EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/30/1997
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. / 1709.11_14
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FSH 1709.11 – civil rights handbook
Chapter 10 – civil Rights program management
/ Forest Service handbook
williams, arizona
chapteR 10 – civil rights program management
Supplement No.: 1709.11-97-1
Effective Date: September 30, 1997.
Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.
Approved: CONNY J. FRISCHForest Supervisor / Date Approved: 09/30/1997
Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document name. Remove entire document and replace with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. The last supplement to this Handbook was 1709.11-97-1 to FSH 1709.11, 14. This is a technical supplement that converts the format and style of this FSH Title from Applixware to the current corporate word processing application.
New Document(s): / 1709.11_14 / 8 PagesSuperseded Document(s)
by Issuance number and Effective Date / 1709.11, 14
(Kaibab supplement 1709.11-97-1, dated September 30, 1997) / 8 Pages
1709.11, 14 -This entire supplement has been reformatted and replaced, so that the supplement text on the Service-wide Directives Home Page in the Forest Service Web/Intranet ( corresponds with the supplement text on the Forest Service Directives Home Page in the Forest Service World wide Web/Internet (
Although some minor typographical and technical errors have been corrected, substantive direction has not been changed.
14 - Civil Rights Committees
Exhibit 1 is the charter and bylaws for the Kaibab Civil Rights Committee. Exhibit 2 is the operating procedures for the Committee.
14 - Exhibit 01
The Kaibab Civil Rights Committee (hereinafter referred to in this document as the Committee) is authorized to organize and function in accordance with the provisions of FSH 1709.11. Within the Forest, the Committee will function under the overall leadership, direction and guidance of the Forest Supervisor, designated as the Assistant Deputy Equal Employment Opportunity Officer for the Forest. As head of the Forest Leadership Team, the Forest Supervisor will employ Leadership Team members to promote communication and interaction with the Committee.
In fulfilling its advisory role, the Committee will review proposed policy and procedures which relate to or impact civil rights on the Forest, making such suggestions and recommendations as it feels appropriate and necessary. The Committee will discuss and recommend to the Forest Supervisor and Forest Leadership Team methods which will assist in establishing and carrying out a more effective Civil Rights Program on the Forest.
The Committee representation is comprised of various interests, race, sex, and skills which provide a good cross-section of the Forest population and will include men, women, minorities, non-minorities, and grade level range. Participation in the Committee is established in accordance with the criteria and requirements of membership as set forth in the Bylaws.
ARTICLE I. Name. The name of this group shall be the "Kaibab Civil Rights Committee".
ARTICLE II. Functions. The Kaibab Civil Rights Committee will assist the Forest Supervisor in carrying out Civil Rights responsibilities as follows:
A. Advise the Forest Supervisor and the Forest Leadership Team on the appropriateness, adequacy, and effectiveness of policy and programs directly related to or impacting Civil Rights Programs.
B. Monitor continuing Civil Rights programs and activities.
- Make suggestions for changes in these activities that will serve to reinforce and strengthen the Forest's Civil Rights Program.
14 - Exhibit 01--Continued
D. Recommend special programs or projects stressing a diverse workforce for adoption by the Forest.
E. Provide an additional channel of communication between employees and the Forest Supervisor.
ARTICLE III. Scope of Committee Responsibility. The Committee advises the Forest Supervisor and Forest Leadership Team on Forest-wide civil rights matters. In order that the Committee may have the advice, knowledge, and assistance of special field and subject-matter specialists which it deems necessary in carrying out its function, members are hereby authorized to consult any individual employee or group of employees, Region-wide, regarding any subject relating to civil rights. This communication will help in fostering an affirmative Civil Rights Program for the Forest.
ARTICLE IV. Relationship to Management. By the nature of its function, the Committee serves both management and employees, giving advice and counsel in the best interests of employees and agency. The Committee serves as a channel of communications for employees and gathers information from both employees and management.
ARTICLE V. Membership. Membership shall be open to all Forest Service employees with non-temporary appointments. The Committee shall consist of Special Emphasis Program Managers, Dependant Care Coordinator, Forest Leadership Team representative, the Forest representative to the Regional Multicultural Leadership Committee, one member from each Ranger District, one member from the Supervisor's Office, one Member-at-Large, and the Personnel Officer.
