Madera Unified School District
English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC)
If ELAC delegates its responsibilities to another committee:
• ELAC has duly elected members.
• ELAC is trained in legal responsibilities.
• ELAC elects DELAC representative.
• ELAC votes to delegate to another existing school advisory committee
• Recipient committee accepts new role.
• Recipient committee trained as to their new legal responsibilities.
Madera Unified School District
James Madison Elementary
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
Agenda-Meeting #1 12-16-11
- Welcome and Introduction
- Call the meeting to order.
- Call for any additions/deletions of agenda items.
- Reading and approval of the minutes.
- New Business
- ELAC Responsibilities (Appropriate training and materials to assist each member carry out his or her legally required advisory responsibilities.)
a. Review the purpose of the ELAC
b.Review the duties of the ELAC members
c.Review the roles and responsibilities of ELAC officers
d.Nominate and elect ELAC officers: chairperson; vice-chairperson; secretary; DELAC representative; and DELAC alternate
- Election for member to participate in the DELAC
- MUSD’s Uniform Compliant Procedures, including William’s requirements.
- Annual Measurable Achievement Objective Parent Notification Letter
- 2011 CELDT testing
- CELDT Parent Notification Letter
- Conduct a Needs Assessment
- Review the survey
- Discuss ways to encourage parents of English learners to complete and return the survey
- Discuss timelines
H. ELAC Calendar
- Public Input
(Any meeting held by a council or committee specified in subdivision (b) shall be open to the public and any member of the public shall be able to address the council or committee during the meeting on any item within the subject matter jurisdiction of the council or committee.)
- Announcements
- Next Meeting
- Adjournment
Date posted: 12-13-11 at 7am.
(Notice of the meeting shall be posted at the school site, or other appropriate place accessible to the public, at least 72 hours before the time set for the meeting. The notice shall specify the date, time, and location of the meeting and contain an agenda describing each item of business to be discussed or acted upon.)
(Copies of all distributed materials must be attached to the secretary’s official minutes. These minutes must be maintained for 3 years.)
Madera Unified School District
School Letterhead
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
Agenda-Meeting #2
2-2-12 @ 8:30am
- Welcome and Introduction
- Call the meeting to order.
- Call for any additions/deletions of agenda items.
- Reading and approval of the minutes.
- New Business
- Budget Input
- Single Plan for Student Achievement
Provide opportunities for ELAC members to understand the content of the Single Plan for Student Achievement. Discuss items such as:
- Student achievement;
- Program services found in the plan;
- School categorical budgets;
- School goals/objectives; and
- District/school evaluations of program effectiveness
- Public Input
- Announcements
- Next Meeting: 4-12-12
- Adjournment
Date posted: 1-27-12
Madera Unified School District
James Madison Elementary
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
Agenda-Meeting #3 April 16 at 8:30am in room 4
- Welcome and Introduction/Beinvenidos
- Call the meeting to order/Llamar la junta
- Call for any additions/deletions of agenda items/Haver si tenemos que agregar algo
- New Business
- Reclassification Criteria/la criteria de reclacificacion
- Language Census Report /Report de lenguaje
C. Student Attendance / Assistencia
- Public Input/Comentarios del publico
- Next Meeting/Proxima junta
- Adjournment / cerar la junta
Date posted: 4-11-12
(Copies of all distributed materials must be attached to the secretary’s official minutes. These minutes must be maintained for 3 years.)
Madera Unified School District
School Letterhead
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
Agenda-Meeting #4
- Welcome and Introduction
- Call the meeting to order. (A motion is not necessary.)
- Call for any additions/deletions of agenda items.
- Reading and approval of the minutes.
- New Business
A. Language Census Report (Part 4 and 5)
1. The number of parental waivers from English language classrooms
- Total number of new and renewal parental exception-waivers received
- b. Total number of waivers granted
2. Teachers and bilingual paraprofessionals who provide EL instructional services.
- Only teachers and paraprofessionals providing services to ELs are reported
- Teachers providing L1 instruction, teachers providing SDAIE and ELD, teachers providing SDAIE only, teacher providing ELD only, and total number of teachers providing services
- Paraprofessionals to be hired based on language support needs
- Teacher authorization and mis-assignments
- Professional development for teachers
B. Upcoming CST and CAHSEE testing (stress importance, how to interpret the results, how the data is used for student placement and intervention services, etc. Provide copy of testing schedule)
- Public Input
- Announcements
- Next Meeting
- Adjournment
Date posted: ______
(Copies of all distributed materials must be attached to the secretary’s official minutes. These minutes must be maintained for 3 years.)
Madera Unified School District
School Letterhead
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
Agenda-Meeting #5
- Welcome and Introduction
- Call the meeting to order. (A motion is not necessary.)
- Roll call of members (A quorum of 51% of the total ELAC membership)
- Call for any additions/deletions of agenda items.
- Reading and approval of the minutes.
- New Business
- Next year’s Single Plan for Student Achievement
Provide opportunities for ELAC members to understand the content of the Single Plan for Student Achievement. Discuss items such as:
- Student achievement;
- Program services found in the plan;
- School categorical budgets;
- School goals/objectives; and
- District/school evaluations of program effectiveness
- Public Input
- Announcements
- Next Meeting
- Adjournment
Date posted: ______
(Copies of all distributed materials must be attached to the secretary’s official minutes. These minutes must be maintained for 3 years.)