Present : Chairman Clr Bannister, Clrs Hancock, Arthan, Findlay, Rodda, Dawson,

Irving-Little & Day. Co Clr Brown.

Apologies : Clrs Brewer & Jarvis Dist. Clr Comber.

11.01Public Participation : Began with Caroline Bolt giving details of the

Proposed Wind Farm in Davidstow Woods and asking for FMPC support in objecting to the application, Position of Gateway bus-stop was questioned- Highways to be consulted. Graham King reported being appalled by the treatment received at the last council meeting but he had been given many E- mails & letters of support since. He continued to say that there were few suitable sites for the STP and all would be subject to conflicting views. He hoped that the new group would be a liaison and not a protest group.

11.02Sewage Treatment report : Clr Bannister queried a possible conflict of interest by group chairman Clr Dawson, over a protest leaflet carrying his wifes name. Both Clr Dawson & his wife felt that they had a legitimate right to their views.

The Parish Council decided that the group should be designated as advisory and would be expected to provide minutes of their meetings to the full Parish Council. Clr Findlay proposed that the group be mandated to look at all possibilities of a separate Boscastle site & also support SWWater in its attempts to locate a joint site. Seconded by Clr Arthan 7 votes in favour of the proposal with 1 abstention. Resolved.

11.03Minutes : for 14th August 2008 were approved.

11.04Matters for Report : Flood monies advice given by CALC is requested in writing. Clerk will follow up. Post Office reply is standard letter only. CCC are seeking a judicial review on 29/09/2008. anticipating some cost implications. SWWater request for survey over playing field was put to to councillors. Clr Bannister proposed no objection, seconded by Clr Day, all in favour. Resolved,

11.05Planning applications for consideration :

2008/01571 Main highway bridge, Bridge St. Construct gauging hut to store telemetry equipment for flood ultrasonic facility, for Mr P Barlow

( Environment Agency ). Clr Findlay proposed no objection, seconded by Clr Irving-Little, all in favour . Resolved.

2008/01432 Land adjacent to Davidstow Wood. Erection of 20 wind turbines. Consultation & Observations only on the proposals. Clr Bannister proposed it be rejected for all the same points that were applied to theTichbarrow application ( Ecological, archaeological sensitivity.visual impact, bird safety & dubious economics ), seconded by Clr Rodda, 7 votes in favour of rejection with 1 abstention, Resolved.

11.06Traffic/Road Closure : Clr Findlay reported some patching will take place soon in Under Rd.

11.07Regeneration report : NCDC & in particular Jane Robins lead the Objective One very successfully.

Flood Safety Operation Manual ( 50 pages ) is in preparation.



12.01County Councillors report : Co Clr Brown said that the appointments of the One Cornwall CEO & 5 Directors were being advertised in late September. It was hoped that they could be approved by end of December.

Details of One Stop Shops could be found in the latest news sheet.

Clr Brown has a fund allocation of £3000 for deserving causes . It is suggested that the Recreation Centre apply for a sum towards the cost of setting up a Museum & Archive. Clerk will contact Dave Ferrett.

12.02 District Councillors report: None,

12.03 Playground / Field report : Committee meeting to be arranged. There

will be one more invoice for cutting grass.

12.04Correspondence: see separate list. Possible additional flood monies

Allocation request. by Harbour Secretary ( C Key ) and Boscastle Recreation Centre Archive & Museum. Malcolm Drover quote for repairing benches is accepted. Clerk to pursue to completion and finalise the exact costs involved.

Vacancy for FMPC third representative on the Village Hall Committee to be advertised.on the notice boards.

12.05Accounts : Authorisation of cheques presented was proposed by Clr Rodda

Seconded by Clr Day, all in favour Resolved.

No further business Chairman closed the meeting at 21 03 hrs.

Bob Smith (Clerk) Signed Chairman……….