Part-A: Technical
Hazards Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) in Chemical Process Industries
2.1 Coordinating agency
2.2 Organising Institution
Disaster Management Institute,
(Housing and Environment Department, Govt of M.P.)
Paryavaran Parisar, E-5, Arera Colony,
Bhopal- 462 016 (MP)
Tel: 0755-2466715, 2461538, 246134, Fax:0755-2466653/2426756
2.3 Target Group
Senior and middle level officers from following target groups:
Chief Inspectorate of Factories & Boilers, State Pollution Control Boards, Directorate General, Factory Advice Service and Labour Institute (DGFASLI), Chief Controller of Explosives, Central Pollution Control Board and Ministry of Environment and Forests.
(ii) Industries
MAH units (From Public and Private Sectors) covering Refineries and Oil Sector (Public & Private), Metallurgical (ferrous and non-ferrous), Pesticides and Fertilisers, Pharmaceuticals, Paper and Pulp and other related chemical sectors industries.
(iii) Administration
State, District & Local Crisis Groups from various districts, States Industrial Development Corporations, etc.
2.4 What are the current gaps in knowledge of the target group- why this training needed?
As per the Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical (MS&IHC) Rules, 1989, under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, all Major Accident Hazards (MAH) industries have to prepare On-site Emergency Management Plan in accordance with the Schedule 11. MS&IHC Rules also have provisions of the preparation of Off-site Emergency Management Plan and the responsibility lies with those District Collectors under whose administrative control MAH industries are located. Off-site Emergency Plan should be as per the Schedule 12. Most of the process industries are falling under MAH category.
Hazards Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA)is oneof the core components in both of the Schedules 11 and 12. In absence of the proper HIRA, it is difficult to assess the actions and requirements for response agencies along with the assembly points and escape routes. The national guidelines on chemical disaster management, under Disaster Management Act, 2005 also advocate the importance of HIRA in overall chemical disaster management.
Risk assessment and disaster management plan is also mandatory for environmental site clearance under the provisions of EIA notification. EIA clearance also envisages the risk assessment in industrial projects.
We envisage the following gaps in present knowledge and skill of the target groups:
- Proper and effective Hazard Identification
- Capabilities of assessment of Quantitative Risk for different types of Chemical Process Industries
- Right approach for selecting the type of risk reduction measures
- Residual Risk Management
- Application of Risk Management during Off-site & On-site Emergencies planning, preparedness and response
- Use and application of latest available software for HIRA.
- Integration of environment with disaster management in sitting of Industrial estates and industries
- Environmental risk assessments & post disaster effects on environment
- Assessment of environmental damage by disasters & decontamination processes
The proposed training will help in reducing the above gaps and strengthening the chemical disaster risk reduction process.
2.5Overall course objectives and expected results
I.Course Objective
To describe the broad framework of Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) in Chemical Process Industries.
To summarise the techniques for Chemical Process Risk Assessment and Management including models for consequence analysis, frequency estimation, etc.
To address the application and utilisation of HIRA in emergency response
II.Expected Results
On successful completion of the training programme, it is expected that the target groups would be able to:
Understand the regulation, terminology, techniques, applications of the of HIRA results
Communicate the risk in the benefits of social safety
Understand that how to interpret and use the results of HIRA for Effective Chemical Disaster Risk Reduction & Preparedness mechanism
Integration of HIRA in EIA process.
3.1 Awareness
- Understanding the Meaning of Hazard, Risk, etc.
- Present Status and Gap Analysis for HIRA
- Regulations
3.2 Knowledge
- Hazard Identification Techniques
- Choice of Hazard Identification Techniques
- Safety Audits & Safety Management System (OHSAS-18001)
- Preliminary Hazard Analysis
- Hazard Indices
- What if? Analysis
- Event Tree & Fault Tree Analysis
- Failure Modes, Effects Analysis (FMEA)
- Hazard and Operability (HAZOP)
- Risk Ranking Methods
- Reduction of Risk
- Residual Risk Management
- Economics & Insurance of Risk Management
- Introduction & Understanding the Software for Risk Analysis
- Case Studies on HIRA in both Indian & Foreign Scenarios
3.3 Skill
- Development of skill to understand the results of software and application for emergency planning
- Development of Art of making and evaluation of HIRA based On-site and Off-site emergency management plans
3.4Training Approach
The training will use both Indian and foreign case studies. Audio-visual films will also be used along with classroom lectures and presentations.