A. The Regional Multicultural Leadership Committee Representative, Forest Leadership Team Representative and the Forest Personnel Officer will be standing members of the Committee.
B. Members will be selected as follows:
A vacancy announcement shall be issued and interested candidates from the specified unit may apply. Selection shall be made by the Forest Supervisor in conjunction with concerned District Ranger or work unit supervisor.
C. Committee membership terms shall be two years from date of appointment, with appointments staggered in order to provide continuity among Committee members.
D. When members leave the Committee prior to expiration of their term, replacements will be solicited for the remainder of the term.
14 - Exhibit 01--Continued
E. Appropriate committee member will designate a representative to attend committee meetings in member's absence, with approval of line officer.
F. New members shall be encouraged to take the NISC Correspondence Course, "EEO--Its Place in Federal Government", or an equivalent course, within the first year of term.
ARTICLE VI. Meetings.
A. Regular meetings of the Committee shall be held at least semi-annually at a location designated by the Committee.
B. Special meetings of the Committee may be called by the Chairperson at any time deemed necessary. Any member of the Committee may recommend to the Chairperson the need for a special meeting.
C. The Committee Chairperson or other Committee representative(s) shall meet at least semi-annually with the Forest Leadership Team (FLT) to consult on the status of the Civil Rights Program.
D. The Committee will elect the Chairperson and Chairperson-Elect for one year terms.
E. Meetings of the Committee are open to all employees.
F. The Chairperson-Elect shall serve as Executive Secretary of the Committee and, in conjunction with the Chairperson, will:
1. Solicit agenda items from Committee members.
2. Transmit agenda for all meetings.
3. Maintain a permanent record of all meetings.
4. Distribute copies of the minutes of all meetings to the Committee members and the Forest Leadership Team on a timely basis.
14 - Exhibit 02
I. How the Forest-wide Committee selects Civil Rights issues and acts upon them.
A. Situation Identification.
1. The Chairperson shall send a formal letter to all members 30 days before each meeting soliciting issues that demand the Committee's attention and action.
a. Members shall respond to the chair 15 days prior to the upcoming meeting. A negative reply is required.
B. Situation Assessment, Selection and Priority for Action
1. All situations identified will be presented and debated by the Committee. There will be an opportunity to present new situations not previously identified during the meeting as time allows.
2. After debate and upon a majority vote, the Committee shall:
a. Reject the situation as being outside the Committee's scope.
b. Accept the situation for development of alternatives for resolution at current meeting.
c. Accept the situation but defer action until other resource inputs have been consulted.
d. Accept the situation and calendar it for a future meeting date.
3. Each situation will be given a numerical priority.
II. Development and Transmittal of Written Recommendations
A. The format for written recommendations shall consistently contain the elements below:
1. Situation (brief description of problem)
2. Situation statement (summary of current situation)
3. Alternatives
4. Written recommendations, which include an implementation date.
14 - Exhibit 02--Continued
B. Recommendations developed and approved by the Committee are transmitted under a formal letter from the chair to the Forest Supervisor within 30 days after the meeting.
C. The Committee will follow up on the recommendation(s) approved by the Forest Supervisor. The Personnel Management Staff shall provide the Committee with a status report of the action taken on the recommendation(s) at each meeting. This update shall be included in the Committee's log book.
III. Agenda Development
A. The agenda will be developed by the Committee Chairperson and Chairperson-Elect.
B. Agenda Format
1. Introduction
a. Committee members and visitors introduced.
b. Administrative details.
c. Review agenda.
d. Goals and objectives of the meeting emphasized.
2. Minutes will be:
a. Read by Executive Secretary.
b. Corrected where appropriate.
c. Approved by Committee.
3. Visitor's open forum.
4. Civil Rights update by Personnel Management Staff and Regional Multicultural Leadership Committee member.
5. Hear Committee reports and vote on recommendations of issues in process.
6. Discuss, debate, schedule, and make assignments of new issues.
7. Other new issues.
8. Set location and dates for next meeting.
14 - Exhibit 02--Continued
B. Agenda Transmittal
1. Members shall receive the agenda from the Chairperson-Elect prior to the meeting.
2. Agenda shall be sent directly to members and not through normal channels. Copies of the agenda shall be mailed to the Forest Leadership Team.
3. Meeting place and agenda items shall be identified in each agenda.