Appendix A

Learner Services supporting information for Learner Induction

Learner Support

We want you to have a positive experience and get as much as possible out of your course. However, we recognise that adults can face all sorts of problems and challenges at different times in their lives. We aim to be as informal and flexible as possible and if any of our learners are having problems we want to know about them.

If you have any sort of problem that is proving a barrier to your learning, whether this is to do with childcare, dependent care, domestic arrangements, travel difficulties, buying materials, etc. please talk to your course tutor.

If you are worried about any aspect of your course and would like to talk things over with someone confidentially, please get in touch, we’re ready to listen. Call 0345 4500 607 or email s.

People you could talk to include managers, your local Curriculum Delivery Officer, or a member of the Learner Services team. Rest assured that we will do everything we can to deal with your concerns.

Funding Your Learning

You may be eligible to apply for funding to support your learning. However the amount you can get may depend on your personal circumstances, your age, joint family income and the level of course that you intend to study.

  • Financial Contingency Fund (FCF)

Depending on your personal circumstances you may be eligible to apply for support through our Financial Contingency Fund (FCF). This fund supports assistance with disability costs, books, equipment, registered childcare fees, transport, stationery, associated fees and educational visits. Application forms are available from area offices or your Curriculum DeliveryOfficer.

  • Additional Learning Support (ALS)

Depending on the circumstances, learners with learning difficulties/disabilities may be eligible to apply for support through our Additional Learning Support (ALS) funding to help with their learning. Where appropriate this fund supports assistance such as scribes, support for learners with hearing loss and specialist equipment. For more information, contact your Curriculum DeliveryOfficer or the Learner Services team.

  • Student Finance Wales

If you intend to study one of our higher level courses or you are thinking of applying to a college or university you may be eligible to apply for funding from Student Finance Wales. Visit to find out if you qualify for one of these forms of funding: EMA 16—18 • Tuition Fee Loan • Course Grant • Adult Dependents’ Grant • Childcare Grant • Disabled Student Allowance • Parents’ Learning Allowance • Maintenance Loan • Special Support Grant • Welsh Government Learning Grant - Further Education

  • Education Maintenance Allowance(EMA)

The Education Maintenance Allowance is an income-assessed weekly allowance of £30 to help learners with the cost of further education.

To apply, learners need to:

  • be aged 16-18
  • meet nationality and residency criteria
  • your course must last at least 10 weeks and a minimum of 12 guided hours per week
  • meet the thresholds for household income depending on family circumstances
  • Welsh Government Learning Grant (WGLG)

The Welsh Government Learning Grant is an income-assessed grant of up to £1,500 that aims to encourage more people to continue with their education, where otherwise this may not be possible.

To apply, learners need to:

  • be aged 19 and over
  • be on a course that is a minimum of 275 hours in length and lead to a nationally recognised qualification
  • meet nationality and residency criteria
  • meet the thresholds for household income depending on family circumstances

Learners can apply for Education Maintenance Allowance or the Welsh Government Learning Grant either by visiting the Student Finance Wales website ( or by contacting Learner Services (s) for an application form.

Learner Voice

We want you to enjoy your learning and get the most out of your time. That’s why we encourage you to share your experience with us. Your feedback is important because as a learner you can shape the way that your learning is delivered and influence the decisions made by governors and staff. As well as filling in your feedback forms you can also:

  • Email s
  • Attend a local or regional forum
  • Submit a comment on our website via ‘share your experience’
  • Join the “100 voices” virtual forum
  • Phone 02921 678 726


We are not like other educational providers as we encourage learners to take ownership of their education, contributing to the running of the organisation and promoting community learning. As a learner there are three forms of membership that you can consider – Branch Membership, Learner Forum Membership and Individual Membership.

To receive information on becoming a member, either tick the box on your enrolment form, phone 01766 800 466 or email: s

Learner Forums

A Learner Forum can easily be set up by any group of learners who want to discuss their educational needs or organise events. Your Curriculum DeliveryOfficer can help you set this up in order to:

  • Discuss provision in your community
  • Inform staff of local needs
  • Help advertise courses locally
  • Help organise occasional activities or trips
  • Elect a Regional Forum representative

Policies and Procedures

Learner Complaints

We are committed to providing a high standard of service and to continuously improving and extending what we can offer. However, we recognise that there may be occasions when things go wrong. We would like to hear about any part of your learning experience, as your feedback helps us to improve our service.

You can register a complaint by telephone, letter or email with your regional office. When registering your complaint, please provide as much information as you can, including times, dates, places and names. We will aim to acknowledge all complaints within 10 working days of receipt.

Learner Code of Conduct

We want your course to be memorable for the right reasons, therefore when on a course we respectfully ask that you:

  • Act in a responsible way to ensure the safety of yourself and others
  • Follow any rules and policies of the Learning Centre or venue
  • Treat all learners, tutors, staff and partners in a respectful manner
  • Respect the different backgrounds, cultures and beliefs of others
  • Act in ways that do not discriminate against others
  • Do not use language which could offend others, e.g. racist, sexist, homophobic, ageist or language offensive to people with a disability

If you feel you have been treated with a lack of respect, harassed, or discriminated against, contact either your Tutor or your area office. They will follow this up with you.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Addysg Oedolion Cymru | Adult Learning Walesbelieves that education plays a major role in challenging discrimination and disadvantage. We are committed to inclusive learning and ensuring that all our learners achieve the best possible outcomes. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Organisation is a collective responsibility. We expect everyone involved to challenge conditions that place anyone at a disadvantage and create an inclusive community in which diversity is valued and celebrated.


We aim to provide a welcoming environment where you feel safe and secure. If you have any concerns about your own safety or the safety and wellbeing of others, including discrimination, abuse, exploitation, harassment or bullying you can tell your tutor.

If you do not feel you can talk to your tutor, you can ring your local area office. Phone numbers can be found in the learner handbook and on our website

Plagiarism and Malpractice

We have a responsibility to the awarding bodies who issue your certificates to ensure that the work presented has been produced by you. Therefore your work will be checked for plagiarism or malpractice.

This means that:

  • Work must not be copied and passed off as your own
  • Other people’s ideas and opinions are not reproduced without acknowledging the source
  • You must not collude by working with other learners to produce work that is submitted as an individual learner’s work. (This does not mean that you cannot do group work).
  • You must not pretend to be someone else in order to produce the work for another person
  • You must not arrange for another person to take your place in an assessment, examination or test
  • You must not fabricate results and/or evidence

Fair Assessment and Appeals Procedure

Addysg Oedolion Cymru | Adult Learning Walesis committed to providing a fair and clear assessment process. However, there may be occasions when a learner disagrees with an assessment decision made by their tutor. If this is the case, please follow our Appeals Procedure. There may also be separate appeals processes for specific awarding bodies. Where this is the case your tutor will inform you.

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