Subject: Client Grievances


Effective Date: 10/20/2016

Approved by: ______

Eric Coss, Board President

PURPOSE: Central Ohio Mental Health Center acknowledges that differences and/or disagreements may arise at any point during the treatment/recovery process. The Center wishes to maintain the rights and dignity of persons served and to safeguard Client Rights as enumerated in the Center's Client Rights policy.


I.  Central Ohio Mental Health Center (COMHC) will establish grievance and appeal procedures to resolve conflicts and differences that may arise during the treatment process between clients, family members, and/or parents or legal guardians and their treatment providers. The Center will provide a Client Rights Officer (CRO) to advocate on behalf of a client and be responsible for ensuring the implementation and maintenance of the client grievance procedure.

II.  Designation as Client Rights Officer

The Executive Director of the Center is responsible for designation of Client Rights Officer (CRO). The CRO will be available during normal working hours (9 a.m. – 5 p.m.) daily to any person desiring to initiate the grievance procedure. In the event the CRO is unavailable when a person makes contact with the Center for purposes of initiating a grievance the CRO will make contact with that person within 3 working days. In addition, the client will be provided written acknowledgement within 3 days that the grievance has been received. The written acknowledgment will contain the date the grievance was received; a brief summary of the grievance; a brief overview of the grievance process; a timetable for completion of the investigation and notification of resolution, and CRO or delegate contact info (name, address and phone number). In the event the CRO is the subject of the grievance, or is unavailable, an alternate CRO will be assigned by the Executive Director to carry out the grievance procedure with the griever.

III.  Responsibility of the Clients Rights Officer

A.  The CRO has responsibility of advocating on behalf of a client, family member, and/or parent/legal guardian and will provide assistance with problem solving, filing a grievance (if requested), investigating on behalf of the griever, and representing the client at any hearing or appeal.

B.  The CRO The CRO will provide the griever with written notification and explanation of the resolution of the grievance within 20 days of the date the grievance was filed.

C.  The CRO will participate in training in client rights policy and grievance policy and procedures as available. The CRO will ensure annual training is available all staff members and clients, as requested. Each CRO is responsible for compliance with the policy and procedures.

IV.  Timeframe for Filing a Grievance

There is no deadline for filing a grievance. The Center encourages clients with grievances to bring them to the attention of a Client Rights Officer so that the grievances may be addressed and resolved quickly.

V.  Initiation of Complaint to Outside Entities:

Any person has the option to initiate a complaint with any or all of several outside entities, which are included in the Client Grievance Resolution Procedure All relevant information about the grievance will be provided to one or more of the organizations with which the griever has initiated a complaint, upon written request of the griever.

VI.  Notification of the Right to File a Grievance

A.  A copy of the Grievance Resolution Procedure will be prominently posted in the lobby of each facility operated by the Central Ohio Mental Health Center. The name, phone number, location, and availability of the designated CRO will be clearly identified within this posted information.

B.  Furthermore, a copy of the Grievance Resolution Procedure will be distributed to each employee and client upon initial contact with the Center. Additional copies of the Grievance Resolution Procedure will be available to family and community members, upon request.

VII.  Workforce Member Responsibilities Regarding Client Rights and Grievance Procedures

A.  All workforce members, including administrative, clerical and support will receive instruction in the Center's client rights policy and grievance procedures upon employment with the agency. Workforce members are responsible to advise any client or any other person who is articulating a concern, complaint or grievance about the complainant's right to file a grievance and to provide the complainant with the name and availability of the CRO.

B.  Workforce members will not create any barriers to services or retaliate against any person exercising the right to complain or file a grievance.

VIII.  Quality and Performance Improvement

A.  The CRO will prepare a quarterly report of all client grievances and the grievers reported satisfaction with the resolution process. The Quality Assurance Committee, Executive Director, and Center’s Board of Directors will review this report of grievances, appeals, and client reports of satisfaction with the resolution process shall be reviewed quarterly to determine trends, identify areas for quality and performance improvement, and action to be taken to improve services provided.

B.  Annually, the CRO will prepare an annual summary of all grievance, appeals, and their resolutions for additional reviews for trends and areas for improvement in service delivery. The quarterly summary will be submitted to the Center’s Board and the Delaware-Morrow Mental Health and Recovery Services Board.

C.  Records of all client written grievances and their resolution shall be available for review by the Delaware-Morrow Mental Health Board and the Ohio Department of Mental Health upon request.

D.  Records of all client written grievances and their resolution will be maintained for three (3) years by the Clients Rights Officer.


The Executive Director is responsible for the communication and implementation of this policy and any subsequent procedures that are applicable.

Revision: 10/20/2016, 09/29/2005

Approved Annually, 05/26/2005

11/14/2016 Page 1 of 2 +05060200.Client.Grievances