roper
- Contacts be ready to jump in when called.
- Liz Berg – Wines and Cheese postponed due to lack of house. Will possible take place in January. Terry added that we may reduce measure days to be efficient with our time.
- Preview Party will be combined with Wine and Cheese due to condensed schedule this year.
- Development
Jennie Moy – Thanks to those who have contributed thus far
Lori Goldsby – Handed out squirrel stickers to remind us to write our checks to SMHG. You get a nut sticker when you pay. At the end of the year, the names of the guild contributors will be entered in a drawing for a prize.
- Unfinished Business
Jennie Moy made a motion on behalf of the finance committee that we approve that the responsibility to allocating funds to Wishard be transferred to the Eskanazi Health Foundation. Sally Sebeckis seconded.
- Debbie Alexander asked if the Haven of Hope submitted a grant request. Terry added that they didn’t submit a request this year, but the spiritual care grant works with them Haven of Hope though.
- Terry added that her response to the grant requesters this year included wording that states that although we are happy that we can contribute to their efforts, we encourage them to continue to pursue other funding for the future. She added that any future funding depends on funds we raise each year and the grant requests submitted.
- Sally Sebeckis – “Do we incur a fee from the foundation for this service?”
- Terry stated that a meeting was held in the Spring of 2012 with members of the foundation to go over the procedure of allocating funds to Wishard. Currently, a Wishard Hospital clerk and the guild treasurer coordinate the allocation of funds, but the system is very inefficient.
- A contract will be drawn up between the guild and the foundation, and the guild will be provided monthly or quarterly statements informing us about the status of the grants. Any unallocated funds will come back to the guild as usual. The foundation is fully staffed, with adequate connections to essential departments in the hospital to insure a very smooth process.
- Lisa Knipp – “Will there be a system of cross checks?”
- Terry answered that the guild treasurer would be communicating with shared responsibility statements. Susan Risk agreed with Terry that the allocation of funds could not be worse that in the current system.
A vote was taken and the motion to transfer allocation responsibility to the Eskanazi foundation was approved.
- New Business
- Holiday Luncheon
Colleen Colvin - The luncheon information is different than in the handbook. The luncheon will be held on December 11, at the Bridgewater Club. Social time will be at 11:00, a choral entertainment will be at 11:30, and a style show will happen during lunch. Please R.S.V.P to Julie Redman. Evite will go out soon, charge is $30.
B.Sue Thompson reminded membership that she is selling tickets for “The Sister Act” which will be held on March 3. The cost is $65, and is due by December 18.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:05.