Assignment Rubric
Category / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Directions / I followed all of the directions. / I followed most of the directions. / I followed some of the directions. / I followed a few of the directions
Illustrations / I put a lot of effort into the visual presentation. / I put some effort into the visual presentation. / I put little effort into the visual presentation. / I put no effort into the visual presentation.
Organization & Neatness / All of my work is organized and neat. / Most of my work is organized and neat. / Some of my work is organized and neat. / Little to none of my work is organized and neat.
Writing Strategies / All of my sentences are detailed, complete and make sense. / Some of my sentences are detailed, complete and make sense. / A few of my sentences are complete and make sense. / None of my sentences are complete and make sense.
Writing Conventions / I have no punctuation, spelling, capitalization, &/or grammatical errors. / I have few punctuation, spelling, capitalization, &/or grammatical errors. / I have many punctuation, spelling, capitalization, &/or grammatical errors. / I have several punctuation, spelling, capitalization, &/or grammatical errors.
Points _____/20 Percent: _____% Grade: _____ +/-
Teacher Comments:
Assignment Rubric
Category / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Directions / I followed all of the directions. / I followed most of the directions. / I followed some of the directions. / I followed a few of the directions
Illustrations / I put a lot of effort into the visual presentation. / I put some effort into the visual presentation. / I put little effort into the visual presentation. / I put no effort into the visual presentation.
Organization & Neatness / All of my work is organized and neat. / Most of my work is organized and neat. / Some of my work is organized and neat. / Little to none of my work is organized and neat.
Writing Strategies / All of my sentences are detailed, complete and make sense. / Some of my sentences are detailed, complete and make sense. / A few of my sentences are complete and make sense. / None of my sentences are complete and make sense.
Writing Conventions / I have no punctuation, spelling, capitalization, &/or grammatical errors. / I have few punctuation, spelling, capitalization, &/or grammatical errors. / I have many punctuation, spelling, capitalization, &/or grammatical errors. / I have several punctuation, spelling, capitalization, &/or grammatical errors.
Points _____/20 Percent: _____% Grade: _____ +/-
Teacher Comments:
3Rd Grade Assignment Rubric
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