GSE Algebra 1 Dickerson Middle School 2016-2017
Ms. Curran: Ms. Jones:
Blog: Blog:
Course Description
Algebra 1is an Advanced Content Class. It is part of the accelerated math program in Cobb County middle schools and is the first in a sequence of mathematics courses designed to prepare students to take Advanced Placement Calculus in high school. The curriculum and instructional strategies for this course are differentiated in content, pacing, process, skills emphasis, and expectation of student outcomes from the typical ninth grade Algebra 1 course. Curriculum content has been designed for mastery and extension of state and district content standards. The course is appropriate for students who have high achievement and interest in mathematics. Students are placed in this course due to demonstrated exceptional ability and motivation. Ongoing assessments will be given throughout the course including homework checks, quizzes, tests, exams, and activities in the classroom.
Unit 1: Relationships Between QuantitiesUnit 4: Modeling/Analyzing Exponential Functions
Unit 2: Reasoning with Equations & InequalitiesUnit 5: Comparing & Contrasting Functions
Unit 3:Modeling & Analyzing QuadraticsUnit 6: Describing Data
Additional information and a list of standards for this course can be found on the Cobb County website via the “Academics” link or at
Houghton, Mifflin, & Harcourt’s Georgia Coordinate Algebra. Students will have hardcopy and online access. Login information can be found on the blog.
Grade Categories:
Tests 40%
Quarter Exams 10%
EOC 20% (May 2017)
*Please remember that this is a high school level course, therefore grades are cumulative for the semester. Students will receive report cards at the end of each quarter; however, the math grade will be considered a progress report until the final report card at the end of the semester.
Students will have the opportunity to learn more about and use Texas Instruments graphing calculators. Some units are more appropriate for the use of calculators than others, and a class set will be provided at those times. Students are encouraged to purchase their own TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculators as they will be useful in the Accelerated Math program continued in high school. However, this is not a mandatory purchase. If you do not wish to buy a calculator, then please consider contributing one pack of Triple A (AAA) batteries to help keep the class set running throughout the year. Thank you.
Homework will be given regularly and will be posted on the blog. These assignments will be reviewed daily and will be randomly checked for completion. Assignments will be given a 100%, 50%, or 0% based upon the amount of completion. Students should attempt homework using class notes and examples with the intent of mastering the assigned material.
Learning Checks:
Learning checks are unannounced, are graded for accuracy, and are included as part of the homework grade.
Tests and Quizzes:
Tests and quizzes will be announced in advance.
Exams: Exams are cumulative and given at the end of each quarter. A final cumulative exam called the EOC (End of Course assessment) is given in May to all Algebra 1 students in both high school and middle school.
Students are expected to be on time for class and be prepared with books, pencils, materials, three-ring-binder and student agenda. Written work should always be done in pencil. The student agenda very clearly states the rules of the school. In general, students are expected to be polite and show respect toward teachers, toward each other, and toward the Dickerson community, including our classroom and environment. Students know what it means to be “well behaved”!
The student is allowed as many days to make up work as the length of the excused absence, including making up tests. However, if a student is absent on the test day only, he or she is expected to take that test upon returning to school.
Supplies and Binder:
A 1 inch 3-ring binderseparated by dividers (“Notes”, “Homework/Classwork”, “Returned Tests & Quizzes”), calculator, loose-leaf notebook paper, graph paper, pencils, red pen, expo marker, handheld pencil sharpener (optional).
I have read and understand the 2016/2017Algebra 1 syllabus.
Date ______
Student name ______Student Signature ______
Parent signature ______Parent Email ______