Laboratories Certified for Bacteriological a nd Other Testing of Water
SWCD Updated 9/19/2011
Albany Norwich
Bender Hygienic Laboratory, Inc. IMO Chenango Valley Environmental Lab
Telephone: (518) 525-5480 Telephone: (607) 334-2877
Open 7 days a week, 24 hour drop off Nothing done in-house, sent to Syracuse
Adirondack Environmental Services AIMO Oneonta
Telephone: 518-785-0128 (asbestos)
518-434-4546 (others) Oneonta Water Treatment
(607) 433-3486
Only chloroform (bacterial)
Cooperstown Cortland
Bruce Hall Microbac N ew Y ork IMO
Telephone: (607) 547-9961 Telephone: (607) 753-3403
Fax: (607) 753-3415
NYS Ctr Ag & Medical Health
Telephone: (607) 547-6023
(Nitrates only)
Pennsylvania Waverly
Eastern Labs Services I MO Microbac New York IMO
2566 Pennsylvania Ave Telephone: (607) 565-3500
Sayre, PA 18840 Fax” (607) 565-4083
Telephone: (888) 357-5227
(800) 722-0030
(717) 888-0619
JH Consulting Group, Inc. IMOR
Telephone: (518) 785-9839
Kingston Newburgh
Kingston Water Department Laboratory Envirotest Laboratories IMO
Telephone: (845) 679-2216 Telephone: (845) 562-0890
A-Approvied for asbestos analysis I-Approved for some Inorganic chemical analyses M-Approved for metals analysis including lead O-Aproved for organic analyses, possibly including VOC, SOC, THM R-Approved for radiological analysis
*-Laboratory may provide sample collection services
NOTE: The water supplier should verify with the laboratory that I has current, appropriate certification for the tests request. Some of the indicated approvals are by arrangement with additional laboratories.
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