DATE AND TIME: Monday December 7, 2015, 8:00 AM
LOCATION: Louisiana Municipal Association Building, 700 North 10th Street, Baton Rouge, LA 70802
The meeting was called to order by Tonya Freeman at 8:10 AM
Roll Call:
Tonya Freeman, Chair
Julie Bennett, Treasurer
Nicole Rogers, Physician to the board
Angelique Freel, Attorney to the board
Public Input: None
Reading of the Minutes: Copies of the last meeting’s minutes were distributed and Dr. Rogers read the minutes. Dr. Rogers moved to strike a line from the May minutes. There was a motion to accept the minutes as amended and all voted in favor.
Treasurer’s Report:
Ms. Bennett reported that the previous balance was $19,648.38. There were several checks written for $960.86. The balance today was $18,386.48. There was a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and it was approved unanimously.
Report from Board Members
Ms. Freeman said that she had gotten timesheets back from both electrolysis schools. There was some discussion about this. The board asked Ms. Freel how to verify each program’s timesheets. Ms. Freel suggested two options: either promulgating a rule, or making the test more stringent. Ms. Freel explained that she is not the person to put it in the guidelines, but she could help submit it in the appropriate format. Several steps would be involved.
There was discussion about the need to update the questions on the test. It has remained essentially unchanged for 15-20 years. There are three different tests, but with a different selection of questions in a different order.
Ms. Freeman said that Debbie Walker will have two students who are testing next year. She requested the dates of the meeting.
Ms. Freeman has mailed out all the license renewal forms and has already had a large number respond. There are also some license renewals that have not sent in their CEU’s from 2014 or earlier. There was discussion about how this makes the paperwork more difficult. Ms. Freel suggested finding someone to sponsor legislation to make changes to the CEU requirements, but at the risk of other changes getting tacked onto the rule. Dec 1st is renewal deadline, and late after December 31st. They are supposed to send in their CEU’s with license renewal but have up to 6 months to send them in. Ms. Freeman suggested making their license expire at June 31st, and place it in a new file so she would remember to contact them again at the end of June. For those who don’t comply send cease and desist forms July 1st, and if they still don’t comply start assessing late fees too, as early as June along with the Cease and desist.
New Business:
Candidate was present for testing and to test.
There was a motion to enter recess so that the candidate could undergo testing.
The board members reviewed her application. There was a motion to approve the student for testing, and this was seconded and passed.
The date for the next meeting was suggested as February 22nd 2016.
The meeting was recessed for student testing at 8:58am.
Next Meeting date:
-Monday, March 2nd, 2015 at 8:00 am to be held at the Louisiana Municipal Association Bldg