Opening & Roll Call

The meeting was officially called to order at 7:30 pm by President George Harris with a moment of meditation. Roll call was made with the following absent: Vice Presidents Tim Baker and Eugene Neal, Women’s Track & Field Chair Victoria Adam and Men’s Track & Field Chair Anthony Battle.


As attendees entered the meeting, they signed in and were given copies of the minutes and allotted time to read them. Therefore, George asked for a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was made by Barbara Smith and seconded by George Banker that the minutes be approved as written. The motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Barbara Smith informed everyone that the books were being audited for the whole year. Eleanor Battle moved and Sharon Good seconded that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted as read.

Committee Reports

Herb Nicholls, Membership Chair, reported that our membership so far was 1,675 members (887 youth and 788 adults). We will pick up more members during the outdoor season.

George Banker, Long Distance Running Chair, reported on the Woodrow Wilson Bridge Run. Probably 6,000 will sign up and about 5,000 will run. George Harris said that the PVA will be involved with Visa card prizes. Herb suggested that we also offer sanctions for this run.

Sharon Good, Racewalk Chair, reported that the 5K & 10K cannot use Ohio Drive in Washington, DC. Robin is making it hard to run in Washington DC and Virginia. It was also reported that the Baltimore Grand Prix is interested in doing a race during the Grand Prix event. Barbara Smith suggested that sanctions be run pass George Banker to make sure that all courses are set up properly. It was noted that there are only two course certifiers (John Sister and Bob Thurston). It was suggested that a Potomac Valley Association (PVA) Brochure should be available at all races. We need to also list the names of the Course Certifiers on our website.

Henry McCallum, Youth Chair, reported that there are two significant changes involving the youth:

1)  Sub-bantams will be allowed to run at the National Championships as long as they are 7 years old by December 31.

2)  There will be the top 5 entries from each Region instead of top 3.

Henry also reported on the following events:

1)  14 & Under Meet was held with 700 athletes

2)  The Association Meet will be held at the Prince George’s Sports & Learning Complex on June 16-19, 2011

3)  The Regional Meet will be held in Atlanta, GA July 6-9, 2011

4)  The National Meet will be held in Wichita, KS July 26-July 31, 2011

5)  The Cross Country Meet will be held in FYPC (Fairfax Youth Police)

Henry reported that the Youth National Championships will be held at Morgan State in 2012. Coach Hodge was at the Officials Clinic. He informed attendees that Morgan State is spending $1.3M on the track, the discus and shotput areas will be leveled off and jumbo speakers will be installed.

Henry also reported that the PVA was voted the “Outstanding Association” at the Annual Convention.

Warren House, Officials Chair, reported that the Officials Clinic was held March 13, 2011, with several attendees from the Baltimore area. George Harris stated that an Officials Committee meeting needs to the held with all club presidents and vice presidents. The main purpose of the meeting is to figure out guidelines for the officials because some of the officials are not certified and some are not even members of the USATF. We need to increase the number of officials and get younger officials. It was suggested also to gather a list of volunteers for the meets.

It was noted that background checks expire December 31 of each year. All clubs who conduct background checks will be reimbursed.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm.

Submitted by

Faye M. Howell, Secretary