Minutes from Scouters Club meeting – Saturday, September 17th, 2016 – Husky Restaurant, Joyceville
Agenda was circulated prior to meeting as follows:
1. ScoutsTracker:update and round table on best practices, tips, etc
2. Canadian Path:updates and discussion
3. Scouters 5: Here's a definition I found of this to share with the team:
A Scouter's Five has the same purpose as a Scouts' Own, but should not last longer than five minutes and consists of a story or metaphor told by one Scouter, usually without any interaction with those listening. A Scouter's Five should be held at the end of campfires and Scout meetings.
So in that spirit, if anyone has something to share that resonates with them, please bring it and contribute so we can all benefit!
4. CJ'17:updates from each section, status, fundraising efforts that are working, etc.
5. General Roundtable
Attendance: Robin Nutall, Patti Detlor, Janet Weston, Luke Brennan, Brian Mabee, Ian Troyer.
Minutes and Takeaways:
1. ScoutsTracker: The group discussed our progress on adopting this for each section, with some being ahead of others on this front. One good practice that came up was appointing one Scouter, ideally not the Troop Scouter, to head up ScoutsTracker, and be responsible for communications and upkeep etc.
Takeaway: Ian to follow up with Gord Campbell on any other resources, group training, or on-line tutorials that can assist with those sections starting out with the tool.
2. Canadian Path: We reviewed the hard copy material that Ian brought from SF Group’s purchase of the kit, and discussed what was most cost effective and appropriate for each section to buy. The bound Canadian path manual is available from ScoutShop for purchase as a stand-alone. As well, the trail cards take the place of the old handbooks. Each section had yet to hold a real planning meeting with the section Leader team to go into detail on the new Program Quality Standards. Progress and experiences with this to be reported back at our next meeting.
3. Scouters 5: Contrary to the agenda above, this item was intended to be a discussion on a communications tool that was being used in the area several years ago, per Brian. It was a newsletter in paper format called “Scouters 5” that was published and circulated by a Scouter, with tips, events, etc. that was found to be very useful by the Leaders as a one-stop-shop method of sharing info. Brian to bring a copy to the next meeting.
Takeaway: Ian to inquire with Gord Campbell about the feasibility of this idea in an electronic format, and does such a thing exist already in a different form?
4. CJ’17: We briefly discussed each section’s progress on CJ’17 fundraising, as SF and Joyceville were represented at the meeting, and were attending.
5. General Roundtable: We briefly discussed the Respect training and the fees around it, Brian shared that there was some movement on this front, and to stay tuned. Our next meeting was agreed upon to be on November 19th, at 9am in Sydenham, at “The Point” restaurant, 4415 George Street. Ian to circulate minutes and the next invitation via the link provided by Gord Campbell, which should go out to all troop section Scouters.