scheme at a glance
Statistical Overview
Total number of schools: (a) Primary Schools - 365
(b) Independent Nursery Schools- 03
(c) Number of School sites - 230
(D) Number of Aided Schools - 11
Total number of Students: (a) Primary Schools
Boys 124315
Girls 80558
Total 204873
(b) Nursery Schools
(c) Aided Schools
At present, 03 Voluntary Organizations/service providers have been entrusted with the work of providing cooked food to the children studying in all the school run and aided by the East Delhi Municipal Corporation. All the five service providers are having well established semi automated kitchens. The details of the service providers are given below:
S. No. / Name & Address of Voluntary Organization / Zone1. / StriShakti (Gokalpuri)
Khasra No.-281, Gokalpur Village, Opp. KundanLal Petrol Pump, Loni Road, Shahdara, Delhi / Sh. South
2. / BhartiyaManavKalyanParishad
Main Sewadham Road, MandoliIndl. Area, Near ShivaniDharamKanta, Delhi-93 / Sh. North
3. / DalitManav Utahan Sansthan
316, E-Block, 33 Foota Road, Munshi Garden, Dayal Pur, Karawal Nagar Road, Delhi-94. / Sh. North & Sh. South
Weekly Menu of the Cooked Food
The weekly menu of cooked meal proposed to be provided to children shall be as under:
- Atta and besanPoori with mashed Potato and vegetable
- Poori with Kabuli Chholley
- Rice with Kabuli Chana
- Poori with Sabji
- Rice with Rajmah
- Rice with Sambar / Dal ( mixed with seasonal vegetables)
The wheat based and rice based items shall be supplied to the children on alternative days. The above menu items can be changed by the department at any time keeping in view the interest and acceptability of the children and nutrition contents.
Nutritional Value
The cooked meal is either wheat based or rice based as per the items decided by the East Delhi Municipal Corporation keeping in view the food habits and acceptability of items by the children. The meal containing at least 450 Calories and minimum 12 grams of protein is being supplied to each student present in the schools for which the East Delhi Municipal Corporation is paying Rs. 4.13/- per child per day w.e.f. 01.07.2016 in addition to supply of free wheat/rice @ per 100 gram per child per day to be lifted by the suppliers from godowns of the Food Corporation of India.
Prescribed Food Norms
The Ministry of HRD has prescribed food norms and Nutritional values of food as follows:-
S. No / Items / Primary1 / Food Grains / 100gms
2 / Pulse / 20gms
3 / Vegetables (leafy also) / 50gms
4 / Oil & Fat / 5gms
5 / Salt & Condiments / As per need
The implementation is insured through the School level Mid Day Meal Monitoring Committee by tasting and testing of samples through Accredited Laboratory
Mechanism developed for ensuring quality of food/safety measures
To maintain regularity, wholesomeness and over-all quality of mid-day meal served to children, the department has the following multi level mechanism :
(a)The food is checked daily by a Committee constituted at school level comprising of Principal of the school concerned, teacher in-charge of the Mid-day-Meal scheme, three mothers of children studying in the school, a senior citizen living in the vicinity or a member of School Management Committee. The quantity of the food is also ensured by the principal/incharge of the school by weighing it. School level register for tasting and checking is maintained in all the schools.
(b)The food is also tested in NABL accredited laboratories outsourced and empanelled by the department. Random sampling method has been adopted for lifting samples from schools and kitchens. Three samples from schools and four samples from kitchen of the meal served by each service provider are lifted per month.
Laboratories has been assigned the work of lifting and testing the samples of Cooked Mid-Day Meal from schools and kitchensName(s) of Laboratory / Address
FICCI Research & Analysis Center / Plot No.2A, Sector-8, Dwarka, New Delhi
(c)Periodic and surprise inspections of kitchens are carried out by the authorities of the Education Department at zonal and HQs.
A continuous checking of mid-day meal is also done by officers of the department as and when they visit schools for general/surprise inspection.
In compliance of the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in the matter of “AntarrashtriyaManavAdhikaarNigraani Vs. UOI & Others” W.P.(C) No. 618/2013 with I.A. No.1 & W.P.(C) No. 676/2013, the following information is placed on the website of the Department in order to make the information available to public in general as given in Annexure-A & Annexure-B below:
School wise chart
Name of State- DelhiName of District-East Delhi Municipal Corporation
Name of School…………..
