May 28, 2016 Beast of the East

-Each U11/13/15 game willconsistof twotwentyminutehalves. Gamesare scheduledevery 60 minutes.

-U9 game will consist of two ten minute halves and five minute half. Games are scheduled every 30 minutes.

-Every team willplay at least3 games.

-Warm up foryourgame onthe side of thefield or across the street and be prepared to start yourgame immediatelyatthe scheduledtime.

-At the conclusionof yourgame,shaketheotherteamshand and leavethebencharea. Do not linger as we are on a very tight schedule.

  1. TIME:

Onetimeout per game. Timeoutswillbe 30secondslong.

Notime outsinthe last 2 minutesof the game.

Clockwillcontinueto runduringtimeout.

Time willbe kept separately at eachfield. Therunningclockwillonlystop foraninjurythat haltsplay.

Overtime periods will be played. Games ending in ties will be decided by a (3) Minute Running Clock, Sudden Death OT, Full Team (No Braveheart Format).


WPYLA game rulesapply except as noted below.

Exception: 5 goal mercy rule– ball is givento a losingteam that trails byfive ormore goalsat midfield, regardless of whichteam scores.

Face-offsaftereach goal andthe beginningof eachhalfandovertime. Unlessoneteam isaheadby5 ormore goals.

Officialswillkeepthe officialscore.

All penaltieswillbe oneminute. Thepenalty willbegin onofficial’srestartof play afterpenalty iscalled.Penalties are runningtime. TheScorer’sTable willkeeppenalty time.

In the eventof a penalty on thegoalie the penalty willbe served by the in-homeplayer.

Any fighting or flagrant disrespect toward an official will result in expulsion for the remainder of the tournament. No Exceptions, No Refunds. FRYLAX officials shall be the final decision maker for this rule.

NO DOGS ARE ALLOWED! (Seeing Eye Dogs are the only exception.) Please communicate this to all of your parents.

We reservethe rightto shorten games orcancel games due to inclementweather.

A team mayhave a maximumof four(4)longpoles onthe field at onetime.

Clean up Bench Areas after games: Each coach is asked to ensure that the bench area is picked-up after each game.

Trashcansare availablenear the benchareas andtrashbagsifneededare availableinthe concession stand. If sidelineislefta messfollowinga game, tournament officialsreservethe rightto assessa penalty and the team will start the following game short-handed. PLEASE CLEAN UP YOUR TENT AREA AS WELL. Every team must supply one clean-up person to police the entire area from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Water: Eachteam isresponsibleforsupplying their ownwater.

  1. HOME TEAM: Thehome team: (a) isthe FIRST team listedontheschedule;(b) willhave theirchoiceof bencharea (both teams areto be onthe sametouchlinewithall parentsand supportersonthe opposite sideof the field);(c)shallchangejerseysor wearpinneyswhenthere isa colorconflictinuniforms. Remember to bring pinneys.
  1. BALLS: Each team must supply 18 new, white balls at the beginning of the day. All remaining balls will be divided between teams at the end of the day.
  1. TEAM SCORERS AND TABLE REPS: Each team mustsupply1 adultat the scorer’stableforevery game your team plays. Your game will not start until your adult is at the scoring table. Your game will also be shortened if this person is late. FRYLAX reserves the right to have the officials assess a penalty for excessive time to supply your timer or for repeat violations.
  1. COACHES: Each team must havea non-playingadult(21 yearsorolder) designatedas itscoachateach game.Ifthe regularcoachisnotavailable fora game orhasbeensentoff,anotheradultmust fillthe roleof coach.

May 28, 2016 Beast of the East (cont.)

  1. RESOLUTION OF PROBLEMS OR DISPUTES: The league schedulerswillmake all finalrulings/decisionsonany and all problemsordisputes.
  1. TOURNAMENT OFFICIALS: Thetournament committee(Dave Perry and Amy Johnson) reservesthe righttochangetournament rulesto accommodate unforeseencircumstancesand to benefit the players.
  1. CASTS, SPLINTS, and KNEE BRACES: Casts, splintsandkneebracesare allowedprovided theyare(intheopinionof the referee)adequately covered and paddedsoas to eliminatethe possibilityof itscausinginjurytothe otherplayers onthe field.Playersmay wearnojewelry.Pleasesee NFHSrulesforfurtherclarification.
  1. BLOOD-BORNE PATHOGEN PROCEDURES: Thefollowingprocedureswillbe followedto minimizethe riskof infectionby blood-borne diseases. Any playerorofficialwhoisbleeding must leavethe field of play immediately toreceive medicaltreatment,and maynotreturnuntilthe situationiscorrectedto the satisfactionof the refereeas follows:

Thebleeding isstopped, the blood hasbeenremoved fromtheskinsurface,thecontaminatedskinhasbeen disinfected,and the woundiscovered.

If thereisblood ontheuniform,it must be washedfromthe uniform andthe uniformdisinfected


Oncelightninghasbeendetected 12 miles away, the FRYLAXtournament directorwillreceiveacallfrom public safety. At that point,the directorwillthengiveusa warningto letusknowstormsare moving in. Oncelightninghasbeendetected at the 6 milemark,the hornswill sound alongwith an announcementthat the fields are to becleared. Thehornwillsoundand anannouncementmade whenit issafe to return to play (lightning/thunder freeinthe6 mile radiusfor 30 minutes). EveryoneMUSTgoto theircars andnot returnto the fields untilthe hornsoundsthe secondtime and anannouncementismade that it is safe to returnto play.

If thereisa raindelay, eachteam mustappoint a representative(who canmakedecisionsforthe team) to meetat the registrationtable inthe pavilion area (the onlypeople not requiredto go to theircars). It willthenbe collectivelydecided ifgames willbe shortenedorifagamewillbe skippedbased onhowlongtheraindelay is.




Charcoalgrillsare not permitted. Propane grills are acceptable.

Pleaseplace trashintobags andplace intrash containersprovided throughoutthe area forbothnon-recyclableitems aswellas recyclableitems.

All noparkingsignswillbe enforced. Cars will be towed.

Portable restroomfacilitiesare available.

Tents may only be setup in the designated areas.