Field visit will also be arranged to understand the subject. Group exercise will be conducted to ensure the live participation of all participants.
Training will be interactive type.
3.5Training Material to be delivered
The training material shall include:
Background Training Course Material in a Folder & CD
Handouts of Case Studies
Handouts of Presentations, etc.
4.1 How the training programme will be used by the participants- Indicators to measure success/impact:
The following would be the success indicators of the programme:
Better understanding of HIRA
Application of HIRA in emergency planning
Use of software for HIRA
Understand the types of information & results depicted under HIRA
Incorporation of HIRA results for site selection for MAH Industrial Units or Industrial Estates
Analyse the results of HIRA for effective management of On-site & Off-site Emergency Management
Indicators of success may also be viewed from the evaluation sheets of the training programme. It is also expected that the programme will help the participants in updating and reviewing the procedures of risk assessment in overall emergency preparedness, response and planning.
Organisation of the programme at regional level with all stake holders and discussion on local problems with suggested modes of up gradation will also be an one of the important indications of success.
4.2 What side effects the training might produce?
There will be no side effects.
03 days
5.2No. of Participants foreseen
25 (Twenty Five). Out of Twenty Five, five participants will be from industrial sector on payment basis.
Day/ Date / Time / Programme / Key Words1 / 2 / 3
Day 1 / 8:30-9:00 / Registration, group photograph and tea / Registration
09:00-10:00 / Programme Inauguration & key note addresses
10:00-11:15 / Bhopal gas tragedy to understand the components of HIRA and its importance in prevention, preparedness and mitigation in emergency management planning / HIRA, Prevention, Preparedness and Mitigation
11:15-11:30 / Tea
11:30-13:00 / Exposure of some important techniques of HIRA like hazard and operability (HAZOP), fault and event tree analysis (F&ETA) and failure mode effect analysis (FMEA) by using Indian case studies / HAZOP, F&ETA, FMEA
13.00-13:30 / Film on HIRA / Film
13:30-14:15 / Lunch Break
14:15-15:30 / Exposure of On-site & Off-site Emergency Plans to understand the gaps and discussion on to bridge the gaps for better compliance of making effective plans / On-site & Off-site, gaps, better compliance
15:30-15:45 / Tea
15:45-17:00 / Hands on practice on the software required for HIRA and application in total emergency planning / Software, application
17:00-17:30 / Confidence building between MAH process units and Regulators
Summary of the activities of Day-I and planning for day-II / Confidence building
Day 2 / 09:00-13.15 / Visit to Refinery (MAH industry) and Manali Industrial estate to understand the HIRA and its application in On-site and Off-site Emergency Management Plan respectively / Industrial estate, HIRA
13:15-14:00 / Lunch Break
14:00-15:30 / Case studies of Visakhapattnam and Manglore mock drills for incorporation of HIRA in mock drills. / Case studies, mock drill
15:30-15:45 / Tea
15:45-17:00 / OSHAS-18001and application of HIRA in OSHAS-18001 process industries / OSHAS - 18001
17:00-17:30 / Summary of Day-II and planning for day-III
Day 3 / 09:00-11:15 / Process management system in process industries and relation to accident/disaster investigation / Process management system
11:15-11:30 / Tea
11:30-13:00 / Group exercise in different groups / Group exercise
13:00-14:00 / Lunch
14:00-15:00 / Presentation by Groups
15:00-15:15 / Tea
15:15-17:00 / Idea triggering, brain-storming, Idea capturing by exercise groups for effective up gradation and gap filling in emergency planning by applying HIRA.
Valedictory and certificate distribution / Idea, brain storming