(Govt./Aided/Local Body/ EGS or AIE Centres)
Srl. No. / Question / Status / Remarks, if any
1. / Total No. of Students enrolled of the school? / 2.16 lakhs approximately.
2. / Food Grains: / MDM in Delhi is not prepared in schools. The same is outsourced through empanelled Service Providers. The food grains are transported from FCI to godowns of the Service Providers.
2(i). / Whether the food grains are transported from FCI or supply is taken from Fair Price Shop?
2(ii). / What are the arrangements for transporting food grains
from FCI godown/ Fair Price Shop to School to ensure that the actual quality and quantity as supplied by these agencies reaches to the school store room? / Food grains from FCI are distributed to the Service Providers by the representative of the Department to ensure actual quality and quantity of food grains to them.
Actual quality and quantity of food grains are ensured before lifting the same from FCI godowns.
3. / Cooking of Meal: / The Department decides the menu and the Service Providers are required to add the vegetables and pulses etc as per instructions of the Department.
3(i). / How quality of cooked meal, particularly addition of vegetables and supply of fruits, eggs etc. are ensured?
3(ii). / How is the calorific value [450 calories and 12 gms. of protein to every child at primary level & 700 calories and 20 gms. of protein to every child at upper primary level] ensured? / The voluntary organizations entrusted with the work of providing cooked food are directed to supply the cooked food containing calorific value 450 calories and 12 gms. of protein to every child at primary level. However the same is ensured by lab testing of the sample.
3(iii). / What is the system of assessing the nutritional value of the meal under MDM Scheme? / Department has empanelled M/s FICCI Research and Analysis Centre for lifting and testing of samples of cooked foodfrom schools and kitchens.
3(iv). / Who is planning the weekly menu? Is the weekly menu displayed in the school? / Menu is prescribed by East Delhi Municipal Corporation.Weekly menu is displayed in schools
3(v). / Have any nutritional experts been involved in planning and evaluation of menus and quality of food served under the programme? / No nutritional expert is involved in planning and evaluation of menus and quality of food served under the programme.
3(vi). / Is there any standard prescription to include minimum quantity of vegetables, dal/lentils? How its implementation is ensured? / The Ministry of HRD has prescribed food norms and Nutritional values of food as follows:-
S. No / Items / Primary / Upper Primary
1 / Food Grains / 100gms / 150gms
2 / Pulse / 20gms / 30gms
3 / Vegetables (leafy also) / 50gms / 75gms
4 / Oil & Fat / 5gms / 7.5gms
5 / Salt & Condiments / As per need / As per need
The implementation is insured through the School level Mid Day Meal Monitoring Committee by tasting and testing of samples through Accredited Laboratory.
3(vii). / Are eggs, fruits etc. being served and how frequently? / No
4. / Monitoring: / In order to have proper checks on quality of food hygiene etc., the School Management Committee has been constituted.Instructions to Principals/ Zonal Education officers have also been issued for proper monitoring of MDM scheme.
4(i). / Whether Regularity, wholesomeness and over-all quality of mid-day meal served to children is being monitored on daily basis, if yes, then by whom?
4(ii). / Whether Cleanliness in cooking, serving and consumption of mid-day meal is being monitored on daily basis, if yes then by whom? / Regular inspections of the kitchen are conducted by the officers/officials of the Department. The serving and consumption of meal in schools is monitored by the Committees at school level on daily basis.
4(iii). / Whether timely procurement of Ingredients, fuel, etc. of good quality is monitored on weekly basis? / In EDMC, MDM is outsourced through empanelled Service Provider and food grains are provided to Service Providers through FCI in advance on monthly basis. The rest of the ingredients with AGMARK are procured by Service Providers which are checked by officers/officials of the Department from time to time.
4(iv). / Whether Quantity of raw food material (each item) taken out for cooking is recorded in register on daily basis under signature of a designated monitoring person? / Since MDM in EDMC is outsourced through Service Providers and as per agreement they are supposed to maintain stock register as well as daily consumption register in the kitchen which are checked by officers/officials of the Department from time to time.
4(v). / Whether raw material is inspected daily before being put to use for cooking? Whether any register entry is maintained on daily basis under signature of a designated monitoring person? / In EDMC, MDM is outsourced through Service Providers and officers/officials of the Department conducts inspections from time to time to ensure the quantity and quality as well as hygiene and cleanliness of the MDM.
