Meeting days/times / Venue address / Contact details - group leader / Target audience / Any other detailsSuburbs in Upper Northern Sydney region
1st Monday – monthly except Public Holidays
9.30-11.30am / Hornsby – Willow Park, Wallarobba House ground floor – parking on site / Barbara Lewis – 0410 411 539 or 9462 9721 or
Barbara Novak 9456 3850 (Carers Group secretary) / Open Carers group all welcome / Social Support for all Carers morning tea is provided. This is an opportunity to meet other Carers, tap into information and guidance from the Carer Support officer facilitating group
Every Friday Hillview Community Health Centre
Turramurra 9.30-11am / As above / As above or
Lynette Brakell (teacher) on 0424 232 342 / Yoga relaxation for Carers / Dru Yoga focuses on relaxation and gentle exercise. Classes are by gold coin donation.
Last Wednesday of the month 9.30-11.30
Lindfield / Lindfield Seniors Centre
next to Library
265 Pacific Highway
Lindfield / Sato Hacopian
9462 9488 Carer Support NSLHD / Open carers group / Social support, guest speakers decided by the group. All Carers welcome. Morning tea provided
3rd Wednesday of each month 9.30-11.30am / Hillview Community Health Centre Room 19 (rear of the premises) parking on site
1334 Pacific Highway, Turramurra – entry at rear off Boyd St. / Barbara Lewis 0410 411 539 or 9462 9721 / Carers of children with a disability / This Support group aims to provide an environment of supporting parents who care for a child, (across the spectrum of illness/disabilities).
1st Friday of the month / ADHC Hornsby Office / Karen Buller 9476 7100 / Autism Support group for parents of young children with autism / Not in school holidays
TBA / ADHC Hornsby Office / Shirin Sadollah
9476 7100 / For carers who have children or young children with intellectual disabilities. Parents for Parents support group / This group is co-facilitated with a parent Psychologist and ADHC staff to assist carers to build up their personal resilience through knowledge and friendship.
1st Thursday of each month / ADHC Hornsby Office / Enoch Yeung 9476- 7100 / Chinese parents of children with disabilities
2nd Thursday of the month
2.30pm-4.00pm / Berowra Community Health Centre
123 Berowra Waters Road
Berowra NSW 2081 / Marie Brooks, Manager, Berowra CHC
9456 3344 Roslyn Curran, 9477 9817 / Dementia and Frail aged carers in the Berowra district / Meets Feb-Dec
Speaker and discussion
1st Monday of the month (except Public Holidays)
10.30-12pm / Pennant Hills Community Health Centre, 5 Fisher Avenue, Pennant Hills 2120 / Roslyn Curran, Social Worker 9477 9817 / Dementia carers in Pennant Hills region / Meets Feb-Nov
Speakers and discussion
3rd Monday of each month / Galston Community Aid / Trish Richardson
9653 2313 / Dementia Carer Support group
3rd Monday of the month
11.30am-12.30pm / The Richard Geeves Centre
Murrua Road
North Turramurra 2074 / Roslyn Curran
Social Worker, HKH
9477 9817
Jenny Hill
RGC, 9488 3694 / Closed group – for Carers with a family member/friend who attends the Richard Geeves Centre / No cost.
Morning tea served.
Educational speaker each month.
Meeting days / Venue address / Contact details group leader / Target audience / Any other details
Community Connect -a variety of Carer Support groups for Carers on the Northern Beaches
Call 9931 7750 for further information
1st Tuesday of month
Dee Why 10-12 / As above / To enquire or register contact
Robyn Brooks
9931 7750
Or Ana 9931 7751 / General Carers group
3rd Monday of month Warriewood 10-12 / Unit1/5 Vuko Place, Warriewood / General Carers group
Last Thursday of month Dee Why 10-12 / As above / Dementia Carers group
Last Monday of month Mona Vale 10-12 / As above / Dementia Carers
1st Wednesday of month Dee Why / As above / Mental Health Carers group
3rd Wednesday of month Mona Vale 10-12 / St John’s Anglican Church
1624 Pittwater Road
Mona Vale / Male Carers group
1st Thursday of month
Dee Why 10-12 / 30 Fisher Rd, Dee Why / Social interest group
2nd Friday of month
Dee Why 11am onwards / Dee Why RSL, Aqua Room / Social group self-supporting
3rd Friday of month, except school holidays 10.30-12.30 / As above / Disability Carers group
Special Language support groups conducted by Northern Beaches Community Connect funded by ADHC / Facilitator:
2nd Tuesday month
Dee Why 10-12 / 30 Fisher Rd, Dee Why / Patrizia / ITALIAN
2nd Thursday of month
Dee Why 10-12 / As above / Macarena / SPANISH
3rd Thursday of month
Dee Why 10-12 / As above / Lala / CHINESE
3rd Thursday of month
Dee Why 12-2pm / St John’s church, Cnr Avon and Oaks Avenue, Dee Why / Ana / SERBIAN
Last Thursday of month Warriewood 10-12 / Unit 1/5 Vuko Place Warriewood / Ana / SERBIAN Male Carers
Last Friday of month Warriewood 10-12 / Unit 1, 5 Vuko Place, Warriewood / Nada / CROATIAN
3rd Tuesday of month
Warriewood 12-2pm / Unit 1,5 Vuko Place, Warriewood / Sela / TONGAN
ADHC Parent Support Group
1st Wednesday of the month Narrabeen 12-2pm / Tram Shed Community Centre,
Pittwater Road, Narrabeen / Joy Thompson
Ph 84242500 / Parents who have a child with a disability / Childcare is provided as well as a light snack. There are speakers for some sessions
Lower Nth Shore
2nd Monday of the month / RNS Community Health Centre.
