A. The “Day of the Lord” AD Judgment/PurificationMatthew 24: 1-35
Prefigurement and of World Apocalypse Ch. 6-9
Forewarning of Final
I. Tribulation ADWorld Revolution, War, famine Apocalypse 6: 1-11 (4 seals)
4 horses of the Apocalypse Disease, Communist Takeover
II. Abomination of DesolationADFlight and murder of pope; Matthew 24:15-28
Anti-Pope, Schism, false christs;
Massive apostasy in the Church
III. The Great Warning -- All AD Sky turns white and rolls up like Apocalypse 6: 12-17 (6th seal)
menshown their sins. The a scroll. All men know their sins.
Great Miracle. followed by the Miracle: a perma-
nent Cross in sky; Conversion of many.
IV. Rapture: “Sealing AD The elect to escape final Chastise- Apocalypse Chap. 7 (between
Servants of God” and ment are taken up (raptured); 6th and 7th seal)
the vision of Christ comingChrist seen coming in the clouds
upon clouds of Heavenof Heaven to set His Kingdom on Matthew 24:29,31
earth in order. Apocalypse 10:1-2
V. The Great Chastisement AD
a. comet (trumpets 1-4) 7th Seal opened a. Apocalypse Chap. 8
b. demons (trumpet 5) 3 days of darkness: “Ball of b. Apocalypse 9:1-11
c. WW III (trumpet 6) Redemption” (Comet)
Nuclear Holocaust c. Apocalypse 9:12-21
2/3 of mankind dies
B. The Great Peace -- 2018-2030 Universal Peace and Order; Apocalypse Chap. 10, 11
Complete Triumph End of time as we know it
of Catholic Church, begins; all evil men and spirits
World Peace banished to Hell
VI. Seven Thunders: ADDivine appointment of Great Apocalypse 10:1-10
Pronouncements ofMonarch and the “Angelic Pastor”;
Greatest Ecumenical St. Malachy’s “Glory of the Olive”;
Council of the Church Purification of the Church: removal
of all heresy
VII. Great Monarch Triumphs, ADConversion of the whole world. Apocalypse 10:5-11
Crowned Holy Roman Peaceful rule of all nations
Emperor Agricultural society
VIII. The Two Prophets Appear 2030-2033 ADThe Prophets measure those in the Apocalypse 11: 1-14
Return of (i.e., conversionTemple (Church) warning that their
of) the Jews wicked ways are re-inviting Satan
onto the earth. Their death coincides
with the public ascendency of Antichrist;
their resurrection with conversion of
the Jews.
C.The Time of Antichrist 2031–2037 ADThe Great Apostasy,Apocalypse 11:15 (in Person) Enslavement of Mankind to Chapter 13
IX. 7th Trumpet 2031 AD Great Monarch lays down crown Apocalypse 11:15-19
Woman and the Red Dragon in Jerusalem, greatest persecutionand Chapter 12
The Great Persecution followsof the Church. “Angelic Pastor”
Great Apostasy who ruled with “iron rod” is “snatched
up” to Heaven. Church flees to
X. Universal Despotic Rule of 2034 AD Apocalypse Chapter 13
Antichrist for 3 ½ years Antichrist and False Prophet
deceive and overwhelm the world!
Worshiped by all but the Elect:
markon forehead to buy or sell.
Many martyrs.
XI.Hour of Judgment 2036 ADDivine Retribution on massive scale
A. Earth is reapedComet Returns ? A. Apocalypse Ch. 14
B. 7 plagues, vials, Armageddon Comet’s effect causes plagues ? B. Apocalypse Ch. 15, 16
( 6th Plague)
C. Harlot and Fall of Antichrist’s pagan C. Apocalypse Ch. 17, 18
Fall of Babylon civilization and false church
D. The Final Coming in Victory 2037 AD(The 7000th year since the Apocalypse Ch. 19-22
and Judgment by Christ, and completion of Creation, i.e.,
the End of Time since the creation of Adam in
4963 B.C., according to the
Benedictine calendar.)
XII. Christ‘s personal Victory over 10 2037 AD Beast and False Prophet Apocalypse Ch. 19
Kings, Antichrist and False thrown alive into the
Prophetin Jerusalem Pool of Fire.
XIV. Final coming of Christ at the General Resurrection Matthew 25:31-46
the Final Judgment All men are judged. Time Apocalypse 20:1-10
and theUniverse ends. (historical summary)
Apocalypse 20:10-15
(Last Judgment)
XV. Heavenly Jerusalem and the Elect enjoy new Heaven Apocalypse Ch. 21,22
Tree of Life and new Earth in eternity, the City of God