5. / Infrastructure: Kitchen-cum-store/ Storage Bins/ Utensils/ water/ Fuel / MDM is outsourced through empanelled Service Providers in EDMC and their empanelment by the Department is on the basis of proper infrastructure of the kitchen etc.
5(i). / Whether School/ Centre haspucca Kitchen-cum-Store as per specification of para 4.2 r/w Ann. 9? If yes then give size and other details of Kitchen and Store, both separately.
5(ii). / Whether cooked food is procured from a centralized kitchen? If yes, then give the distance of the centralized kitchen from the school. How much time it takes for the cooked food to reach the school and whether it comes hot, in good and eatable condition? / Yes, the food is procured through centralized kitchens. The average distance of the kitchen from the school is 5-15 KM and it takes 10minutes to 1hour for transporting the meal to the schools in most of the cases.
5(iii). / What measures, if any, are being adopted to test and ensure quality and quantity of food in case food is procured from a centralized kitchen? / Department has empanelled M/s FICCI Research and Analysis Centre for lifting and testing of samples of raw food grain and cooked food from schools as well as from kitchens. School MDM Committee tastes the food before it is served to the children.
5(iv). / Whether School/ Centre have Storage Bins? If yes, give number, size and nature of Bins. / In EDMC the MDM is outsource through empanelled Service Providers. Hence, the schools do not have kitchen/Storage Bins.
5(v). / Whether the School/ Centre has Cooking Utensils? If yes, give their number and size. / In EDMC the MDM is outsource through empanelled Service Providers. Hence, the schools do not have kitchen/ utensils.
5(vi). / Whether the School/ Centre has Utensils for children to have food(plate, glass, bowl, spoon, one each per child) / At present, the children bring their own bowls/plate to have food.
5(vii). / Whether the School/ Centre has functional hand wash facility/ counters with soap? If yes, give their number. / Yes, all the schools have functional hand wash facility. Instructions have been issued for institutionalization of the hand washing with soap before and after taking the meal. The funds are also provided to schools for this purpose.
5(viii). / Whether the School/ Centre has proper arrangement for Pure drinking water? / Yes, All the schools have proper arrangement for pure drinking water.
5(ix). / Whether the School/ Centre has proper arrangement for clean water for washing vegetables, pulses, grains and cleaning used utensils? / Not applicable as MDM is outsourced through empanelled Service Providers
5(x). / Whether the School/ Centre has a suitable and child friendly eating place, say a dining room or veranda? If yes, give its size and other details for arrangements for light and air. / Schools do not have specific dining hall. The children take meal and eat either in class rooms or verandas, as the case may be.
5(xi). / Nature of fuel being used [gas based, smokeless chullhas, traditional method of firewood, kerosene, etc.]. / Not applicable in case of EDMC as MDM is outsourced through empanelled Service Providers. However, use of LPG/PNG for cooking Mid Day Meal by the Service Provider is made a part of agreement.
5(xii). / Reason for not using gas based cooking and proposal to convert. / Not applicable in view of 5(xi) above.
6. / Infrastructure: Capacity Building: / The Department has allotted all CCHs to service providers with the instructions to engage them on the basis of terms and conditions provided by ministry HRD, as it is their duty to train them.
However, in various seminars the teachers are given instructions concerning various aspects of MDM.
6(i). / Details of Plan to train Teachers and organizers/ cooks/ helpers?
6(iii). / Are VECs (Village Education Committees), SMCs (Steering and Monitoring Committee), MTAs (Mothers-Teachers Association), etc. oriented for effective implementation through their close supervision? / In EDMC, MDM is outsourced through empanelled Service Providers. However, in order to have proper checks on quality of food hygiene etc., the School MDM Committee and School Management Committee (SMC) have been constituted in EDMC Schools and Aided Schools. Whereby instructions to Principals, Zonal Assistant Directors and Dy. Directors have also been issued for proper monitoring of MDM scheme.
7. / Role of Teachers: / The Role of teachers is proper distribution of meal to the children and hand wash and keeping record etc.They are motivated to take an active part in the MDM scheme.
7(i). / Details of orienting Teachers regarding their role in the Scheme?
7(ii). / Has a training module been developed in 20 days in-service training for teachers under SSA (SarvaSikshaAbhiyaan)? Details of Teacher training conducted in this regard. / This does not apply in case of EDMC as MDM is outsourced through empanelled Service Providers.