2C Herbert St
St Leonards 2065 NSW / Sato Hacopian
Carer Support NSLHD
94629488 / Carers who care at home for a frail aged family member or friend.
Every Wednesday 10-12 / Mosman Municipal Council community services / Liz Nagel
9978 4089 / Open group all carers welcome / Guest speaker list on council website
Meets 1st Monday of each month (except Public Holidays) / NSCCHealth Northern Sydney Carer Support Service / Barbara Lewis 8877 5141 / For all carers / open session morning tea provided from 9.30-11.30am all welcome
For information on various meetings throughout the region for mental health carers see the internet or contact Arafmi / Arafmi – for Mental Health Carers / Suzanne Wood 988 81819 / for Mental Health Carers
4th Thursday of the month 10-12 / Wyllie Lodge, 2 Chapman Avenue, Chatswood / Amanda Gibbs 94152070 or Lucille Lum 0417252374 / Keenagers Dementia Carers group / Jan-Nov.
Lane Cove & Roseville
Last Friday of the month
Lane cove
10-12 / Seniors Centre, 180 Longueville Road, Lane Cove / Alexandra Matouk Hammond Care
8437 7377 / Open group all carers / Speakers, information and some outings
1st Tuesday of the month
Roseville 5-6.30pm / Roseville Golf Club, 4 Links Avenue, Roseville / As above / Northern Suburbs Caring partners / Support group for younger age group caring for a spouse/partner
Meeting days / Venue address / Contact details group leader / Target audience / Any other details
Hunters Hill Ryde / Gladesville
TBA / Hunters Hill Ryde Community Services / 9817 0101 / Open carers group also multicultural groups
Meetings each week
3rd Wednesday of the month 7:30pm / Hunters Hill Day Centre
42 Gladesville Road
Hunters Hill / Rosemary
9817 0101
/ Carers of young adults with a disability / Guest speakers, social outings, information meetings
1st Thursday of the month 10-12noon / 44 Gladesville Road
Hunters Hill / Rosemary
9817 0101
/ Carers of Autism Aspergers spectrum disorder / Support group, speakers etc
2nd Thursday of the month 10.30-2pm / Hocheon Church
Hospital Rd
Concord / Rosemary
9817 0101
/ Korean carers of children with a disability and or special needs / Korean group which provide a lot of information and guest speaker for carers. Young children welcome.
2nd Wednesday each month
10-12 noon / 44 Gladesville Road, Hunters Hill / Rosemary Liu
9817 0101 / Carers of a parent, partner or friend who is frail aged, has dementia or a chronic illness / Meet from 10-12noon. Guest speakers and occasional bus outings
Last Thursday of the month / Hunters Hill Day centre as above / Rosemary
9817 0101
/ Acquired Brain Injury/Stroke/Spinal
Male Carers – Northern Sydney region - Cooking Support group
1st Tuesday of the month / Macquarie Hospital, North Ryde / Mary Di Mattina
9998 0811 / Male Carers get together to cook lunch and have a meal and catch up together / Men are required to have completed a Men’s Cooking Course which is run in the region throughout the year – contact Mary Di Mattina for details of the next course.
Tel: 9998 0811
Last Friday of the month / Tramshead Nth Beaches / As above
3rd Thursday of the month / Berowra / As above
Mental Health Carer Support Groups –
Please check the ‘What’s new’ page of our internet site, or the Carer Support Groups tab on our website There are many organisations providing information sessions and support groups which regularly change and updated on our website.
Cancer Support groups
Royal North Shore CanSupport has a variety of information sessions for patients and their Carers. Contact them on 9463 1195 or visit their website for further information
Sydney Adventist Hospital Cancer Support Centre
Contact them on 9487 9061
The SAH Cancer Support Centre has a variety of support groups for clients, some of which include family members. Contact them on the number above for information or further details can be found on their website
Please note that many Day Centres hold Support groups for Carers of their clients. If you are interested in attending such a group, talk to the Day Centre Coordinator. Support groups help Carers to hear strategies from other Carers; information sessions by a variety of guest speakers; and have a day out, all of which can be beneficial to help Carers in their caring role.
Carer Support Northern Sydney LHN is committed to responding to the needs of Carers. If there is a group that you would like to have set up in our region, please call to discuss further (eg. Younger spouse support group for those in younger age groups caring for a spouse).
If there are other support groups in the Northern Sydney region, not listed above please let us know so we can include it on this listing: Phone 9462 9488.
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