7(iii). / Whether teachers are using the scheme to educate children about hygiene, discipline, social equity, conservation of water, etc. / Yes, instructions to principals and teacher are issued from time to time for ensuring hand washing before and after taking meal by the students, hygiene, discipline, social equity etc.
8. / Cooks : / Cook cum helpers engaged by NGOs/ empanelled Service Provider prepare MDM. The CCHs are allocated to the Service provider as per guidelines of the Nodal Agency i.e. Govt. of NCT of Delhi on the basis of number of students allotted to them.
8(i) / Who is cooking the meal? (Please give breakup)
(i) Cooks/helpers engaged by the Department/Village Panchayat
(ii) Self-Help Groups
(iii) NGOs
(iv) Mothers Groups
(v) Any other
8(ii) / Where NGOs are involved, it may be specified whether their selection is in accordance with the guidelines of MDM Scheme. / In EDMC, MDM is outsourced through Service Providers who have been selected as per the EOI terms & Conditions.
8(iii). / Total No. of Organizers, Cooks & helpers : / 03 NGOs/Service Provider and 2654 Cook cum helpers are engaged for the year 2016-17.
8(iv). / Are cooks/ helpers given training (atleast 15 days) on cleanliness, personal hygiene, cleaning of cooking area, cleaning and washing of food grains, etc. before using, and good practices of cooking, prior to employing/ deploying them on the job for preparing Mid day Meal for children. / The Department has allotted all CCHs to service providers with the instructions to engage them on the basis of terms and conditions provided by ministry HRD, as it is their duty to train them.
8(v). / Remuneration being given to (i) Organisers, (ii) Head Cook, (iii) Cook and (iv) Helper. / As per guidelines of MHRD, remuneration/honorarium of Rs.1000 per month to each CCH is given through NGOs/Service Providers as their engagement is purely on part time basis.
8(vi). / Who is engaging the cook? How they are appointed and what is the mechanism for ensuring accountability? Are there any norms? / Since, MDM is outsourced through NGOs/ empanelled Service Providers, the engagement of CCHs is carried out by them. The accountability of engagement of CCH is with the Service Providers.
8(vii). / Have Self-Help Groups been tapped for the programme? [If not, constraints in this regard] / Not applicable.
9. / Steering-cum-Monitoring Committees: / School Level Committee were constituted vide order dated 19.07/2013. The State Level Steering cum Monitoring Committees also exists for overall supervision of successful monitoring of MDM Scheme.
9(i). / Whether Steering-cum-Monitoring Committees constituted at District and block level and whether regular meetings are held, frequency of meetings?
10. / Mobilization of mothers/ representatives of local bodies: / School Management Committees (SMC) under RTE Act have been constituted consisting of parents/guardians, elected representative of the local authority and social worker are members in addition, the school Principal and teachers are also inducted as members in above committee.
In addition to the above SMC, school MDM committees also exists consisting of Principal of the school concerned, teacher in-charge of the Mid-day-Meal scheme, three mothers of children studying in the school, a senior citizen living in the vicinity or a member of VidhayalayaKalayanSamitito ensure all the children of primary classes get fresh hot and hygienic meal and for proper supervision. Instructions have also been issued for participation of presence of parents during serving of meals so that they can taste the food vide circular dated 19.072013. (copy enclosed)
10(i). / What are the steps taken to involve mothers/ representatives of local bodies/ Gram Panchayats/ Gram Sabhas, etc., taking turns to supervise preparation of meals and feeding of children. What is the effect of this initiative?
10(ii). / What are the mechanisms for monitoring the Scheme? / As per circular dated 19.07.2013, there are committees at School MDM Committee, also monitors the implementation of MDM Scheme.
In addition, there is a mechanism for getting the food samples tested by Accredited Laboratory. In case of default in preparation, supplying and distribution of MDM, suitable action is taken against defaulting Service Provider.
The department has issued circulars in this regard from time to time. The detailed circulars vide no. D/834/EDM/HQ/2013-14 dated 19.07.2013 and D/835/EDM/HQ/2013-14 dated 19.07.2013 containing instructions/ mechanism for monitoring of MDM Scheme are also enclosed.
10(iii). / Whether quarterly assessment of the programme through District Institutes of Education & Trainings has begun? / No
11. / External evaluation of the programme : / No
11(i). / Whether evaluation through external agency(s) commissioned? If yes, what are the parameters of the study?
Annexure- B